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• Moniyan Academy •


Chapter XXIII : serafim



Dyrroth groaned and placed his hand on his head, "Are you okay? Maybe we shouldn't be here, Dy-" Guinevere cut off her words as Dyrroth refused unless he recall all of his memory with you. "Don't worry, it's just a bit of a flash and I haven't gotten outside."


"Guinevere, can I ask..?"

Guinevere looked at him and respond, "Yes, what is it?" The gust of wind made the scene, it was a silent and peaceful afternoon. They both just stood there and Guinevere just waiting for his response, as he opened his mouth and said something unusual. She kept quiet as she listened to him.. mostly between him and her.

Guinevere sighed and smiled at him.


"Damn." The silvered ponytail clutches her fist because of your disappearance but not only for (y/n) but also (y/n)'s belongings, they're all gone which includes her clothes or her trashes.

Miya watches them through the distance and then left with a sigh, she turns around then bumped into someone. Somehow it was one of the maids, "I am very sorry, miss." The brunette apologized to Miya. "Oh no, it's okay. I should be the one who apologizes, I didn't fully aware." She said.

"You must be the eldest sister of Modena."

"Uh.. Yes? Are you new here?"

The maid startled then apologize again for mumbling about her, "I'm not new but I don't usually show up here, my name is Odette Regina, I'm in charge of the mansion's library. It was nice to meet you."

Miya blinks and realizes that the maids stay in a certain place that they were assigned, "I see, my name is Miya Modena. It was nice to meet you too, Odette..." She greeted then suddenly Odette reminded her of work. She excuses herself and then apologizes but she is glad that she met her and went back to the library, as she went her way back, she was greeted by Millie.

"Oh my.. if isn't Miya? Oh, dear." Millieth smiled in innocence then Serrio came along. Miya gave them a cold stare, "Why did you show up in this situation?! I can't believe I'm standing someone I know and failed to raise me and (y/n)."

Her tears rolled down to her cheeks, the couple wouldn't dare to touch her.. or her own daughter. They knew that they were hiding and trained for years because their lives were in danger so to keep that is to change their appearance, "You know how much (y/n) and I went through without you both, I moved on and (y/n) didn't because she misses you. I-I have to sing that stupid lullaby of yours every time she cried to calm her down." Miya yelled at them, the two felt bad for not raising, for leaving, and decide to fake their own death. She was overwhelmed and upset upon seeing them or as it should be.. their parents, Carmilla and Cecillion.


Serrio- Cecillion sighed and would like to give it a word, "Which is why we are risking and exchanging our lives to live happily. Now that our child is in danger, we have to face this demon for both of us. Miya, your mother and I were looking for our answer to this situation." He deeply said about their feelings of separation. "We are not also here to save our (y/n)."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Miya questioned.


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