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Chapter XII : 𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓿𝓮


"Am I adopted?"

Everything went silent, it's like a big reveal about your past. Harith shrugged and looked away, "Harith, am I don't belong to— I mean am I just an ordinary child? Please Harith, tell me!" You started to sobbed.

"(y/n)..." Dyrroth wanted to confronted you but he looked at Harith starts to cry, "... Harith.." Dyrroth kept quiet.

"Is it true that I'm adopted, Harith?" You asked him again.

Harith replied with a yes.

"So, my dreams are true after all but.. Why did my sister to this! Is it because I'm not her true sibling and locked me at the tower!" As you yelled, the mysterious aura appeared around your body. "All of my past that I left is ruined..." You floated in the air and lose all of control of your power.

Dyrroth and Harith felt weaken as you continue doing it. They fell on ground and crying in pain, "Princess!" The two chorused together, "I-it hurts!" Dyrroth screamed in pain.

"Your majesty, I'm sorry!" Harith shouted, "I'm sorry, your sister is trying her best to protect you! She was having a hard time when she lost her little brother!"

Dyrroth tried to stand up and reached her, "Princess, you have to listen to your friend!" He fell then his crystal starts to acting strangely, "Princess, I beg you... It hurts.." You stopped as you heard him begging then you just got hit something on your head which it made you unconscious.


".. (y/n)..."

"Dear (y/n)!" You opened your eyes as you were in the shaded tree on the field, "Are you alright, my sweet little sister?" You heard the familiar voice from the distance.

"Yes, I'm okay!" Your childhood past of yourself giggled, "Can we play hide and seek again?" Silvanna smiled at your child-self.

"Okay but this time you're going to hide." She said.

"Aw come on! You always good at finding me!" Little (y/n) whines and she giggled, "Besides, I'm scared getting lost in any places..." Little (y/n) pouted then Silvanna hugs, "Big sister?"

"No matter where were you, I'm still going to find and protect you, (y/n)." She said. "I promise."

Little (y/n) smiled, "Okay!" Your dream starts to fade into black, the reason why the dreams wanting you to show all of these because she wants to protect you.

You stared at black void, "I guess, it's time for me to wake up." You closed your eyes and start to concentrate of your body.


"Princess!" You finally woken up as saw Harith sobbing, "You're finally wake up something happened to Dyrroth." Harith flustered then you ran towards to Dyrroth.

"D-Dyrroth..." You kneel down and check his heartbeat, "He's... This is all my fault." Your tears start to flow down through your cheeks. ".. Stupid past, stupid memories..." You hugged Dyrroth's body and sobbing.

Harith felt bad from you, he wanted to help you but he couldn't until you saw a dimmed fainted light on Dyrroth's chest. "Princess, look..!" You looked at Dyrroth's chest, it must have been your tears did.

The crystal turned into white then green.. yellow.. purple. Mostly, it changes into all different colors then it finally turned back to red which it's main color that you always saw, Dyrroth coughed once the color came back to normal.

"Dyrroth!" You and Harith chorused. Dyrroth open his eyes weakling and the first he saw is you, "Princess..?" He said with his fainted word. You smiled and hugged him tight as well as Harith too.

"W-what happened..?" He said.

"We thought we lost you, you ogre! I literally just met you yesterday and you really gonna die!" Harith cried loudly.

The two released him so he can sat, "Lost? Wait.. I'm dead already?! Like... DOUBLE DEAD!" Dyrroth yelled surprisingly. Harith grabbed his shoulders and looked at him.

Harith began to shakes Dyrroth's body, "Heck no, you idiot!" He sobs, "Thanks to Princess that she saves you!" He continued shakes him but violently then Dyrroth pushed him lightly.

Dyrroth looks at you. You were hurt because what you did to him, he pulled then kissed and looked at you. "Princess." He touched your cheek which it was so warm, gentle as the sun.

You both touched their forehead together, "Thank you and it's not your fault of what you did..." He said calmly as you started to cry again, "Let it all out, it's okay... Your pumpkin is here." You giggled ang wiped your tears.

You both heard a noise and realized that Harith was there at the whole time. You two were embarrassed and separate each other, "Aww~ what's wrong? I started to get enjoy being sweet each other..." Harith teased.

You looked at Dyrroth and he was blushing so bad then you clear your throat, "Says who always slacking off his job." Harith stopped then you and Dyrroth both laughed.

Dyrroth pulled his Harith's tail then screams, "Serves you right, kitten." Harith blushed. "S-shut up, I'm a grown up boy just like you!"

"What the heck are you doing here, Harith?" Three of you stopped as they heard a voice, "Oh, I suppose to be quiet." You familiarize the voice then it finally revealed itself, "Well, you got me, Har—" She stopped as she saw you then Dyrroth immediately hide behind you.

Harith stand up and protect you two, "Natalia, why are you always keep following me! I told you to leave me alone!" He hissed at her.

Natalia stared at him, ".. I'm glad that the princess is still alive..." She disgust at herself, "So your majesty, come on. Why don't you want to go ho—"

You let your anger out, "Because I don't want to! I don't want to locked up again of that tower and I like staying at the Abyss!" You shouted.

"Just leave her alone, Natalia! It's her own decision to stay, she's not a child anymore!" Harith spoke up.

Natalia clutched her fist, "So, you're on their side, Harith?" She raised her eyebrow and smirked, "I guess I have to execute you..." She dashed at him. Dyrroth jumped and his gears enlarged then smashed through the ground which your surroundings were full of dust.

Dyrroth grabbed Harith, "Princess, do it now!" You released your power that makes everything foggy and retreated back at the Abyss along with your friend, Harith.


wooh, you guys! I can't believe we reached this story in 1k 👏👏👏. Thank you so much for reading this and this is my first time reaching of 1k reads just in two months 😂 but still this story isn't fix well because of.. yeah grammar.

after I finished this "From the Abyss" (series), I'll be making(?) an AU Dyrroth x Reader on this book because I don't wanna make another or separate it though 😅.

Once again, thank you for reaching 1k reads. I'm glad that this story turned out to be okay, I just enjoyed it writing it freely.

Goodbye and don't forget to wash your hands!

(also check out my favourite yt music content : Dasu) (just search Dasu vocaloid then BOOM!)

(Thank you!)

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