break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored

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You got me some type of way (Hmm)
Ain't used to feelin' this way (Mmm-mmm)

When Lena first saw Kara, she knew something was set off inside her, she just didn't know exactly what it was. Yeah, she was attractive, a cute, meek, little soon-to-be reporter, and even more so importantly, her soon-to-be best friend. 

I do not know what to say (Yeah, yeah)
But I know I shouldn't think about it

Kara was practically speechless when she met her. Stammering over her words, ducking her head down with a smile and maybe a concealed blush... Gave Lena some signs. 

Took one fuckin' look at your face (Hmm)
Now I wanna know how you taste (Mmm-mmm)

When they met after L-Corp's renaming and new building, Lena knew that what she felt was lust. She currently had something going on with CatCo runner James Olsen, even if it barely ment something to her. She wanted to have Kara all to herself.

Usually don't give it away (Yeah, yeah)
But you know I'm out here thinkin' 'bout it

After meeting for lunch and attending galas together, Lena couldn't help herself but bite her lip, look down and then back up at Kara every single time. And every single time she did so, Kara smiled, blushed, and fidgeted with her glasses. A little quirk Lena came to notice when she was nervous, which she thought was interesting.

Then I realized she's right there
And I'm at home like, "Damn, this ain't fair"

At one particular gala, that's when she set Lena off. She was wearing a tux, black pants, blue jacket, white bowtie against a white dress shirt underneath. She even had on a little L-Corp pin on her left lapel. The white and blue paisley pocket square that Lena got for her when she realized she liked to wear jackets instead of the traditional dress or skirt was tucked and folded neatly in her pocket.

Lena's eyebrow was quirked her way, even while she was talking to investors, still paying attention to their words. She kindly excused herself and made her way towards her friend, who so happened to also be her plus one to the event.

"How kind of you to show up," Lena playfully said to her.

Kara rolled her eyes with a smile as she took her hand. "My apologies, Ms. Luthor," she says, being extra and kissing the back of her hand, making Lena giggle and smile. "Work ran late."

"I'm glad you're here."

Kara pulled her closer, smirking small at her. "Me, too."

"Mind if we go somewhere more private?"

"Be my guest and lead the way." Lena pulled her along, dragging her away from the event. Luckily for her, she planned it at a revenue right next to L-Corp. 

Break up with your girlfriend
Yeah, yeah, 'cause I'm bored

When Lena lead her back upstairs to her office, they didn't even get there when Kara pushed her up against the wall. "Break up with your boyfriend, I'm bored," she husked in her ear, pressing her knee against her core that was under her shorter-than-average pencil skirt

"Funny," Lena almost moaned. "I was about to do that." She then did moan when Kara's lips fiercely met hers, tangling her fingers in her blonde waves that she took out of her ponytail. 

In stumbles and with barely any separation from touches, they made it to the office couch, going further from there.

You can hit it in the mornin' (Mornin')
Yeah, yeah, like it's yours

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