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Chapter XIV : The End


Silvanna invites you and your friends on her grand ball. Everyone agrees to join then Silvanna told them to wear proper attire also their appearance too, the village might freak out and demand of what they saw.

"Oh that's going to be a piece of cake." Silvanna chirped.

"I don't know how to transform myself, I really hate standing just like everyone else..." Helcurt shrugged.

"I'll turn you into a dog."

"What?! A pet dog!"

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong about it, Helcurt." You said.

Helcurt sighed, "Whatever... as long as I enter that ball and enjoy a bit."

You looked at Thamuz, "What about you, Thamuz?" You said as Thamuz glanced.

"Don't worry, I can turn into a human, Princess." He raised his hand then Alice grabbed him. (don't ask me, just pretend that he can transform into human)

"You can't just transform here, remember the last time you turned into human and you were nak-"

Dyrroth clear his throat, "How about me? You know how uncomfortable once I dress a fancy clothes." He frowned.

Alice gasped, "You can't just do that, son..." She said.

"You're not my mother, Alice." He said as she shook of what he said. "I raise you, Dyrroth!" She added.

"Okay." Dyrroth looked at Silvanna, "So sister, how about you turned me again into human?"

She gasped, "Are you sure? If I turned you into a human, you'll never be a Demon Orc again." She said. He froze then you shake his body.


"I was just messing with you, little brother." She grinned, "Of course, you can turn back to normal!" She raises her lance then the seed of light glows.

"L-lady S-silvanna?" Selena sweat dropped, "Y-you're going to turn him to human now?!" She exclaimed.

"I'm not sure if he's ready already, Y-yo-" Harith said anxiously.

"I was born ready!" Dyrroth smirked, "Now.. turned me into human, sister!" He said sarcastic and raised his both arms.

Silvanna pointed her power through his chest, "If you say so." Then she went straight forward to his crystal and light blinded them.

As soon as the light starts to fade, you saw him lying on the ground. You ran towards and noticed that he doesn't have horns and tail except the thing on his wrists, "Dyrroth?" You said then he woke up and began to touched his head and his body.

"Am I human now, Princess?" He said faintly.

You nodded.

He widened his eyes then stand up excited, you went blushed and looked away. "Oh I forgot about that, Dyrroth." Silvanna already looked away at him, "You have to dress yourself up. (y/n) is burning because of your body..." She added.


They arrived at Moniyan Empire, the towns people were greeted nicely. Then they finally arrived at the castle which Tigreal and the others stood outside, the coach stopped and Dyrroth come out first. You stand up then Dyrroth reached his hand to yours, you hold his hand step outside of your coach.

"Sweet heavens! Princess, I've miss you!" The short blonde girl shouted and she was about to hugged you but she saw something, "Princess, who is this noble guy?" She teased.

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