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Moniyan Academy •


Chapter XII : fighting over him



"I told you that I'm not coming back."

"But you said that you loved Incana Academy, Harith boo~" The girl with a pigtails whines and tugged on Harith's arm. Students were around them and start to gossip about the girl, "Please boo-boo, I miss you so much."

Harith pushed her away and give her a disgust looking then sighed, "Lylia, you don't miss me.. you just used me, you also hurt (y/n)." He said truthfully, "Just go.."

"Harith!" Nana entered the crowd then glared at the girl named Lylia.

"What's going on here, Harith?" You walked then Dyrroth come along too, Lylia looked surprised when she saw you.

Lylia run towards you and looked pissed, "Y-you.. you stole my boo!" Lylia yelled. The crowd starts to gossiping and watching, "What are you talking about, Miss?" You said.

"You stole Harith!" She repeatedly said.

"I'm sorry but we're jus-" She pushed you but Dyrroth saves your butt from her. "Are you okay, (y/n)?" He said then you nodded.

Nana grabbed her arm then gave her a look, "So you're looking for a fight huh?"

"Yeah but not a vulgar fight, you coon."

"COON??!" Nana cracked her knuckles but Harith pulled her out so she could stop.

"Excuse me, would mind..?" The students move aside then Harley went in the crowd, "What the hell is going on here?" He raised his eyebrow.

Dyrroth pointed out to Lylia, she smirked and laughed. "You next.. aren't yo-"

"Shut up, you filthy outsider b*tch."

Lylia shocked and offended by his words, "D-did you call me a b-b*tch?" She said while gritted her teeth.

"Yes, f*cker. Would you please scram? This is our territory, b*tch."

"Harley, watch your mou-"

Harith stopped then saw that she was holding a gun then pointed straight to him, "Call me b*tch again or I'll headshot you." She said and gave him a smile.


"What's wrong, cookie?" She laughed, "You scared? Good thing I brought a backup plan though."

"No." He said, "You said that you don't like vulgar fight then why you brought that sh*tty gun?" He sighed, "Let's do the old fashioned way? How 'bout a quiz challenge on Saturday? Just you and me."

"Harley, you can't do that, she's-"

"Harith." He mocked him, "I don't care."

"Hmph fine, if I won that quiz.. I'll bring Harith and never let him see you and your pathetic school." She smirked.

"If I win, Harith will be staying here and don't ever come here to our academy, you still don't know about me but I'm just an ordinary student."

"You don't look an ordinary student."

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