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Chapter VIII : The Abyssal Witch and The Dark Elf


As you two left, Dyrroth wants you to warned about Karina that she hate humans and us too also he tells you that she's a dark elf... He don't know why but he told you that it must be her past, you understand of his explanation then he walked away and find the others. As you walking down the hallway, you saw Karina leaning at the pillars. She must be waiting for someone then you walked at the other direction and she called you out.

You stopped and gulped. You turned around, "U-um... " Karina walked towards at you. You both stared at each other and it made everything silent, "I-"

"I apologize for hurting you..." She bowed then you went confused, "P-pardon me?" You said nervouslyand blink twice.

"I want to apologize for harming you, I didn't know you're not just a.. human but a princess."

"N-no, you don't have to apologize. I can see that you may be absence here at the abyss." You said, "I'm just glad that I finally got to meet you."

"You are..."

"Yes, you want to go somewhere peace?" She nodded then went to the abyssal garden. It was awkward walking with Karina because you remembered of what Dyrroth told you, you two finally reached the destination then you tell her to sit down and wait just to get something at the kitchen.

You decide to bring the cake and the tea set. You put it on the tray and arrange it carefully, you walked slowly first just to make sure it didn't fall and it worked. You immediately walked and you accidentally tripped then someone catches you.

"You shouldn't do that all by yourself, Princess." You saw Karina and she catches the tray, "Please if you need help, find someone."

"I'm sorry."

"No, we should head back from where we should go." You nodded and went back to the garden. As you two got back, you arranged the plates and tea cups, you carefully slice the cake then put it on the plate.

"Excuse me, what is this fluffy cloud and this dirt water?" She asked.

"Oh, this is a cake and it's a food." You pointed out, "This flavored called Blueberry Cake and this is what you called is tea." You chuckled and smiles, "You should try it, miss-"

".. Just call me Karina for good." She said and saw that her face turned red, "You said it's a food, right?" She grabbed the fork and slice the cake a little then take a sweet taste. She froze and her eyes were sparkled as the cake melt through her tongue then she take a sip at the tea which it made her mind calm.

She moans as she enjoyed her meal, "This is so delicious, Princess. When did you learn how to make this?" She asked you.

"Back at my empire." You scratched your head and giggled.

"What is that noise from the garden?" The voice came from the other side of the garden. As soon as the footsteps came, you saw Selena.



"What are doing here!" Selena exclaimed.

"I was enjoying this meal with the princess." She said then you waved at Selena.

"Is that true, Princess?" Selena asked then you nodded then you welcome her to the tea party, Selena sat down and began to slice her own cake.

You stand up, "I should make an excuse for now, I'll be back, okay?" You said and left the garden.


Other POV

"Selena, my little sister." Karina said, "I want to apologize of what happened, it's just I want you come back at our home."

"Karina, I already told you, this is my home now. The demons welcomed me here along with Alice, why don't you just stay here with me, Karina?"

"It's just our home, I really miss playing together back then..." They both fell silent until Selena stand up on her seat.

"You know what... Big sister." Selena spoke up, "If I have free time I'll go visit at our home and do some stuff we did back then..."

Karina widened her eyes and smiled, she nodded and hugged together. "I also want to apologize for slapping you."

"It's okay at least I snapped myself out." Karina chuckles.


"Princess, what are you doing peeking at the garden?" You heard a voice and glanced.

"Ah Dyrroth, shh..." You gave him a quiet pose then pulled him close to you, "You better look at it." He take a little peek at the side of the bush and saw them.

"You did this to make them up?" You looked at him and hummed to yes, he patted your head which it give you a great job then kissed your cheek.

You shrieks up and your face were flushed into red, he laughed and gave you a hugged as an apology.

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