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Chapter II: Into the Unknown


No one POV

"Let me keep you safe..." The silvered headed demon pulled you from his arms, "Princess." He smirked.

Alucard arrived then saw you, "Princess— Don't you dare hurt her!" Alucard groaned at him, "Take her back to us." The demon laughed evily and grinned.

"I won't.. You know it's your fault that you let go of her." He stroked your hair gently, "So... I won't bring it to you." He stick his tongue out and rest his head to your shoulder.

Alucard looks pissed at his annoying voice, "Just bring it to me or else..." He reached his hands.

".. or else?" He raised his eyebrow and grinned, "Trying to kill me? You know you can't defeat me with that pathetic swo—" You heard a gunshot and it almost hit you from your head, "You know it missed!" He continue to laughed, "Well, it seems the demon hunter boy got out of his luck." Alucard charged then Alice stopped him and fell down.

".. Looks like we're going now with your Princess..." He smirked and giggled, "Speaking of an angel, you seem quiet, Princess."

You kept quiet, your mind were empty it feels like you're happy but terrified at the same time, "I-I am very sorry but w-where are we going and who are you..." He looked at you then smiled.

"We'll talk about that later once we enter to my kingdom, Princess..." He remained smiling while talking to you and it's awkward too, "Woah! Stop right here, Princess." You looked at the bottomless pit then he carries you.

"W-what are you d-doing!" Your face turned red as he carries you.

"Well, we're going to jump through that pit."

"W-wait, does that mean your kingdom is—" He jumped at the pit and you screamed while hugging him tightly then you heard a crowd. You saw full of demon were here at the market area, "What in the sky is this..?" He put you down and looked around the town, "I am very amazed, uhmm..." He looked at you and smirked.

"Dyrroth, Prince of the Abyss." You stared at him and fell into silent, "You seemed speechless huh, Princess..." He touched your cheeks and licked. You jumped and covered your cheeks, "I though you're going to be as statue forever."

You chuckles, "I was just shocked that you are the Prince of this kingdom and this place is huge than Moniyan Emp—" Alice covered your mouth and you looked at her.

"You better be careful, child." She glanced at you, "They're going to eat you if you say that word."

"Oh.. I apologize." You said.

"Jeez, it was just joke, Princess." Everyone looked at your direction when he mentioned Princess, "What never seen a Human Princess before?" They all ran towards to you then you closed your eyes.

"I never seen like this before, I mean it is been a long time when I was back from the Moniyan Empire..." The random citizen said.

You were clueless when you heard what did they talked about, "You're welcome here, your highness." The crowd began to start.

"Alice, teleport us to the castle." Dyrroth grabbed your hand then Alice released her orb and teleport, "We're here, Dyrroth."

"Thanks, Mom!" He showed his huge grinned then looks at you, "Want to tour you around the castle, Princess?" You nodded then started to tour. While touring you noticed the painting, they were eight of them that includes Alice and Dyrroth.

"Like the portrait, Princess?" He whispered then you squealed a little.

"D-don't scared me like that, your maj—"

"Call me Dyrroth, it makes me feel uncomfortable when they called me that." He said then shrugged, "By the way, what's your name, Princess? I think you forgot that, huh?"

"M-my name is (y/n), Princess from Moniyan Empire." You bowed then he touched your chin. You both looked at each other, "Is there something wrong, Dyrroth?" He leaned closer to you then you started to nervous because you don't know what is wrong with him, "Dyrroth?"

You closed you eyes shut, "Dyrroth, please don't make me feel worried." He finally stopped as you pleased him.

"I'm sorry, I think I haven't eaten this day..." He said and laughed nervously. You pulled out something on your dress then give a bread to him, "What is this, (y/n)?"

"A bread, don't you want to eat it?" He has no idea what you give to him, "You never seen or eat this bread before?" You asked him then he shake his head.

"What's a bread?" He tilted his head, "Can you describe it as a sentence?" He showed his cute position.

"Well, it's soft and fluffy, it also made out of wheat which is healthy to your body." He widened his eyes then snatched the bread you were holding. He ate the bread then he started to drooling all over his mouth which he wanted another one.

"I want another one, (y/n)."

"Too bad but that was last bread I got, Dyrroth." You chuckles then he starts to whines, "But we need some ingredients to make a delicious bread." You said then he tackled you.

Your face turns red when he leaned closer, "Tell me, I'll do anything for the bread." He wiggled his tail.

"D-dyrroth! You shouldn't tackle me!" You raised your voice then you heard footsteps coming toward.

"What was that noise?" You heard a lousy terrified voice coming from the hallway.

"Helcurt, I didn't know you're here." The creature stopped as he looks at you, "You never seen a human before?"

"Dyrroth, there you are, Thamuz wanted to see yo—" The pink-headed frozed as she saw you. "Who's that, Dyrroth?"

"Oh, you mean this girl? This is Princess (y/n) from Moniyan Empire." He smiled.

"Thamuz is going to be mad, if you brought another human here in your castle especially a Princess." Helcurt sweats nervously as he said that.

"What's this situation going on here?" The armored demon came then looks at you, "Dyrroth, didn't I tell you that you didn't bring another human here in the Abyss?"

"You did but she's a princess, she save me because I haven't eat anything." He explained, "Also she doesn't want to go back at her castle because she's been locked up when she was a little." You widened your eyes, you haven't told him about you have been locked up at the castle.


"Then she run away that's how Alice and I saw her, I mean she's been chasing by those demon hunters."

They all went silent, you were worried that the others still looking for me and found out this kingdom. "You have to send her back to that kingdom." You widened your eyes in fear.

"Oh come on, Thamuz! I've been having fun with her when she came here in the first place." Dyrroth whines then he let her go, "She also give me a delicious food."

"Food? What kind of food?" The girl starts to drool over as he mentioned food, "So Princess, what food did you bring? Human Flesh or Human Heart!"

"You're making her uncomfortable, Selena. She's a human too, are kinda dumb when it comes to food?" Helcurt groaned and face plamed himself.

"Enough!" Thamuz looked at you and kneel closer to you, "So.." He gave you a stare looking. You were sweating so bad and gulped.

"What kind of food did you give to Dyrroth?"

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