AU : X

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• Moniyan Academy •


Chapter X : Whatever

dud, just.. i like Harith and Harley together, I'm sorry :'>

(besides, this is an AU. Harith is around 17 and Harley is 16 or 17 too I can't decide tho as well as Nana too)


The school bell finally rang and the trio is ready to go to your friend's house then meet this person who takes care of your friend, who is Harley... You packed your textbooks and put it on your bag then went outside of your room.

"I'm excited to see his face." Nana laughed while playfully punched on Dyrroth's arm, "I'm sure Harley will be okay once we visit on your best friend's home." She said then skipped way down the hallway. You noticed that Dyrroth's behaviour is.. quiet, you walked beside him then hold his hand.

He glanced at you and his face were red, "(y-y/n), what are you doing?" He said.

"Checking if your hand are warm." You said and chuckled, "I knew you're going to look at me like that." He looked away immediately then let go of him.




"Are you feeling good? I know that you're uncomfortable that day but it's okay! I know you slip when you're about to do that punishment."

"Y-yeah, I was about the same thing but I still want to apologize."

"I told you, it's okay. You're my friend, wait- Best friend! I just want to see you happy, Dyrroth! From all my heart."

He flattered by your words then show you a cheeky smile, "Thank you, (y/n)." He said.

"You smiled!" You shouted, "Please smile more, I really wanted to see your smile to everyone." He touched your both cheeks and starts to pinch them.

"How about no."

You started to make weird noises as he kept playing and pinching your cheeks, "Deewot, showp pwinchin muway chuweeks." He kept doing it but you begged him to stop, "Waaahh."

(i really don't know how to pronounce Dyrroth's name but i do a little research on ml draft pick and the seed of light video.. etc. but meh deerot or dairot, you call whatever you can. i can't stand people's argument tho.. back to the story)



"What? Who are you?" Harley sounded like a drunk person then lay down on someone's bed, "Why am I someone's house?"

"Because you're sister wanted me to take care of you." The silver boy sighed and put the hot towel on Harley's forehead, "You need some rest, Harley."

"But I want to study, I don't want to fail any subjects!" He whines.

The boy put away his books from him, "You can do that from school tomorrow, Harley. Please, you need to rest."

"No! You're not my mom, kid.. and I can do this on my own." Harley demands. The boy sighed worriedly then looked closer to his face, "What the hell are you doing?!!"


"Stop doing that, weirdo."

"It's Harith! My name is Harith Leonin, you spoiled brat. I'm not a weirdo or kid, we're both same grade but different school."

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