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Chapter IV: A Dream from the Past?


Another day, another life... You woke up this morning, you noticed that Dyrroth was here beside you. You felt embarrassed but also awful because he didn't slept on his own bed, you called his name gently but...

He didn't respond.

You sat properly on his bed and starts to shake him up, "Dyrroth, wake up.." You started to worried about him because of the last night but he said that he was okay. You grabbed and hold his wounded from his hand then close your eyes, ".. Dyrroth..." Your hands starts to glow brighter then someone pushed you backwards and it was him.

As he pushed you, your magic slowly disappear. You both looked awkward alone at his chamber then he rest his chin on your shoulder, "What was that? Why did you do that, Princess?" You looked at his face and it seems he's badly hurt.

".. M-my apologize... I was just healing your wounds and.." You said nervously and starts to tear up from your eyes.

".. Princess, I didn't mean to scare you... please no." He pulled you closer then hugged to confronted you, "I'm sorry I give you that look."

You sniffed, "It's not just that.. It's just..." You said, "You didn't wake up when I call your name s-so I start to heal your hands and.. you look badly hurt when I heal you."

He stroke your hair down, ".. I always does that... Princess." He whispered.


He smiled, "Why don't you show us your delicious food? You haven't started making it, right?" You blinked.

"Oh yes, I remember I have to serve you a fine delicious meal this morning." He let go then you stretched your arms, "Well then.. First, we need a wheat but it takes a long day to grow one..."

You heard a loud noise through his door which it made you feel scared and jumpy, "GOOD NEWS, YOUR HIGHNESSES!" You heard Selena yelled an excitement, "WE ALREADY GOT WHEAT!" She giggles then Alice smacked her head, "What the heck, Alice!"

"Can't you just disturb these two? I think they're doing something privacy..." Alice showing her own smirk then your face turn red.

"What are you talking about, Al?" He know nothing but you understand what she said.

"Why don't you ask to your Princess?"

"W-why me?" You said bashful. He turned his head to yours and both looked at each other.

"What does that mean anyway?" He was clueless about what Alice said both of you.


"You'll find out when you get older, rott—." He felt embarrassed and cover her mouth.

"Alice, you shouldn't said that in front of her." He said whispered, "It's embarrassing y'know..." You saw Selena grinning evily.

"rotten.." Dyrroth screamed and pushed them outside of his chamber, "Aw what's wrong, rotten?"

"Shut up, I'm not a child anymore. I'm an adult just like you!" You heard them giggling outside then Dyrroth looked at you.

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