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Chapter IX : unexpected visitor


Your POV

It's been three months I lived here in the Abyss. Everyone inside the castle seems busy, doing their plan to extend the kingdom especially when they get into food too. The demon folks started to raised an animal outside of the Abyss so they can produce and store the livestock. I taught them how to cook, to save a livestock, etc.

I've always read about it since I was a child, I really do like reading a book from the library and bring it to my tower back. I remember that my sister likes to play with me on the garden, sing me a lullaby that night and take a bath with me but then she change because of her tragic past, I heard the maids were talking about it but I do heard a rumor that we had a little brother but he died.

I was in my way on the market place to check if the fellow demon were okay, "Your majesty!" The abyssal demon shouted, "We have a problem from the outside." He catches its breath, "There's a human kept yelling and begging to see you."

"A human, is it belong to my empire?" I questioned then he nods, "Very well, please tell everyone to stay put." The demons immediately leave as I gave them an order.

No one POV

As the demons left, Dyrroth walked up towards at you, "What is going on, Princess?" You looked up then he already know what's going on at the outside.

You looked at him, "Dyrroth, would you give me a lift?" He looked at you surprisingly, "Don't worry, I just want to what is happening..."

"Fine." He said and groans. He pulled you then jumped upward and landed at the right spot, "Here we go, Princess." He let go of you and you hear someone shouted. You familiarize the voice then the demons looked at you and give you a path.

"Your majesty!" The silvered cat whines and cried.

"H-Harith! What are doing here all by yourself!" You exclaimed and shocked, "It's dangerous out here! Where is everyone?" You wrapped your arms around him.

Harith wipes his tears, "I just went here alone, just to see you..." He sniffing then you help him wipes his tears out, "I miss you, your majesty but not just me.. The townsfolk too." Dyrroth walked towards at them. As soon as he reached at you, Harith shivered.

Dyrroth told the demons to go back at the Abyss, "W-what is he doing here!" Harith hissed at Dyrroth.

"Quit whining, you obnoxious cat." Dyrroth gave him a death glare then Harith is even more scared.

"Dyrroth, don't be rude." You said then he looked away, "Is this what you brings here, Harith?"

"N-no, it's not just that, there's something else..." Harith sniffed, "Your sister is planning something secretly, no one tell or told to everybody. I just heard it."

"What.. did she say about it..?"

"She said, she's going to attack that Abyss." You widened your eyes then Dyrroth glances at him, "She's going to destroy the Abyss as well as those demons too to take a revenge."

"Are you serious, Harith?" He nodded.

"Tch!" He clutches then punched one of the trees hard and crash through the ground, "D-Dyrroth!" You said.

"I'm sorry, it's jus— argh!" You let go of Harith then you catches him as he fainted.

"D-Dyrroth, wake up!" He was breathing heavily, you touched his forehead and he was burning so bad. "He has a fever!" You placed your hand once again at his forehead then heal him.

He screamed on his pain, ".. I-It hurts so bad, P-Princess. You don't have to do this..." You stopped as he flinched then Harith manage to walk up to him.

Harith touched his forehead, "I didn't know demons have it too, I though they didn't have it..." Harith scratches his chin then starts to look something on his bag, "I know I bought and put it in here." He said then he finally found what he's looking for.

Dyrroth looked at what he's holding, "What the heck was that?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Oh that's honey, Harith." You chirped.

"Hon— what?"

"Eat it, demon." Harith opened the jar and give it to him, "It's not poisonous food." You dipped your finger and taste it.

".. I don't trust you..."

"Yeah Dyrroth, you really need to eat it. It helps to reduce your fever." You said.

"..." He grabbed that honey jar and take a looked at it. He sighed and began to scooped it with his own hand then eat it.

"So, do you trust me?" Harith questioned him but Dyrroth looked at him and turns around while continues eating the honey, "Wha—" Harith shocked because of his actions.

You giggled, "I'm sorry, Harith. He always those that." You said.

"No, I'm not!" Dyrroth kept continues eating honey then Harith chuckles.

"Anyway when I came here, what was the other demons doing here?" He asked.

"Oh, they were raising some animals, I just taught them how." You said, "It's fun to teach them something new because they haven't been doing such things than hunting and killing humans."

Harith felt amazed, "Oh, I see now! So, that's why we haven't seeing another demons killing some innocent villager  last month." He felt relieved, "So Princess, how was living at the Abyss and that demon?"

"Well, it was fine and there's nothing to worry about. I can handle all these things even if there's a problem." You smiled.

"Oh, I see..." He said, "I'm glad that you're fine now."

"You should thank Dyrroth, he's the one who got into this and protect me as well." Harith looked at Dyrroth then they accidentally looked at each other. Dyrroth looked away and kept eating the honey he gave.

He stand up then grabbed his shoulder, "Thank you for taking care of our Princess... Uhm, Dyrroth." He said it bashful.

Dyrroth blushed, "N-No, it's my responsible to take care of her as a friend, ca— I mean H-Harith." He said then he realized the jar is already empty, it seems he enjoyed eating it. "Hey, it's empty get me another one, I'll pay you."

"Heh, if you say so but it takes an hour to get back here but I promise I'll go back." He said.

"Fine still paying it back..."

You chuckles from these two, it's cute to watched them talking to each other shyly.

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