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Chapter XI : Like is any of this real or.. not?


You stand still as the girl mentioned your name, "me..?" You murmured then she finally revealed her face which it made yourself more surprised.

The head sister gasped and shocked as she saw her face, "Lady Silvanna!" The head sister exclaimed.

"We're going back to the castle with my sweet little (y/n)." She smiled, "I left you a some gold, you can take it to renovate some spaces." You widened your eyes in fear.

"Head back already, Princess?" The familiar knight came inside then Silvanna looked at him.

"Yes, Tigreal."

"Is this a dream right..?" You fell your knees on the ground as they walked away slowly. You looked at your both hands, they're mildly shivered then remember from the past you have.

"I'm just adopted—" Your world began to collapse, you were falling to the void of despair as you saw from your sister.


You gasped as you wake up from your dream and starts to touching your body. You were breath heavily then Dyrroth saw your actions, "D-Dyrroth?" You said then cried.

As you cried, Dyrroth wrapped his arms around you. "Shh..." He whispered and gently stroke your (h/c) hair down, "It's just a nightmare, Princess."

"It's not a nightmare or a dream..!" You sobbed and tried to wiped your tears, "It showing me of my past... I can't believe I'm just adopt by my sister just because of her little brother died!" You cried out.

The two abyssal came inside of his chamber, you can't tell if they're demons or human. "A human?" The man holding a hammer said, "I didn't know we have a human living here."

The neon fully armored man walked up and immediately throw towards you but it missed. "Is it illegal having baby with a human, Dyrroth?" He teased.

You both blushed then he releases you, "It was a big misunderstanding, Argus." He grabbed the sword and throw at him, "What are you doing here with Terizla, anyway?" Dyrroth raised his eyebrow.

"Well, Lord Lava called us here not just us but the elf and the two vampire couples too." Terizla said.

"We're going now! Have fun with your mat—" Dyrroth immediately close the door with his embarrassing action of himself, "I'm sorry about those two, it's just they're annoying." Dyrroth hugged you, "Tell me about your dream, Princess."

You startled and continue, "I have another one but it doesn't related to me but it's about this demon holding a baby..." He listened your story, "When the baby cries, the demon hums a song then the baby stopped to cry and that's all I have..." You both kept quiet and you hugged him back.

"What does it look like?"

"The demon has a hood in it also a horn, I usually didn't get to chance to see its face along with the baby."

"Oh I see." He said with a relieved sigh, "I'm curious about your dream.. sometimes your dream is really true though I just heard it outside of the castle since I was a kid."

The chamber is giving of a weird vibe which you two make an awkward conversation, "But don't worry, I'm sure your dream isn't true after all." He cuddles you.

You looked at him, "Dyrroth..." You said and smiled. Dyrroth tickles you which is your weakness, "Hah— Dyrroth please stop!" You began to laughed as he tickle you more then he bite your ear. "D-Dyrroth!" You squealed.

He stopped and grinned at you, "I like your laugh, Princess." He said seducing which it made you blushed. He laughed and hugged you again, "I'm sorry that I tease you like that." He chuckled then he remember that he's going to get the honey at the outside.

"Do you want to come and see that cat again?" You sparkled your eyes and nods, "Well then, take my hand." He reached his hand then you hold onto it and he pulled you from his chest. "Up we go!" He jumped as the ray of light beam into your eyes.


Came back again at the outside world, you heard a chirping sound through the tress. The demons walked towards from you, "Your majesty, there's someone here again." The demon said. "Do not be worry, it's just here to receive Dyrroth's specialties." You said.

"Prince's specialties?" The other demon said.

"I'll show you what it is... Follow me, my men." You chuckled as they followed him. Harith already waving at him, "D-Dyrroth! Princess!" Harith flustered as he called them out, he brought three jar of honey.

Dyrroth rushed in to get the honey and starts to drooling on its jar, "I've already missed you, you sweet honey~" Then he started to giggled himself which the demons starts to sweat nervously and watched him talking to the jar.

Harith clear his throat, "That will be 150 coins, Dyrroth." He spoke up then Dyrroth gave him a one gold bar. He shrieks as he was holding a gold bar, "Y-you shouldn't gave me this much, you idiot!" He barks, "It's only 150 coins not this gold bar!" Dyrroth ignored him complaining of what he gave to him.

"Listen to me, yo—"

"What is going on here?" The tall pale man said. It has a maroon and black clothes on it along with the girl beside him but it has an torn rose around its wrist, "Young Prince, is that you?" The pale girl spoke, Harith turns around and froze.

Dyrroth perks up, "Ah! Uncle Cecilion, Aunt Carmilla! What brings you here?" He put his honey down. "Was it Thamuz called you here?"

"It is, he said tha—" Carmilla pinched Cecilion's finger, "It was an urgent meeting this month." You walked and hid behind Dyrroth's back.

Carmilla glanced at you, "Dyrroth, I didn't know you already have a mate. Congratulation!" She smiled then he went blushed.

"N-no, it's not that, Aunt Carmilla. We're just friends!" He said with a faint blushed on his cheeks.

"Hello, dear child... My name is Carmilla and this is my beloved vampire, Cecilion." She shakes your hand.

"I'm (y/n) of Moniyan Empire, it was pleasure to meet you, Miss Carmilla." You introduced yourself, "And that cat is Harith from Moniyan Empire."

"Ah, my sweet innocent child is human!" She petted your hair, "Reminds me back when I was a human." She smiles. Harith snapped himself out and hid behind Dyrroth's back too.

"You scared?" Dyrroth said.

"Shut up, you Prince!" Harith barks.

"My men, would you mind tour my guest at the castle?" The demons nods and walked away along with the couple.

"What about you, your majesty?" Cecilion said.

"I have to talk with them first, I'll catch you up." He said then the couple leave them alone. "Harith, any information from Moniyan Empire?" Dyrroth immediately tell him of what happened from your empire.

Harith popped his own mouth, "Well, they seemed haven't planned yet about attacking this place because of the crystal piece inside of Princess." He explained, "Is it still there, Princess?"

You reached your hands and shows the crystal, "Did my sister want this piece of crystal?" You asked him.

"I believe it is, it may cause something mysterious once she completed and form the crystal back on her lance sceptor thing that she used from the battle."

Dyrroth gulped, "You mean when she tried to change me?" He touched his crystal from his chest.

Harith nods.

"Harith, can I ask a serious question about the past?" You hold your own hand in shiver.

Harith glanced, "What is it, Princess?" He replied. You clear your throat as the wind blows through your hair. Dyrroth looked at them both as the surroundings went silence.

"Am I.."

The wind blew lightly.

"Am I adopted?"

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