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Chapter X : Lullaby and Dreams..?


"Dyrroth, you really need to rest, you seem pale out..." You worrying say to him.

"N-no, I'm perfectly fi—" He sneezed with a fire coming out of his nose. The gang looked at each other with their worried face, "What?" He added.

Alice dragged him on his chamber and locked him, "Rest or you'll be lock here in a month." You sweats nervously as she punished him.

"Aw mom!" He whines and starts to banging on the door, "I don't want to! I just want to spent some time with Princess!" He cried.

"Stop acting like a child, Dyrroth!" Thamuz exclaimed and smashed his fist on the wall, "If you don't do this one job, I'm going to take away to Princess from you!" It gets worse if he gets punished.

You looked both of them, "Maybe I'll do it for him so he can behave." Alice grabbed your shoulder and she seems serious when it comes to this situation.

"You can't stop him once you tell him to behave, it takes so many days to take care of him besides his sickness is different from humans." She said, "The illness here in Abyss, once the demon got sick.. he or she may act something different like age like him acting like a child."

"O-oh, but I know I can handle this, Miss Alice." You said.

"Are you sure about that, Princess?" Thamuz said then you nodded, "But—" Alice stopped him and pushed you in from his chamber then closed the door.

As she pushed you inside of his chamber, you both went silent then Dyrroth jumps into her which it made you two fall and made in awkward position.

"Dyrroth, you shouldn't done that to me..." You rubbed your head and realized his face were close to yours. You blushed then looked away but Dyrroth touched your both cheeks and face it to him, "D-Dyrroth!"

He stick his tongue out then lick you cheek. You shivered when felt a soft saliva on your cheek, "You taste like honey, Princess." He said, "Can I kiss you?" You were speechless and blushed.

Dyrroth was in a cute position which you made yourself blushed more, "Princess, can I?" He pleased and he was about to cry, "Y-you shouldn't cry, Dyrroth! Of course, you can!" You nervously said.

He perks up as you let him kiss you, "Really! Thank you, Princess!" You sat properly then he kisses you on lips, you didn't prepared for this but he immediately kiss you.

It tastes honey.

He starts to explore inside of your mouth, you immediately pushed him because you're running out of breath. He didn't want to let you go, "Mmph!" You were struggling then he finally let you go and breath carefully, "D-Dyrroth... I wasn't prepare yet, please don't do that again." You drooling so bad then Dyrroth helped wiped them off.

"I will." He said then carries you on his bed, "You should rest first, Princess."

"That's my line."

"No, I don't want to..." Then he started to unbuttoned your shirt then you stopped him, "Why?" You grabbed his both arm.

"You can't do that, Dyrroth." You said, "You really need to sleep! Don't you want to get locked up here on your chamber?" He stopped and shakes his head, "How about we'll both sleep together so we're even?"

He blinks.

"Okay!" He lay down beside you and smiled, "Sing me a lullaby!" You chuckled, he truly is acting like a baby.

(i suggested to read this poem first then listen the music or if you have a computer play and read the poem)

Hush, my dear love..
I am here for you,
don't forget what I said...
That I'm by your—

Please my dear love,
don't leave me by your side,
I don't want to feel left...
out from the dusk.

Once I am gone,
you sing my lullaby,
you'll recall those days that we had.

O, my love
I'll put you,
the curse that I have
so I'll tell you what it is...
Don't Sleep.

As you sang him a sweet lullaby, he fell asleep. You smiled and he immediately grabbed your hand, "Sweet dreams, Dyrroth." You smiled and sleep with him.


You woke up and noticed that you were at the fields, "Could it be..." You whispered then you saw a hooded figure running. You follow it then hide behind the trees, ".. Perhaps another dream..?"

You heard a baby crying then the hooded figure sing him a lullaby so the baby stops crying, the wind blew then you saw a horned woman then disappeared from the dusks. You heard a loud footsteps coming from the deepest forest then your dream swept away.

It's still in your dream, this time it was taken place back at your empire. The white hooded and its guards escorting her to the inn, inside of it was full of children roaming around the hallway.

"Your majesty, what are we doing here in the orphanage home?" One of the guard whispered to the white hooded.

"It's just..." The white hooded figure said. "It sounded like a girl..." You said in your thoughts.

The head sister came and greet the girl, "Hello, what brings your here, miss?"

"I would like to adopt a baby boy." The girl said.

"I'm sorry, we don't have a baby boy but we do have a girl here. Would you like to adopt her?" The head sister said.

The girl kept quiet then agreed, "Well then I need to signed the contract and take the baby. Unfortunately, we don't have the name of the baby. It's a perfect timing that you'll name the baby, what would you name her?"

The girl smiled and looked at her new little sister.

"I'll name her... (y/n)."


Hey guys, you notice that poem and the video? I made those two because I'm bored and I didn't planned for this part though but I'm glad you guys enjoy reading this junk and we've reached a 600+ reads! Thank you all so much for reading and vote this crap so...

I hope you guys wash your hands properly.

Bye and thank you very much.

- avichi.

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