Hamilton AU

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Lena Luthor leans back against the bar, whiskey in hand next to her friend, Maggie Sawyer. "Why are we at this winter ball, anyway?" Lena asks. She was dressed in a nice suit with a black tailcoat jacket accommodated with gold buttons.

"Because we were invited. Well, you were. You took me cause I'm your bodyguard." Maggie was dressed similarly to her but in blue.

"You're my right-hand man," Lena corrects. "Not my bodyguard."

Maggie shrugs. "I'm both. Plus, we need to get out there. Be social. Who knows? Maybe even get a lady," she teases, nudging her with her elbow.

Lena rolls her eyes. "Please. I know we're perfectly capable with the ladies-"

"And there are so many to deflower."

"-and looks are proximity to power, but no one's appealed to me yet."

"Keyword is yet, my dear Little Luthor. Look around." Maggie pauses to take a sip of her rum. "Look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now."

"I came here to be a new woman. History's happening and it just happened to be in National City."

"Not what I meant. What I meant was you're lucky to be alive because there are so many women who would literally throw themselves at you. You're Lena fucking Luthor. Who wouldn't want you?"

"My mother," Lena says nonchalantly as she takes a sip of her drink.

Maggie rolled her eyes and ignores her. "Whatever. She doesn't matter. Hey, I heard that the Danvers sisters were supposed to come tonight."

Lena raised an eyebrow at her and looked over at her. "Is that the only reason why you pressured me into coming? Just because you have it bad for the dynamic sisterly duo?"

"No, it's because I wanted you to get a good look at them. They're a piece of art. They're the envy of all." Maggie's eyes wander to the entrance. "Speaking of which, here they are."

Lena followed her eyes and hers landed on the blonde. Her eyes widened and her jaw visibly dropped at the sight of her. She was gorgeous. She, too, was dressed in a suit, but it was all white, only with a black bowtie and blue pocket square. Her curled hair was flowing down on her shoulders and lightly bounced as she walked alongside her sister.

"Damn," Lena whispered. She collected herself when she heard Maggie snicker beside her. She turned her attention back to her. "What?"

"And you say I've got it bad."

Lena rolls her eyes and shoved her shoulder lightly. "Shut up."

Maggie grinned. "If you could marry a sister, you're rich, sis."

Lena raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "Is it a question of if, Mags, or which one?"

When Kara walked in the room, almost instantly, all eyes were on her and her sister. They were the Danvers Sisters. The CEOs of Danvers and Co.. One of the richest families in the city, possibly the state or country, next to the Luthors, of course.

"You okay there, sis?" Alex asked her. She was in a long, black dress, a light, leather jacket over her shoulders.

"Yeah. Fine." Kara's eyes trailed over the room as she grabbed flutes of champagne for herself and her sister. Her eyes stopped at the bar as she handed her sister her drink. "Who's at the bar?" she asked as they positioned themselves near the wall, across from the bar of what she spoke of.

Alex looked over to where she was talking about and her eyes widened. "Lena Luthor and Maggie Sawyer. CEO of L-Corp and her right-hand man and bodyguard." Alex glanced over at her sister out of her peripheral vision, seeing Kara staring at the young Luthor. "You've got it bad."

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