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Chapter I : Escape


"Get the princess..!"

You were panting and hid these tall trees, it's hard to run so fast because of the heavy chains from arms to legs. You kept quiet immediately because of the Moniyan Soldiers came to find you.

You were trapped inside of the castle for so long until you turned 18, you manage run away from the Moniyan Empire, the reason that you run away is to see what the world looks like.

"Your Highness!" They shouted your name, you covered your mouth then someone grabbed you. "Found her!" The hooded woman shouted then the soldiers went to your hiding spot.

"L-let me go, Natalia!"

"Your Highness, what were you thinking? The outside world is dangerous." Tigreal said.

"I do not care, I command you to let me go!" You tried to shove your arms, it's seems they were protecting you from the danger.

The blonde girl landed through the ground, "We can't, if we didn't follow your sister's order, we'll closing the doors for good for your safety, Your Highness." Fanny worriedly said. You stopped at her words, you let out a big sighed and looked at them.

"I.." You gulped and tried to charged your power within your body, ".. I am sorry, I can not..." You released the smoke explosion from both of your hands and escaped once again, "I want to free from this world." The Moniyan Soldiers were coughing along with the high ranks.

Tigreal caught his guard down, "Find the Princess!" He coughed, "Alucard, Granger, Harith... It's up to you." The three nodded.

"Awhh YEAH! This is some serious mission!" The silvered looking cat hyped up for their mission, Harith, "Can't wait to catch her with her massive cool moves!" He giggled.

"Shut up, kitten." The pale man, Granger, groaned from his attitude.

"Hey, I'm not a kitten, Pale Freak!"

"What did you just say—!" He pulled his gun and point straight to the time traveller.

"E-eep!" The time traveller shrieks.

"Chill guys, we have work to do and remember our team up." The blue cloaked man, Alucard, said. They nodded and split up to other directions, "Harith, any sign of her?"

"Yup! Alu, I can see her with my cat sense." He popped his mouth, "She's going to the.." He widened his eyes because of what he saw.

"What is it, Mr. Time traveller?" Granger frowned.

"She's going to the abyss area!" Everyone shocked when they heard the abyss. "We need to be hurry, Alu!" He cried from his words.

"Shoot!" Granger dodge the unknown creature, "Looks like the Abyssal Demons are here..."

Alucard flinched and released his power, "We must protect the princess! Harith, go to the others for some back up!"

"But it's too dangerous to fight all of th—" He stopped and got attacked by the demon.

"Harith? Harith!" Alucard shouted, "Dammit!"

"I-I'm fine, I guess it's up to you two..." Harith retreat and went back.

"Well, just you and me now, Granger." Alucard stopped at his tracks and group up with Granger. "Hope we don't die because of this." They both got on their position.

"We won't, you idiot." He said.

"Whatever, partner."


Your POV

I ran as fast as I could, I entered a dark foggy area. I never felt this aura before, it seems mysterious to me, I think I lost them.

"Well, well, well..." A mischievous voice whispered in my ear, "Looks like you entered the wrong place, sweetie~"

I stopped and get in my position, "W-who's there! Show yourself!" The figure moved then I saw a beautiful looking demon through my eyes, "Who are you, miss..?" She summoned her orb straight to me then she appeared.

".. You didn't know me, you reckless child..?" She gasped then looked through my eyes, "Well then.. Allow me to introduce myself." As she dropped her both hands, the dead leaves starts to float along with the blood around her.

I fell down with an amazement, "My name is Alice, the Blood Demon Queen from the Abyss. Who are you and what brings you here, child?"

"A-ah! I am very sorry, Madam! I am (y/n), Princess of Moniyan Empire. I—"

"A princess.. Are you trying to ruined our kingdom!"

"No, Miss Alice..! You haven't finished my sentence ye—" I heard a footstep coming.

"Alice, where are you?" The silvered demon-ogre appeared and saw her, "Alice—" We both looked at each other then looked at Alice, "Did you bring the human here for a feast?"

Feast..? Are they trying to—

"Princess! Where are you!"

"N.. no..." I widened my eyes then I close my eyes, "I do not wish to go and get lock up at the top of the castle.. I-I want to b-be free..." Then someone grabbed me, I opened my eyes and the boy leaned close to me.

"Don't worry, Princess, let me keep you safe."


Greetings readers, this is my first ML oneshot which I chose my favorite adorable hero from my entire life, Dyrroth. I know but this is just beginning of the story (lmao) but I wanted to improve more writing a story hahahaq. I'm sorry I put something like wrong grammar or sentence I mean this is not the first time I wrote a fanfiction (lol).

Well, I guess thank you for reading this junk :'>

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