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• Moniyan Academy •


Chapter XVII : truths and confessions


Your POV

Still raining.

I still have work to do for the upcoming festival...


I must-

"(y/n), are you okay?" I snapped myself out and looked at his deep blue eyes looking at that, he's still worried about me. "I'm sorry, it's just I couldn't sleep last night for the festival." I said and smiled at him.

I stared at my English textbook and read The Abyss. "Miss Modena, would you like to read the second paragraph?" My English teacher, Miss Eudora, crossed her arms then curled her lips. "Yes Ma'am!" I said and stood up from my seat then cleared my throat.

The demon tried to stand up and reached her beloved princess, "Princess, you have to listen to your friend!" He falls then his crystal starts to act strangely, "Princess, I beg you... It hurts.." The princess stopped as she heard him begging then the princess hit something on her head which made her fall unconscious.


fall uncon..scious...


Dyrroth POV

"Her fall unconscious..." She read then silently stood up straight on her seat. I looked at her and the moment I glanced, she was about to fall unconscious and there's a high chance she'll hurt her head so I stand up and caught her before she fell.

"Mommy.. I'm sorry."

"What's going on there, Lumos?" She walked near our seat then touched (y/n)'s forehead. "Sheesh, this kid has a fever. Lumos, would you please take care of your little girlfriend at the nurse's office?" She sighed then I carried her body in bridal style and left the classroom.

She's not my girlfriend.. But my feelings change whenever she's around me, I want to stick around her more and get to know her. I want he-

".. It really hurts..." Her tears began to flow down her cheeks. It hurts to see her like this, why would she do this.. Overworking herself... she could just take her time and the festival isn't coming in a month.

I finally arrived at the nurse's office and placed her on the bed then touched her forehead, it really is hot as usual. I just want to feel her better, see her true smile again.. while Harith is taking care of Harley in the hospital and Nana needs to take a break in a week. Now, the two of us were the only ones left but..


I turned my head and Miya was already standing at the door. Her face looks surprised and I felt my tears came out on my eyeball, I tried to hold my tears back but I can't I don't want anyone to see me like thi-


My tears stopped and I looked at her but she's crying. "Man up, Dyrroth!" She yelled, "Is this how boys let someone down!" I widened my eyes as I fixed myself up. "This isn't you anymore, you're supposed to let my little sister hope up but it went too far. Don't you really love my little sister? Are you giving up already!"


I clenched my fist then looked at Miya straightly but this time "I-I love (y/n) so much and I'm not giving up on her!" I replied back.

"I'm just trying to make her feel better in a few days, I don't want to see her like this, I want to see her smile more because it makes me feel comfortable! She was like an angel who pierce into my heart as she smiled at me or everyone else."


"I also want to get to know her and her past but I have to wait until she's ready to tell it to me because she's already part of my life and hers too. I want to adapt my feelings towards her so that's why I want to be with her for the rest of my life!"


"Even if you still dislike me, I tried to change myself and forget all of my problems I've dealt with." I wiped my sweat and cleared my throat. "So, can I please- no, I want to be with her. If I messed these things up, I would rather try to make it all up and start over with her." She haven't said anything since he mocked me, she probably got offended from what I said but this is honestly a confession for (y/n) mostly but I hope (y/n) didn't heard what I've sai-


Speaking of angel.. Just ascend me from the depths of light.

I slowly turned my head from my (y/n). As soon as I saw her, she pulled and hugged me. "Just you wait, Dyrroth.. Once I'm ready, I'll tell you everything how much I loved you. Even if you do something bad, I'll always be here with you.. by your side." (y/n) said gently but I could barely see her smile as she loosened our embrace.

I smiled.

"You know what.."


I pulled her but this time I'll show my feelings to her, no matter what happens we're always together, nothing can stop us from confessing to someone I know.

No one POV

The rain stopped and the sunlight started to glimmer onto the window which it reflects from the two, Miya couldn't help but stare, Dyrroth kissed (y/n) passionately. Behind her, she didn't notice that they're actually watching them but happily that they make it up.

Miya stopped them and they broke their kiss.

"Come on Miya. You just ruined their moment." Angela chirped then pouted on her face. "I think you're just jealous because your boyfriend isn't he-" Rafaela grabbed and stopped her.

"That's enough, Angela. You can't mess with her because she's probably gonna break your bones." Rafaela nervously smiled when Angela glanced slowly at Miya and Miya already cracking her knuckles.

"Now, now.."

Their heads glance in the other direction. Silvanna entered the clinic seeing what was going on, "We better lower our voices, they're sleeping." (y/n) and Dyrroth indeed sleeping in peace. "They really are made for each other."

"Silvanna." Miya said, then looked away for a second, "What are you doing here?"

Silvanna blinked. "I was about to ask you but more importantly to my brother and (y/n)." She said. Angela and Rafaela give them privacy so they can talk freely in the room, "Did (y/n) remember anything from her past?"

"No, the only thing she remembers is what mom said about us and the accident and also what they did to her previous school. I just want to help recover all of her memories. How about Aurelius?"

"No sign of any of his activity, he lost all of his memory and it took him to get him out of the hospital. I feel bad shouting and yelling at him, if only I didn't scold him so he didn't get hit by a car."

"I'm sorry." Silvanna grabbed her shoulders and shook her head. "You don't have to but it's just a past but I really hope they recover their memory." Then added with her smile.

"I also want to thank you for opening the rink area." Miya smiles, "It helps (y/n) to recover all of her unwanted memories, I'll do some research about amnesia and any of its theories."

"Sure do."

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