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Lena's had it. With the kidnapping, the threats, the quarterly assassination attempts, constantly being followed. She's done.

She's gone off the radar. No meetings, no appearances, not showing up at L-Corp, CatCo, the DEO, conventions, nothing. For two weeks.

And the news could not be eating this up even more.

"Lena Luthor gone missing-"

"No one's seen her for almost two weeks-"

"Her company's going to hell-"

"It's a good thing she's gone-"

"Could she be planning to get her mother and brother out of prison-"

"It was about time she snapped-"

"It was inevitable-"

"They're Luthors, it's what they do, they go crazy-"

"She'll be doing something off the charts sooner or later-"

"I mean, we don't know what she's up to," Ben Lockwood says from one of the CatCo screens where everyone in the office floor stopped to watch. It was midday Saturday and he was on Weekends with Alex Witt as a guest. Next to Kara, Nia looked over at her stoned face, seeing no signs of emotion except maybe anger at the man. She found her hand and squeezed it, letting her know she was there. 

The mentor turned and smiled weakly at her, softening her expression for her. "Any dreams?" she whispered.

Nia sighed silently and shook her head with a shrug. "I mean, fractures of one huge one. I'll tell you later." Kara nods and they turn back to the television.

"-we don't know whether she's planning to kill all of us here in National City like her brother did to Metropolis. Or, hell, we don't know if she'll do something to Supergirl." Kara's jaw works at that. "If she's just like her brother and mother, she'll be going after aliens, especially the Steel one. And yes, I know she's supported aliens in the past, but that could've been a facade for what's going on now."

"Turn it off," Kara says forcefully, breaking the silence other than his annoying voice.

"What if we want to watch it?" a coworker asks from the back.

"Then you can watch it on your own personal time," James says, coming out of his office and muting the screen. "This is work, and we work. If you're writing a piece on this, which you're not, Lams, that's Danvers' and Nal's piece, then you watch any and all the coverage you need. So everyone in this room who doesn't have the Luthor piece, get back to your assignments." Employees scatter, going back to their workspaces and jobs.

Nia and Kara didn't move as James walked up to them and they sighed. "The hell does that guy think he's talking about, anyway?" he mutters.

Nia squeezes her hand one more time before pulling her hand away from Kara's, knowing that James would've questioned. "Yeah," Kara mutters to her feet before looking up at him. "Any word from her on your end?"

The man shakes his head. "No, she hasn't talked to me since..." he shook his head again. "Doesn't matter."

"James, whatever we can get," Nia says, "whatever scraps we pull together, it will give us at least something."

Kara pulled her lips in and smiled at her words before turning back to James when he sighed. "Valentines Day," he muttered. "She dumped me and kicked me out the Royce."

"Ouch," Nia says with a scrunch of her face. 

"I'm gonna go approve layouts. Call if you find anything." He walks off, bitter.

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