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(EDITED: 03/07/20)

Chapter III: Past


"What kind of food did you give to Dyrroth?"

"Eh..?" You were completely froze and confused of what he asked, "P-pardon me, mister?" You blinked.

Dyrroth clear his throat, "It's a so-called delicious bread." He touched your cheeks and starts to squeeze it, "It was soft and fluffy just like a smoke coming from the execution plaza~"

"D-dyrroth..." He stopped and pinched your cheeks, "It hurts."

"My bad!" He laughed then Selena punched him, "What the hell did I do, Selena!"

"Can you stop smiling? You're scaring her like so bad." Selena cracked her own knuckles and give him a sinister grin.

"Aww, you're just jealous because you didn't get to chance to eat that food." He teased her and laughed until his laughed change when he saw her form then he run away.

"Get back here, you lit-"

"Ah, here we go again." Helcurt sighed then looked at them, "Guess I'll leave now, chief." He walked away then Thamuz gave you a serious look.

"He said bread right? What is that and what does it look like?" He questioned and you smiled.

"I will make one but we need some wheat to make a bread also water." You said, "Mister, do you have a kitchen here?" You asked then he looked at you.

"We do have but there's a one problem."

"It's okay if there is a mess, I will take care of the kitchen." You were hyped up because you loved cleaning especially the kitchen too.

"You're a weird human I've ever seen." He noticed that you were wearing a dress which is looked kinda messy since you run away, "You know, you need to change first, Princess."

"Oh no, you don't have to-"

"Alice! Selena!" He shouted at the corridor then Alice and Selena appeared in front of them.

"I haven't finished him off yet." Selena whines and let out her big sighed.

"Well, it seems we have to follow some order." Alice stretched her arms.

"Why are still follow his orders, I thought you're a Blood Demon Queen?"

"So, are you too? You're a Queen of Blood Magic, Selena."

"Cut it out, you two." He yelled and he clear his throat, "Ladies, you like changing clothes, right?"

Alice shrugged, "Yeah, why are you asking us that stupid question?" Alice raised her eyebrow then suddenly Selena was extremely excited. ".. Oh see now..."

Selena grabbed your arm, "W-wait, I didn't agree wit-" Selena covered your mouth then you tried to pull it.

"Well, we agreed so that means.. to our chamber room!" She carried you then change her form into dark, "There's no turning back, Your Majesty!" You screamed as they went to their chamber.


Dyrroth POV

"Phew, now that I'm safe with that witch, I wonder why she suddenly disappear when she's about to beat me up into hell." I heard a screamed then a footstep coming from the left hallway.

"Coming through!" I heard Selena's voice and I start to freak out a little, "Watch out! Abyssal Ladies is taking this hallway!" I saw they're in a hurry which it leads to their and I knew (y/n) was the one who screamed.

I suddenly smiled and happy when I'm around her and its weird. Maybe, my mind is started to feel weird when I wasn't given any orders. I'm excited that she's making another one of it.

"That's creepy as hell, did you eat something weird, Dyrroth." The raven pale man said, "You shouldn't do that when you're around us."

"Didn't see you there, Moskov..."

"Anyway, why are you kept smiling? Is your crystal broken again?" He looked at my chest directly. I remembered back when we invaded the Moniyan Empire to take the throne. But out of nowhere, there was this girl trying to break my crystal, she believed that I was the Lost Prince. For me, I didn't believe of what she said so we retreat back to the Abyss.

"Excuse me since when did you get that serious look? Are you really okay, Dyrroth?" I kept quiet, remember all of these situation. I didn't get to chance talk to Thamuz or Alice about my own history.


"I'm sorry, I have to do some other things..." I walked away and clutching my both fists. Those that mean... (y/n) and that girl were siblings, (y/n) was my enemy. I went inside to my own chamber and locked myself up, "(y/n).." I released my anger out of my nerves and punched violently on the wall which my fists starts to swollen and bleeding.

I stopped and laid down on my bed, "There's no other choice to.. protect her..." I laughed, "I'm such an idiot, do I?" Then I heard someone knocking on the door, I walk closely at the door and take a peek at the small window.

she smell nice...

I can only see is (h/c) (h/l) hair and I don't know who that is then suddenly. "Dyrroth.. Are you here?" It was (y/n), I opened the door then I saw that her clothes change and I was speechless how beautiful is she, "I'm glad, I talk to someone so I coul-"

As soon as I pulled her in, I immediately close the door and pushed her to the bed. When she's on the bed, I pinned her. "D-dyrroth, what are you doing?" She was completely terrified because I was out of... control..

No one POV

You were both looking at each other, you felt that his saliva started to leaking out of his mouth. "Dyrroth, a-are you okay?" He didn't replied then grasped your arm tight which it cause you a lot of pain, "D-dyrroth, it h-hurts."

".. od..."


"f... od.."

His face went closer to yours, you were freaking out and scared. "FOOD!" He screamed then your hand and tried to pushed him away.

You noticed that his hands were bleeding, "Dyrroth, please snap out of it! You are worrying me." You started to cry as he still struggled to move, "You are supposed to be protecting me!" He stopped moving then fall backward.

".. I'm sorry..." He widened his eyes in fear, "I'm.. sorry, (y/n)..." He placed his head on the ground. You walked up to him then hugged.

"It's okay, I'm glad that you're fine.. I just got scared because of your hands." He suddenly kept quiet then licked your ear which you makes you squealed, "D-dyrroth!"

"I'm sorry, its just I'm really hungry.."

As he sits properly, you rest your chin on his shoulder while hugging him. "W-what are you doing?" He startled, "Did you suddenly.. like me already?"

You looked at him, "Like as a friend, don't you know?"

"No, here at the Abyss, it shows a connection of feelings. So, if you hug someone he or she wants to marry." Both of your face turns red so you let him go, "But don't worry that don't count as our feelings..."


You pulled out a leftover cloth from your pocket and covered his both hands, "Does it still hurt, Dyrroth?" He nodded and smiled. "Now, there's my sunshine that lighten up my day!" You giggled and yawned.

Dyrroth noticed you.

"You should rest, you've been exhausted entire day." He pat your hair and gave you a sweet smile. As you laid down, he brought a blanket and covered on your body.

"Good night, Princess."

"Good night, Dyrroth."

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