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• Moniyan Academy •


Chapter XVIII : once there was a wicked witch gazing into the eyes of a white cat.


“(y/n)! Time to go now!”

(y/n) slammed the bedroom door and then threw her packed bag on the couch. “WAIT!” (y/n) yelled as if Miya looked through the bag on the couch and checked what’s inside. (y/n) immediately ran downstairs and snatched the bag, “Miya, thank you for helping me schedule and organize for the upcoming event.”

“No problem but why are you doing this early even though the festival is in two months?” She said as she checked her makeup on her face.

“Well it is special and it’s been so long since I have been homeschooled, I haven’t experienced this kind of a huge event in school unlike the school, I don’t remember anything but what I believe around 8 yrs old I stopped studying from that school and began homeschooling.” (y/n) spoke like it didn’t happen but Miya bit her tongue about (y/n)’s past lives.

She cleared her throat and stood up. “We should get going also I have work to do on the afternoon, you should go home after-”

“I forgot I have to stay after class ended because I want to go to the skating room with Dyrroth.” (y/n) said while playing with her hair. “Is it okay to stay?”

She sighed, “It’s fine to stay but don’t do anything stupid.”

“Jeez, you know I’m not a kid.”


You finally arrived at Moniyan Academy early, Miya already went inside because of her early meeting from the faculty. You heard then saw a huge crowd as you entered, you saw a tall brunette man and a blonde woman in the middle. You make your way to reach your locker and manage to make it and place your stuff then grab a few textbooks. Ignoring those crowds, you felt a light tap on your shoulder and greeted someone you know.

“Oh! Good morning, Dyrroth.”

“Morning..” You already see him sleepy and he woke up so early even if today is every student's favourite weekday. “How do you feel? Are you fine already?”

“Yes, I'm fine, frosting.” You chuckle as you tease him. “I’m feeling better now, Miya helped me for the event.”

He sighed, “You shouldn’t do it so early but stop overworking, (y/n).” He said then pulled you in a hug. “Don’t scare me like that, okay?” Then whispered to your ear. “I will.” You replied to him back. The lady in red dress and a man in a black suit took a step forward as the students made their way through your direction, “It seems I interrupted your conversation, may I state both of your names?”

The two broke their hug then you cleared your throats. “A good day to you.. Ma’am and Sir. I, (y/n) Modena, and my dear friend, Dyrroth Lumos. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

“A very noble young girl, no need to introduce in such a speech and etiquette way. Have you perhaps previously studied at Castle Gorge?” The man asked.

“I am, indeed.”

“I see and yet.. We shall meet again, Lady Modena and Mister Lumos.” The lady said and then gave them a sweet smile. “May your hearts be bound and shine through the darkness.” Then she left but the man handed them a business card with both of you which had their names on it.

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