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• Moniyan Academy •


Chapter XI : Dealing with..


Same days as always.. go to school and enter your class, you sit down on your seat and groaned. You felt exhausted because of your homework and your early plans for the festival, you told Miya yesterday that you're in charge of the festival, she laughed but give you good advice about it.

You rest your head on the desk, "Looks like someone didn't sleep early." Nana giggled, Harley feel a lot better and finally attended today. Harley knew that you were in charge too but he seemed a little bit disappointed yesterday though, yet he's in a good mood today.

"I just can't sleep properly because it's cold and making plans too." You said then yawned, "Anyway.. Dyrroth's late?"

"You miss him?" Nana teased.

"No, I was just asking."

"Oh." She silently said.

Harley popped his mouth and sighed, "Don't annoy her, Nana. Let (y/n) rest." He said annoyingly then you noticed Harley's neck still looked pinkish like yesterday and then you touched it. He jumped on his seat then touched his neck, "(y-y/n)!"

"I'm sorry, I just notice it and the bite mark looks the same when we came to Harith's house." You said curiously while pointing it out, he went blushed and looked away immediately.

Nana stared at his neck, "Yeah, are you sure that the ant bit you?" She said, "I know mosquito makes red also pinkish mark."

"It's none of your business, it was his fault—" He stopped and realize he mentioned who did it but not his name, "sh*t." He cursed.

"His fault?"

Kimmy and Dyrroth came inside of the classroom then Kimmy clapped her hand which everyone here went back to their own seats. Dyrroth head towards to his seat and sat down without saying anything, you wanted to ask but you give him some space.

"Okay class, the new kid is here and he will be joining today!" Kimmy said cheekily. Your classmates start to whisper and looked at each other, "Mister Leonin, you can come in now."

"Nana's one of the family?" The student girl said next to her friend, "I didn't know she has a relative though."

"He's quite a cutie though." The other student murmured.

The silver boy came inside, he has a blue and white jacket that perfectly match from its uniform but it makes sense that the boy wear a different colour of the school uniform. Harley slammed his hand on his desk and stood up, "Y-you! What the hell are you doing here??!" He shouted.

"Me?" He said then looked at him, "Oh Harley, I didn't know were classmates." He chuckles then Harley groaned and looked away.

He smiles then looked at everyone, "My apologies, my name is Harith Leonin.. It's a pleasure to be able to help with you and see as a friend." He bowed and showed his bubbly smile on his face.

"Thank you, Mister Leonin. You may sit beside your friend, Harley." Kimmy thanked then Harith went to his assigned seat.


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