AU : Special

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This is a special chapter for harihar part so if don't like this ship, well you can't stop me... I'm a yaoi/bl fan so okay, just sharing.

Moniyan Academy •


Special Chapter : sick cat


"Harley, you don't have to study!" Lesley scolded him but Harley ignored her words. She sighed in disbelief as she crosses her arm, "Harley, you don't have to push yourself, you're already smart enough but please.. I'm worried if you do that again."

Harley closed his textbook and sighed, "I did what I did to my parents if they see me as a total loser, well I'm done." He frowned.

"If you kept doing it, I'll call someone to look after you while I'm gone."

"Yeah, they probably quit because of me."

Lesley laughs sarcastically, "Oh boy, it's not what you're thinking it..." The doorbell rang then Lesley bolted towards so she let the babysitter in.

"Esh— no one messed me—"

"Hi, Harley!" Harley stood up as he heard someone's voice, "Oh you startled! Did 'ya miss me?" He chuckles.

"L-Lesley, why the f*ck is he here??!" Harley almost screamed then Lesley punched his little brother's arm, "ACK!"

"See 'ya, little bro." She waved then left the room.

Silence remains in Harley's room, Harith looked around his room with his thoughts on it while Harley went back to study.

Harith snatches his textbook and put it on his pet crate, "Like my pet crate? I bought this so you can't get to study and take a long break." Harley stared in disbelief.

"You know, would you give it back to me?" He frowned then stomped his feet.


"What do you want?"

Harith smiles then pushed him on his bed and pinned him. Harley looked surprised and blushed as they both made eye contact, "I want you to.." Harith whispered.

"T-to w-what..?"

".. to..." He leaned closer. Harley shut his eyes as it went closer then he felt soft but warm on his chest then he open his eyes and saw him in a good posture of Harith's body, "Pet me, Harley."


Harley pushed Harith which he hit hard on the hardwood floor, "Why did you do that!" Harith winced in pain then hissed.

"Well, you made me feel uncomfortable so that's why I push you!" Harley frowned then looked at him. Harith didn't say anything but holding his stomach and fell on the ground, "Hey, stop fooling around."

All he heard from him is making grunting noises while clutches his stomach, "Oi!" Harley said but Harith didn't respond. Harley stood up and take a look at him if he's okay, he grabbed his shoulder and saw his face.

"Harith..? "

"Harley.. my stomach hurts so bad..."

"Harith, I-I'm sorry.. I-I—" Harith sneezed then Harley immediately carries him and put slowly on his bed.

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