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15. "I'd kill for a coffee... literally."

The first time Lena slept over was a doozy for both of them.

And that's because they didn't have sex.

Yeah, you heard me right.

Lena worked late. And I mean late. I'm talkin' like, 5 AM LATE.

It was purely coincidental that Kara was out as Supergirl, stopping a (late night? early morning?) robbery around that time...

Supergirl sighed as she whipped into her uniform, yawning as she flew out the window, following the sirens as the sun crept up slowly. "Not the time, criminals," she muttered, blasting forward faster in hopes to wake her up.

Criminals were stopped and Kara could say this time she actually did it in her sleep because she was that tired. 

Maggie yawns as she steps out her cruiser, blinking awake at the scene. "If it were just me here, I'd probably be shooting in the dark."

Kara yawns with her as she steps over. "Yeah, it's too early for this." Her brow furrows as she blinks a few times, turning to see the light that was on high above the city, and doesn't know whether to sigh, sputter, or mutter a Kryptonian curse.

She does a mix of four in English. "Goddamn."  

Maggie turns to follow her line of sight and her eyebrows go up. "Okay, she needs to stop."

"This is the latest it's ever been."

"Go get her," Maggie says with a nudge of her shoulder. "We've got it from here." She shakes her head when she gets blasted with wind. "Damn Supers and Luthors."

Kara landed on the balcony and softly walked in the open door, clicking her heels a bit so Lena could hear her and she saw the CEO open her eyes a bit, turning her head where it laid on her fist. "Hey, Kara," she yawned.

"You need to stop staying so late."

"S'not that late," she mumbles, typing on her computer with one hand, glancing over to the clock and sighed. "Okay, it might be a bit late." Then she shrugs. "Or early, whichever you prefer."

"Come on." Kara moves behind her to roll the chair away from her desk, getting a whine from the Luthor. "You need to sleep."

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Lena muttered, trying to reach for her scotch but it was too far out of her reach. "Booze keeps me going."

"And will give you a hangover in the morning." She takes Lena's outstretched arms to pull her up and stumble once before she swept her up, bridal style. 

"Kara Zor-El put me down."

"I'll put you down when you have pajamas on and in bed," she says, walking out to the balcony.

"You know I hate flying."

"Do you see any other way of getting out of here without you falling asleep standing up?"

"I could call my driver—"

"You already sent him home yesterday when I left with Alex when she was visiting Kelly at work nearby."

"I can call him back—"

"You won't have anyone to take care of you when you get a hangover."

"I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself—"

"When you're a drunk, hungover mess, no, you cannot." Lena tiredly glares at her and Kara does not stand down.

She sighs, dropping her head down in the crook of her neck to shield her face from the wind and early rising sun. "Fine," she mumbles. "You win."

"Aw, you're cute when you're tired."

"Shut up n' fly," Lena mumbled. Kara's body rumbles with a chuckle as she descends in the air slowly, flying them back to her apartment gently, considering she heard Lena's heartbeat slow down enough that she was falling asleep.


Lena blinked awake slowly, groaning with a small headache. She sat up on her elbows, not recognizing where she was for a split moment before realizing she was in Kara's room.

The usual sunniness was toned down, curtains pulled over the windows, making the light less harsh.

She stood up to go to the bathroom before padding out softly to the kitchen where Kara was typing on her computer, glasses on her head and her water next to her.

She took her in for a moment, loving the sight when she was in complete focus and in her zone. "Hey." The blonde stopped and smiled at her softly. 

"Hey, sleepy."

Lena groaned as she walked over to her, plopping her head down on her shoulder with another groan. "Time is it?"


"And you're not at work?!!" Lena sputters. "I'm not at work?!??"

"I called Jess, told her that you stayed late and needed a day and she totally agreed."

"What about CatCo?"

Kara waves her off. "Journalism is fine. Plus, I have a couple articles I still need to finish."

Lena's head pounded all of a sudden and she went over to sit across from the blonde, groaning as she put her head in her arms. "Do you have food? Or coffee?" She picks her head up to look at her friend over her computer. "I'd kill for a coffee right now, this is not a good start."

"Yeah, 'cause you stayed at work very late with nothing but booze in your system," Kara says, poking at her arm.

"Kara Danvers, I am not to be messed with right now. I am no morning person and I am definitely grumpy before I have my coffee."

"Well, I don't have any," Kara says with a close of her computer. "I ran out and forgot to pick some up."

"I'd kill for a coffee... literally, Danvers."

"Sooo you're not joking about the coffee."

"Does it sound like I'm joking?" Lena grumbles, turning her head at the opening of the door with the hero.

"Which is why I called them."

"Heyyy grumpy pants," Kelly teased, holding up a coffee holder that had a bag in between the drinks.

"Kelly Olsen, I love you forever."

"Back off, she's mine," Alex threatened, bringing over a humongous bag of food from Noonan's.

Kara plucked the frappuccino from the holder, Lena taking the hot mug and sighing in relief when the caffeine hits her system. "Trust me, I have no intentions of taking Kelly from you."

"Good." Alex takes the other hot coffee and hands Kelly the iced coffee, grinning at her small kiss as she placed food around the island. "Sandwiches, nachos, donuts, fries, coffee cake, burgers, every hangover food you can think of. Also enough to feed an army and Kryptonian."

"Thank you," Kara sing-songed, grinning at her sister who scoffs and rolls her eyes, nonetheless with a grin.

"Yeah, whatever." She ruffled Kara's hair, looking back and forth between the Super and Luthor. "So what happened last night?"

Lena almost choked on her coffee and Kara coughed and turned red. "You really think they're screwing?" Kelly asked.

"It's a legitimate question!" Alex defends with her hands out.

"They haven't even admitted feelings yet!"

"Total bull crap."

"Wait, what feelings?" Kara asked Lena once her coughing fit was done.

"I need booze," Lena muttered, taking a huge gulp of coffee.

getting around to some more prompts. stay tuned! also, Im going on a trip from Monday to Wednesday and I'm unsure if I can bring my computer to write more, but we'll see.

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