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• Moniyan Academy •


Chapter XIII : Ordinary Sleepover


Tonight is your very first sleepover on Dyrroth and Silvanna's home, Silvanna told you and your friends not to worry about the things because they had everything on the mansion but things get going as she explains. As soon as they finally arrived at the mansion, Dyrroth rang the doorbell then the gate swang slowly.

Everyone went inside immediately and Selena greeted you first because she became close to you since you met her, Selena noticed that someone accompanied for the sleepover. Harith, since it's his first time and new from this, was introduced to her and she introduced him as well then they welcomed them inside.

Everyone sat down except Dyrroth, who went upstairs first, and quietly waited then Selena brought the extra clothes so they could change. Selena escorts the boys on the guest room while you escorts Nana with her to the other room, "You know a lot of these, do 'ya?" She teased you.

"N-not really, I just show you where we could change, Nana." You said with a nervously chuckled. While changing you heard a loud thud and strange noise on the other room which you made yourself change quickly and check what it is but you heard Harley squealed.

"Was that Harley? We should probably chec—" Nana cut you off and stopped you with her undeniable smirked.

"Let them be, they both having fun together and.." Nana said remarkably with her relieved looking, "I'm glad he's enjoying it with us and my cousin."

Other POV

Selena closed the door for their privacy and left. As soon as she closed, Harith put his bag down while Harley dragged his bag and immediately read his textbook on the bed.

"Harley, you're supposed to change your clothes first." Harith frowned while unbuttoned his shirt.

Harley groaned, "What are you? My mom? I'm doing this for you to get that girl out of your sight." Harith sighed, snatched his textbook and pushed him on the bed then pinned, "W-what the hell are you doing!?" Harley yelled and felt embarrassed.

"Are you into me now, Harley? Or did you find something interesting on me?" He said and let his tongue out.

"Let go of me and stop flexing me with your stupid four pack hidden abs or something!" Harley forced pushing him out of the bed but Harith refused and can't help teasing him more, "God damn it, Harith. Just let me go!"

"Hug and I'll let go of you."

"Put a shirt on, you cat!"

"What's the magic word?"

"Please put a shirt on, I promise I'll change my clothes, stupid cat." Harith chuckled and let go of him so Harith get changed.

Harley changed quickly once he was shirtless, Harith noticed that he's quite skinny yet his body were in feminine shape. "Harley, do you.. eat well?"

"Yeah, my body's always like this since I was a little." Harley said, "Just don't mind my disgusting bo—" Harith hugged from the back and kept quiet.

Harith leaned nearly on his ear and opened his mouth, "Your body is not disgusting, Harley." He whispered gently, "I'll cook you for your lunch if you want, I really want to protect you, Harley. No matter what happens, I'm always here for you." Harith swore him so bad as he said to him then he let go of him, "But don't treat your body badly."

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