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• Moniyan Academy •


Chapter VII : The Event


Today is the day that you and your big sister, Miya, going to Silvanna's mansion.. to talk about something important and introduce someone in the mansion. You were wearing a dress because Miya told you to wear a trendy clothes, all you have in your closet is jeans, shorts and lame t-shirts.

"Miya, I don't want to we—"

"No (y/n), there'll be any visitor at Silvanna's place also she told me to," She said while fixing her makeup.

"She told you? What???" You said.

She sighed and looked at you, "Look I lose the deal so she want me to wear you those dress, if I didn't listen to her she'll kill me!" You gave her an uncomfortable looking then snatched your shoulder bag.

"Okay, I'm out, It took so long to put your own makeup. Layer by layer..." She frowned as you teased her, "Anyway, your Alucard is coming, right?"

She put her makeup on her purse then looked you, "He's not coming, his job got double though."

"Aww, so sad buhuu. kawawa." You laughed then pulled your ears, "Ow ow, s-stop please I'm joking!"

As you both went outside, the driver greeted then opened the door for you two and you both went inside of the car. "You're coming too, Johnson." Miya said.

"Yeah, after all I'm their driver since they were a little." He smiled, "How's your life with your little sister?"

"Well, (y/n) annoys me so much today but I'm glad she's with me."

"That's good, I feel bad when your parents passed away when you were a little but don't worry everyone got your back include me." He said.

They arrived in front of the mansion, the gate opened and went inside. Johnson stopped the car and opened the car door, "Thanks for the ride, Sir." She said then got off from the car.

Many people came to the mansion, "It sure is many..." You mumbled. You heard a familiar voice through the distance, it was your homeroom teacher and the others.

"Woah (y/n), I didn't expect you came here." Kimmy petted your head, "I'm happy to see you again."

Gord looked at you and fixed his glasses, "It is.. She was a good student at my class."

Miya broke her own wall when they compliment you, "Good student?" She clear her throat. You both looked at each other then she patted your shoulder, "S-she does, I raise her!" She laughed nervously.


You squealed and turn around. You saw Nana and Harley with their smile on its face, "You guys invited?" You said shockingly.

"Of course, it was the school anniversary. Everyone who studied in Moniyan are invited!" Nana said and you literally were clueless, "You don't know?"

"Of course she don't know." Harley said, "I'm sorry (y/n), she's dumb."

"No, I'm not!"

You chuckles.

"Hey." Your friends looked beside you and they both widened their eyes. You turn around and it was Dyrroth, "Umm, you came with your friends.."

You smiled then hugged him, "Aww Dyrroth!" You raised your voice and giggled. His face turned red then looked away, you broke the hug and grinned.

"Hey, HEY!" Silvanna jumped right to their group then smacked his brother's head, "You two are now close, ey! Thank you for taking care of my little brother, (y/n)."

"Taking care?" Nana repeated her words then her thoughts started to g—

Harley shake her body, "Nana, you're brain is getting dirty, stop." You were out of the blue. Dyrroth grabbed your hand and went inside of the mansion then to his room.

"Something wrong, Dyr—" You cut off your sentence once he hugged you, "I knew you're going to hug me." You gently stroke his hair down, he looked at you and noticed that his face are closed to yours.

You blushed then he laughed, "I made you blushed." He chuckles. You make a weird and you both tripped backwards, "Are you alright, (y/n)?" He said.

"Yes, I'm okay." It's lucky that you both landed on his bed but it's awkward that you both staring at each other.

"Can I hold you for a second?" He said, "I mean hug you again."

"You can because.."


".. You're already on my top..." You accidentally said to him which you both are surprised. (that's cheesy af)

He burst into laughter then hugged you, "I'm sorry I shouldn't laugh that.."

"Dyrroth! I'll curse you!"

"Hey, I already apologize!"


They both shared their laughter, "(y/n)!" You heard Miya's voice and ran towards to the bed.

"It was a big misunderstanding, Mi—"

Miya grabbed his shoulder then gave him a death glare, "Miya my ass!" She said then shoved him at the floor, "Are you okay, my dear sister???"

"I'm fine, he just save me..." You said, "From falling."

".. I thought he was going to se—"

"No, we're not, Miya!" You sighed, "You're overreacting again, I'm not a kid anymore..."

Miya stood there while Nana and Harley were peeking at the bedroom door, Dyrroth slowly stand up until someone came inside of the room.

"Well well, look what the cat dragged in..." As soon as Miya turned around, you saw long curly brunette smirking, "Long time no-" She placed her fingertip on her lips and smiled once, "-see, (y/n)."


sorry if this part is short but... yo! we've reached 5k reads and 300 votes, hihi. Thank you so much for reading this fanfic, I have some things to do irl like house chores, drawing and editing.

Speaking of editing, check out my yt channel hehe. I post some kind of stupid edit also cringe edit, here's the link... (if the link doesn't work check my user description or my conversation)

feel free to watch of my videos.

That's all for toda— oh wait before I go, a little announcement for this book. Once I'm done with this "Moniyan Academy" I'll be moving on making another AU probably like a fairytale stuff lol but I'll do my best to finish this so I can move on to make it...

so that's all, bye!

- avichi.

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