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Moniyan Academy


Chapter III : Embrace


You and Silvanna finally went inside at the nurse's office then you explained everything what happened. Silvanna put him on the bed and patted your head then messed your hair. You greeted the two nurses and check you and Dyrroth's health.

"Looks like you two are both healthy!" The girl with the bandages giggled, "My name is Angela Baker and that's Rafaela Celestia."

Rafaela clears her throat, "Miss Silvanna, your brother's jaw were very swollen and it heals in 5 to 7 days and he also have a low fever." She grabbed the ice pack on the small fridge then gave it to you.

You looked down, "This is all my fault, he shouldn't have protect me..." You said then placed the ice pack at his jaw, "I confronted that Ruby."

"Ruby? You mean Ruby Hood?" Rafaela said calmly but Angela shrieks as she mentioned her. You nodded then they both staring at each other.

"You know.. umm (y/n), right? You should be careful with that student." Angela warned you, "She pick a fight and bully every student here then there's that time a huge fight... And we take care thirteen students! THIRTEEN! 1 3!" Rafaela agreed then you gulped.

"Don't worry, (y/n). You have us and we'll take care of it once you're in trouble." Silvanna said then she looked at the clock and exclaimed, "Well, look at the time! I better get back." She waved at you, "See you when the school's over!" She finally left the nurse's office.

"(y/n), we'll be at our room. Call us if there's something wrong." Rafaela said, "Oh if you need another ice pack, it's in the fridge." She pointed then dragged Angela on their room and close the door.

It was silent again, you sat beside of his bed and you have to hold the ice pack on his jaw then you noticed his hair were a bit messed so you be careful fixing his hair.


He was sleeping peacefully and found yourself cute, you chuckled and stroke his hair gently. The door swang burst, you almost jumped then you saw Ruby standing inside. She looked at you with her furious eyes, she clutches her both fists then ran into you and grabbed your shirt then raised upward.

"Put me down..." You said then she threw you down.

"This is all your fault that I was suspended!"


"I said I was suspended in 3 days, you bastard!" She was about to throw a punched at you. You shut your eyes then she suddenly starts to grunting, "Let me go, *sshole!" You saw Dyrroth grabbed her both arms.

Rafaela and Angela finally went out through their room, "What is going on—" Then they saw her trying to hurt you.

"Angela, call for help!" Angela run outside and starts to yelling at the hallway.

Rafaela grabbed the syringe with a drug in it, "Okay Ruby, time to put you into sleep!" Ruby stopped and pushed Dyrroth.

"Dyrroth!" You yelled then Ruby grabbed you and pulled a knife on her  pocket then place on your neck.

"(y/n)!" Rafaela shouted then took a step forward.

Ruby flinched, "Take a step or I'll slice her neck into half!" Ruby grunts and hold your arm tight. Ruby walk out on the room with you.

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