AU : Special (2)

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"Mommy, do you think my friend will come over? Didn't you forget to tell her to come over for my birthday?"

"They'll be here in a minute, sweetie.. Be patient, okay?"

"Mommy and I are checking something, we'll get back, little me. Please behave for us.

"Mommy..? Daddy...?"

"This is all your fault, Aurelius! If mom and dad didn't get your presents they couldn't get in a car accident!"

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry...-"

"I didn't mean to." I woke up then noticed that my tears were flowing down on my cheeks and I stood then looked at the computer calendar. "Today is my mom and dad's death anniversary and also my birthday..."


Moniyan Academy •


SC : greetings and i love you's


Waking up early, taking a bath, eating breakfast.. Lastly, going to school. These are the day routine like every adult thing to do except I'm not an adult but soon to be adult but whatever, this type of typical day doesn't change until I have my friends around me especially (y/n). (y/n) was the one- I mean the one who was also a new student for the last three months.. Wait, three months? I felt like it wasn't for three months or so but she's nice and sweet when I met her... I don't have any friends but I wonder who's friend did I mention in my dream? Curses.

I finally arrived at the school and got out of the car then I could feel a tug on my arm and I knew who that was. "Good morning, Dyrroth. I can see that you're early!" Looking at (y/n) bubbly smile, it makes me want to form a smile on my face but I can't because we're at the entrance of the school and people would watch us as we were so close together, it makes me feel awkward but- "Dyrroth, you're sweating. Do you have a fever or something?" She said then touched my forehead.

"I-I'm fine." I said and looked away. "I shouldn't just touch something.. Ask permission first then touch my.. head." Why am I always so nervous around her? "We should go to our class."

As time went by, it's always a normal day. Usually that time I have made troubles like getting into a fight when I didn't do anything with someone, detention and others. It's been a month and like I said when (y/n) came to my life it changed everything, it feels like that (y/n) is my inner peace when (y/n) by my side. The teacher and our classmates start staring at us during a seatwork or an activity HECK! Even in the Gym room or in the Music Laboratory. Maybe because (y/n)'s good at every class since she's been homeschooled when she was nine.



"Is it okay if you can come with me to the skating rink room?" Silvanna really reopened that room after a long time. She probably heard our conversation since she's a weird and creepy sister. The fact that she's been baby-ing me and my friends, still looking for us whenever we did something or asked something. I hate that she keeps lurking around us, no wonder why she never got any boyfriend at that age.

"Sure why not?" Then she dragged through the rink room. She seemed excited but I really can't say no from what she asked. We entered the rink room and I thought it's just normal but it's really cold here than the hallway. I covered my nose then sneezed, (y/n) already handed me alcohol then rubbed my hands.

"Always sanitize your hands before wearing any equipment." Once (y/n) said then chuckles.

"You knew everything huh?"

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