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• Moniyan Academy •


Chapter XV : knowing what's going to happen between two walls until it breaks


beep beep beep bee-

You groaned from the sound of alarm then turned it off itself because of how annoying the sound is. You moved to the other way and hugged a strange pillow beside you, "rmm." You heard someone else frown then accidentally touched your cheek.

"COLD!" You screamed.

Dyrroth sits up straight on his bed and not knowing that you both slept together like a couple, "What the- (y/n), what are you doing here?" You heard him then you widened your eyes. "H-how did I get here? I thought I slept with Nana?!" You said panicking.



"At least we didn't do anything wrong, right?" He sweat-ly said then you both give the anxious and confusing look. The door swang with their frustration on their faces, "Damn it, Silvanna! I can do it all by myself!"

"Your big sister isn't here but something urgent happening at the school." Selena immediately cut him off then stopped as they all stared at each other. "One-night stand ey?" Dyrroth blush and made you both a big misunderstanding.

"I-it's not what you think, Miss Selena!" You nervously said.

"Oh don't worry besides you kinda sleepwalking through someone's room which is his room." She said and laughed, "You're such a heavy sleeper but you're not the only one who's a heavy sleeper." She directly glances at Dyrroth which made him embarrassed this early in the morning.

"Okay change the topic! Did something happen at the school?" He asked then Selena already humming. "Well, she said they gonna renovate some rooms and giving some extra new look at the hallway." She said.

You heard running through the room and it was Harley. Surprisingly, his curly hair is a mess. "What's all this fuzz! Those that mean no classes today?!"

"I'm afraid it is, so why don't you all rest up a bit?" She added.

"Harley, you forgot to brush your hair." Harith walked inside of the room and giving an awkward silence. "Did I miss something?"

Nana squeals in excitement, "Yay! No classes!" Harley gave her a cold glare then she kept quiet.

"Umm, I heard a strange noise from your room, Harley?" You immediately said that out of nowhere then Harley caught off guard and blushed from what happened last night.

Harith couldn't help then coughed, "He was sleep talking and I woke him up so he could stop but in the end keeps sleep talking." Harith did their best but lying to everyone somehow get away with it.

"But did you sleep well?" You asked then he sighed and shake his head. "Yeah, I take as a no classes for today."

"But what about my quiz bee with that bitch?" Harley pissed while crossing his arms. Nana patted his head, "Life sucks just accept it."

"By the way.." Nana broke the silence, "(y/n), did you just ditch me so you could sleep with him? Maybe Dyrroth forces you to sleep in his room, you guys probably cuddling each other."

Dyrroth blushed as he imagined that, "What the hell you bringing that up for! I didn't force her but I was shocked that she's sleeping in my bed." He said.

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