AU : V

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Moniyan Academy •


Chapter V : Miss


"Miss (y/n)." You woke up and squint your eyes then saw Selena looking at you, "It's time for you to go to school, I already prepare your uniform and your breakfast." She said as you sat while rubbing your eyes.

"Thank you, Selena." You smiled then she left the room. You remembered that you slept in Dyrroth's room and noticed he's still sleeping beside you on the beanie chair.

"Rest well." You said then petted his head. He woke up then you stopped, "I'm sorry that I disturb you, Dyrroth." He didn't said anything while staring at you then he fell asleep again.

You chuckles then head outside of his room just to take a bath but you realized you still don't know where the bathroom is... As you turned around, someone tapped your shoulder and it was Dyrroth himself.

"D-Dyrroth, you startled me." You sighed then he blinked twice. He pointed where the bathroom is, "Thank you, Dyrroth." You bowed and hurried to the bathroom.


You finished to take a bath, it was a nice warm quick bath, and immediately dressed to uniform. You went downstairs and head to the kitchen to eat your breakfast.

Selena saw you and let you sit, she brought the tray with a food in it, "Here's your breakfast, I call it a royal berry pancake." She said. You were awe and amazed of her cooking, you slice and eat the pancake.

"It's so delicious, Selena." You squealed while eating the pancake, she giggled and patted your head, "The strawberry syrup perfectly match at the pancake."

"Thank you, (y/n)." She said, "I also packed your lunch too so you don't have to worry about it." She smiled and looked at the clock, "Look at the time, you're going to be late soon, (y/n). The driver's waiting for you."

You stand up and grabbed your bag, "Thank you again, Selena." You said.

"It was Silvanna's order." She waved at you. You're about to leave then someone grabbed your arm.

"Dyrroth, you're up already."

You turned around and Dyrroth just staring at you, "What's wrong?" You said and yet didn't reply. Selena left already which she wants to give you two a privacy.

His face were down now, he was worried about you. You grabbed his both cheeks and let him look straight to your face, "Don't worry, Dyrroth, I'll be fine." You said then pinched his cheeks, you let go of him and smiled.

"I'll visit later, okay?"

Dyrroth gulped then reached his both arms to you, "(y/n).." You looked at him and he hugged you. Your bag fell through the ground, "Be careful, okay..." He rest his chin on your shoulder.

You respond with a yes and hugged him back, "I'm going to be late for school, Dyrroth." He broke the hug then waved a goodbye and you waved him back then went inside of the car.


You arrived at Moniyan Academy and run hurriedly through the hallway. You looked at your phone to see the time, "I'm late in three minutes..." Then you bumped into someone, "I'm sorry, I wasn't looki-"

"(y/n)?" The pink head girl said then you widened your eyes, "It's really you, what happened yesterday?"

You scratched your head and giggled, "Oh Nana, umm.. I'll tell you inside of the classroom."

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