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• Moniyan Academy •


Chapter XX : worrisome


"Hey, have you heard?"

"What is it?"

"(y/n) and Dyrroth are officially dating, I saw them holding hands on the public."

"W-what? That's so cute but come to think of it... Dyrroth looks kinda hottie now."

You heard a rumor as you entered and walked through the hallway. Students you didn't know or haven't met seemed to please you with how to win a bad boy's heart but you only left with an excuse and nervous chuckle on your face. You saw your boyfriend, Dyrroth, through the distance and waved at him. 

"Good morning, Dyrroth." You ran with a smile.

Dyrroth get flustered all of a sudden when he looked at you. "Good morning too, (y/n)." He greeted and smiled at you. The students saw the demon's smile, the girls make their hearts melt, faint and etc. While the boys make them jealous of Dyrroth but supportive to you also cried themselves, you ignored them and laughed but you tripped and fell on the floor.

"(y-y/n)! Are you okay?" Dyrroth said worriedly and help you to get up. You playfully laughed then looked at him, "I'm fine and thank you, Dyrroth." You smiled.

"Now you both are officially dating." The two looked behind their backs and widened their eyes. "Long time no see, I'm sorry if I-" 

You hugged then snuggle on her chest. "Welcome back, Nana." You said and petted her head. Nana was shocked then looked away, "(y-y/n), you're still clingy as ever." She said and pouted. "Hey, I'm glad you're back, mascot." Dyrroth teased.

"Argh thanks for taking care of your little baby." 

"What in tarnation.. oh." The unexpected guest arrive shortly and stared at the three. "I see that your friend are here as well." The two bun head glanced at Nana and Nana looked pissed when she arrived, "I am not troubling you and I want to apologize for threatening you and the smart ginger."

Nana crossed her arms and looked away.

"Oh hello Lylia, is there anything wrong or something urgent?" You asked. Lylia pulled out something from her bag then handed it to you, "Huh? An invitation?"

"Yes, Myt- Guinevere wanted to see you in person. I think she wants to see you and talk something about your life." Lylia replied. Dyrroth went close to your ear and want to say something about this situation, "Isn't that your old friend?" He asked.

"Yeah, I wonder what she's up to me." You gulped.

"I forgot you can accompany someone to our school building," Lylia smirked then walked away. "Toodles, lovebirds."

The three looked at the white envelope you were holding, "So now what?" Nana raised an eyebrow. You felt confused and nervous at the same time, you calm yourself and look at them. "Nana.. Dyrroth, would you like to come with me later this afternoon?"

"You know I'm in whenever you're up to," Nana said then turned her head to Dyrroth. "How 'bout you, Dyrroth?"

"I'm always coming with her."

"Of course you do, besides you two are together." She smirked as she liked to tease anyone but Dyrroth didn't like it but it's true that you and Dyrroth are both couples. "Let's just go (y/n) to our classroom." Dyrroth frowned.

"I was just kidding."


Other Perspective

The ginger gripped a metal bar beside him while the silvered boy watches him walking, it was his medication after what his abusive father did to him last month. His hand slipped then fell to the ground, "Harley..!" The silvered rushed and kneeled down.

"I-I'm fine, Harith." He sighed. Harith helped him to stand up then held his hips, "H-Harith!" Harley turn around and startled himself, he stepped backward and was about to lose his balance. Luckily, Harith noticed then grabbed and pulled towards him as if he pulled him he wrapped his arms around Harley's waist.

Harith snuggled his face on Harley's shoulder then rested his chin, "I don't want to see you like this.. I should have been following you back home." He said. Harley pushed him lightly then pinched both of his cheeks, "Owwie."

Harley put both hands on his own waist and pouted. "I'm fine already, Harith.. but..." He said then stared at him. "You did everything to me... to protect me.." Harley grabbed his shoulder and thanked him, Harith's worried now gone then he began to smile at him.

"Harley, you're so strong even though you have a small body." Harith continuously smiles from his, his hands traveling around from Harley's body. He felt his warmth from him then he placed both hands on his cheek, Harley felt embarrassed or flustered, he wanted this to forget everything with his father's doings.

"Harith.. will yo-"

Someone barging inside of the medication room, they both looked and it was Harley's big sister, it was Lesley. "Ohoho, I see that." Lesley teased and the two broke off. "I see my little brother can stand up by himself."

Harith turned his head and she was right that Harley was standing up, "He is.." He said. Harley looked pissed at his big sister because of the interruption of the couple.

"What the fvk Lesley?" He said angrily, "Y-you should have at least knocked before going inside!"

Lesley hugged his little brother and snuggled, "Well I miss you, didn't you miss me?" Lesley is very protective of her little brother. Lesley snapped herself then her smile turned into worriedness, "So.. are you okay now? It's rare that you recover so fast. It's been 2 weeks since you went here and I thought it take a month to recover you."

Harley blinked.

"Are you really okay now?"

Harith watched and stood there listening to the siblings, he wanted to say something about him but it's their conversation so he decide not to interrupt them. Harley sighed and opened his mouth, "I'm really okay besides Harith told me that I'm strong so I'm naturally fine. Don't worry about me, sister. Harith is there for me." He said and gave her a warm smile on his face.

Lesley will remember this moment.

"Very well, I'm counting on you Harith or else you will face the consequence." She said then eventually walked away.

Harith smiled, "I will."

"I forgot, please be gentle to Harley. You know he-"

"LESLEY!" Harley screamed from the top of his lung and slammed the door.


The class was already over, you grabbed your stuff and left a note inside of your locker. Nana and Dyrroth were waiting for you so you three head to the place you should go, "Guys, there's something I want to tell you." You said then they stopped. "I want you to stay behind me and once I get out of the room then that means we're leaving."

Nana and Dyrroth looked at each other then looked at you and nodded.

"Aren't you going to say to Miya that you're going to that Guinevere's place?" Nana asked and you shake your head. "I don't want to get her involved in this problem so I decide not to tell my big sister." Nana looked a bit worried about you, Dyrroth suddenly hugged you tightly.

The atmosphere changes into cold, it was giving an off vibe from the three. As it should be, you tried to hug your boyfriend but this feeling makes you devour in insides due to the incident. You rest your head on his shoulder and sighed, "We should go, my old friend is going to be upset if I didn't show up early." You said and smiled then took a taxi.

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