Footage- Your One-Shot Pt. 2

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so i had this as an original one-shot idea but i decided to make it part 2 of your one-shot so here we go buds

Lena collapsed in her chair, sighing as she closed her eyes. After a five hour meeting with some restless, old men trying to take her company away from her, it was a long day. Now, it was dark in the city from the meeting taking up the rest of her evening.

She pressed her intercom. "Jess, can you get me my order of Big Belly Burger?"

"Right away, Ms. Luthor."

"Thank you." She leaned back even more, trying to push away the thoughts of a certain reporter bringing her the exact same fast food she'd just ordered. It's been almost two months and she thought she got the distance she needed, but the back of her mind said otherwise.

"Ms. Luthor? Ms. Danvers is here to see you." Lena's eyes opened and narrowed at the speaker. Speak of the devil. Neither one of them has been in contact with each other. It would be weird for her to show up especially if she was the one with the last word; that was rare considering she was going against a Luthor.

She sat back up, pressing the intercom and rubbing her eyes at the same time. "Tell her I'm busy."

"It's actually Director Danvers, and she's being quite persistent." Lena groaned internally. She didn't want to get on Alex's bad side again, or even more for that matter. She didn't know where she stood with the others, to be honest. 

She pressed the intercom again, muttering, "Go home after you send her in." A few seconds later, Alex walked in, closing the door behind herself.

Lena opened her eyes and sat up, putting on the cold, CEO mask she just wore in the meeting. "You have two minutes, Di—"

"I'm going to stop you right there," she said, coming up to her desk, crossing her arms across her leather jacket. "I'm not here as Director, I just said that so I could get in, considering your... position you're in."

"You don't get to determine the position that I'm in, Alex," Lena said, getting up and over to her minibar to pour herself a drink. When she uncapped the scotch, Alex's hand on her wrist made her stop.

"Drinking is not going to help anything," she told her softly. Lena looked at her truly this time, seeing only concern for her. "Trust me."

Lena put down the bottle and chose one of water instead, going back behind her desk. "What did you need?"

Alex shoved her hands in her pockets, toeing her left heel with her right. "I know you and Kara are not on good terms."

Lena stifles a snort as she sipped at her water.

"But she didn't do it because you were a Luthor." Dark, cold green eyes shot up at her, but that didn't scare her. "She did it to protect you."

"Alex, I've been betrayed and stabbed in the back ever since I've arrived in the Luthor Mansion, you really think that I can't take this one?"

"Yes," she says immediately with a nod. "Because she was your first friend in National City, your real family. And without her, you wouldn't have anyone else that you have right now."

"Well, who's to say they didn't deceive me, either?"

Alex works her jaw as she stares back at her. "At least I fooled you but not her."

Lena raised an eyebrow. "Come again?"

"Lena, for months I had my memory erased!" she exclaimed. "Everyone except you knew that for six months, that wasn't the real me." Alex scoffs shaking her head. "And to think you would know when someone's lying to you. But Kara, Kara didn't lie."

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