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• Moniyan Academy •


Chapter IV: An excuse hang out


"M-miya, where are we? Is this one of your friend's house?" You said while looking at the mansion, "We're going to be late!"

"Actually, I'm going to be late not you, (y/n)." Miya sighed then ring the door bell, "You should stop asking more questions, you'll figured it out once we got inside."

The microphone peaks as soon as you saw a person on the screen above the door bell, "Hello, what brings you here, Ma— Miya?!!" The girl exclaimed, "What are you doing here!"

"It's a long story, Selena. Silvanna wanted to dropped my sister here..."

"You mean babysitting him?"

"W-what not me! My little sister!" She whispered on its microphone, "And I have to be hurry or my first period will be chaos if I'm not there!"

Selena giggled, "Okay, I'll let your little sister in, you should go now." The gate opened then Miya thanked her.

Miya looked at you and grabbed your shoulder, "Listen here, (y/n), you have to take care of him and I know I didn't plan this but Silvanna did. I'm sorry and I love you!" She kissed on your cheek and run away.

"What the heck, Miya! You should've told me yesterday!" You shouted, "What about my clothes?!!"

"You don't need to worry about it!" She yelled then you looked paled.

"Hello, are you still there? Umm you can come in now..." Selena politely said.

"Oh I'm sorry." You said then you finally enter the property. It was beautiful and peaceful here and you saw the butlers cutting the leaves or bushes at the garden, you saw her waving then you walked towards to her.

"Hello, you've must be Miya's little sister. I'm Selena Shadow, I've taken care of the two kids along with the mansion, it's pleasure to meet you." Selena introduced.

"I'm (y/n) Modena, it was nice to meet you too, Selena. Can I asked? Who lived in this mansion?" You asked her while entering the mansion.

"Well, it's Silvanna and Dy—" You both stopped and saw Dyrroth but shirtless. You blushed and turned around.

He widely open his eyes and also blushed then run upstairs and hide behind the pillar, "y-you! What are you doing here?!"

"Dyrroth, what did I tell you to wear a shirt even if there's no any visitors!" Selena crossed her arms, "Speaking of (y/n), she's going to take care of you."

"W-what!" You both chorused.

"Yes, since you didn't listen me or your sister, she brought your friend here."

"She told you but not me?!" He shouted, "Bruh, I did not expect that happened to me. I'm going to my room and get dress."

"Ha! Serves you right, Dyrroth!" She smirked then she saw you looking paled of what happened, "I'm sorry for the trouble, I think I should carry you on the living room."

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