AU : Special (4)

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"Hey Dyrroth, take a look at this!" His older sister, Silvanna, shouted happily and dragged him downstairs. "I can't believe, it's really that thick though." Dyrroth looked outside and by that surprise, it's filled with snow outside.

"It's just snow, what's up with that?" Dyrroth questioned but almost looked pissed and then raised his eyebrow. "It's not just my first time seeing or touching snow, I'm not a kid anymore." Then left a sigh on his sister.

"Don'cha cold to me, Dy." She said, Dyrroth rolled his eyes and went upstairs then headed to his room. He's been watching on WooTube since the Christmas break starts, he usually doesn't have plans to do so but stay inside of the mansion, he does that back then yet he got used to it for a long time. 

His phone rang on the counter, he rushed to get his phone and pick up the call.

"Hey Dyrroth, are you free right now?"


Moniyan Academy •


hot cocoa (with whipped cream, marshmallow on sides, and cherry on top) and mistletoe


"Ah Dyrroth! I'm glad you're free today." You said then smiled at him. You and Dyrroth were standing in front of the shop you always liked. "How about we go inside and drink first?" Then you left with a chuckle, Dyrroth agreed so they both went inside.

You both went inside the cafe, the cafe was packed with customers because of the cold winter, the reason you want to go inside is that you've been standing and waiting outside while calling Dyrroth on a phone so it's been like 25 minutes that you were standing outside of the shop. You were freezing of course and forgot to wear your winter gloves but still manage to go out.

You and Dyrroth fall in line then start to decide the drinks they want. Obviously, you want a hot chocolate basically of what the title says- as for Dyrroth want the same as yours because he couldn't decide well.

"Oh if isn't my favorite lovely couple!" Esmeralda teased and both of you were blushing. Esmeralda laughed it off, "It's nice to see you both here, let me guess.. You two want the special hot cocoa?" Then she pointed to the menu that you both want.

"Wow, you sure know about what our order, Esme."

"Well, that's what a fortune teller does."

Dyrroth looked at you and said, "Fortune teller?" That's what Dyrroth mumbled. You agreed, "She used to be a fortune teller, are you or do you want to hear what your future is?" You bubbly asked him. "I think so..?"

"Here's your hot cocoa special and a bottle of water, I'll be there once it sold out, and happy holidays," Esmeralda said then Dyrroth pays and receive a receipt. 

They both find their seats and relax for a bit, "Dy, I'm going to pay you half-" Words cut off but you were admiring him staring outside as the snowfall, you smiled and drank your hot cocoa. However, you burnt your tongue which Dyrroth put down your cup and let you drink water, "You should be careful, you know how hot is it but you kind of clumsy at stuff."

"I-I'm sorry, I just got distracted by your looks, you look somehow quietly enjoying the snowfall." You honestly said but all of a sudden Dyrroth got flustered, you noticed and smiled creep at him. Dyrroth pinched your cheeks, "Don't give me that look, you look like a pervert." He teased then let go.


"Hello again, lovebirds." Esmeralda pops out and gave them a warm smile, "Now, now you two.. show me your palms." You and Dyrroth handed it and showed it to her. "I'll do to my favorite customer first, will you please.. (y/n)?"

She grabbed your hand and began to sense your aura and the lines on your palm to see if there's a connection. "(y/n), you have a good fortune as always, you're next Dyrroth." She said.

"Aw I was hoping for great fortune but this is fine than having a misfortune or great misfortune." You sighed and frowned.

Esmeralda now began to read the lines on his palm calmly, she then sighed and looked at him. "You're lucky, Dyrroth but you have a great fortune today. Well, that means you'll bring huge luck." She said then released his hand.

"Oh is that so..? Thank you." He said.

You grabbed his hand and showed the pout on your face, "Lucky you! But it's cool to have that, Dy!" You said. "From now on, I'll hold your hand so it will be an extra luck." Dyrroth blushed and looked away.

"Okay you two, I'll be leaving now."

After that, Esmeralda leaves them be for their privacy. Dyrroth sure is flustered about what you've done, (y/n) can be an airhead all time but Dyrroth finds it cute even he knew what (y/n)'s doing. You both finished their hot cocoa, thank Esmeralda, and left the store. At some point, you didn't know what to do next since you planned this, you were holding Dyrroth's hand because you want his luck.

"You want to go ice skating?" He asked.

"Uh but.. don't you know how to skate?"

Dyrroth felt a crack inside of him, it's true that he didn't know how to skate, he felt defeated as soon as he heard your response. "I-I'm sorry Dyrroth, I didn't mean to say that..!"

"It's okay then how about we go for a stroll in a park?"

You smiled.


"As long as my girlfriend enjoys with me." Your face turned red then heard him chuckle. You let go of his hand and avoid eye contact with him, Dyrroth grabbed your hand and put his winter glove on your hand. "You forgot to bring your gloves so this should be equal for both of us. No wonder why your hands are so cold."

"That was cheesy, Dy."

"Then what else should I do to you?" He placed his hand on your chin then you blushed lightly, "So princess? It's my turn to seduce you." He showed the smug on his face then you looked away for a second but Dyrroth refused.


Dyrroth let you look up and saw a mistletoe on the street light, you didn't prepare all of this but then he lean and both touch their forehead. "Are you purposely wanting to date me on this holiday?" He asked. You bit your lip and your eyes met with him, "Actually yeah.. but now we're stuck like this..."


"Can you kiss me now?"

He chuckled then kiss you passionately, the taste of cocoa stays there, and you both want it so badly. Two of you let go and cuddle each other, he left a kiss on your forehead and buried his face on your shoulder.

"Merry Christmas and I love you, princess."

"I love you and Merry Christmas too, Dy."


omfrggin'god i'm so late bc of stuff going on late december but this is frggin' overdue :((( tangina talaga, anyways 2022 just started and a lot of going on here like never-ending quarantine protocol and earthquake like wth bro but still i hope everything's turn out well tho. i'm sorry if this is short, i really want to move on so i could write the new chapter(s).

hope your new year resolution would come true but darn this is hard as usual, hope you all have a wonderful day !

- soravichi.

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