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bruh this is cheesy part and it makes me cringe while making.. this, well there's no other choice but to make a story... sorry my schedule sucks because i was just chillin' for nothing, i hope you guys understand and an online class is going start on Aug. 10.


Moniyan Academy •


Chapter VIII : Together Alone


".. (y/n)..." Your body was trembling as well as your hands too, your breathing isn't normal as you saw her, "Aw (y/n), did you miss me? Why did leave me and the school too?"

Miya blocked her and frowned, "What are you doing here?" She said. The brunette laughed and looked directly at you.

"Can't you just see, Miya? I want to see my best friend here..."

"No, you're not!" She raised her voice, "You hurt my sister, Guinevere. Get lost!"

You heard a loud footstep coming to the room then you saw a blonde man wearing a blue suit, "Guinevere, thank heavens, you're here!" He said then saw Miya. "Care to explain this?"

"Well I want to see my best friend here," Guinevere said and crossed her arms.

"I told you not to go near to their family!" The man said.

"Oh come on, Lancelot!"

"No, Guine! We've made a deal with her!" Lancelot lost his temper and sighed, "My apologies, Miya. I promise to look after her." They both left the room.

Miya looked at you then she widened her eyes, "(y/n).. deep breath and calm your mind." She said.

"(y/n)!" Nana shouted then Harley pinched her nose.

"Keep quiet, Nana. Can't you see Miya try to calm her down?" Harley said then Nana cupped her mouth and nodded.

Your hands still shaking when you saw her, you were breathing heavily because of what she did...

Dyrroth stood there while watching you, "What happened to her?" Miya frowned then hugged you and it seems it didn't work...

"Panic attack..."

"She had it? Why didn't she tell—"

"You? Please.. Why would (y/n) told you about that?" She annoyed, "Oh right, friends."

Dyrroth clutches his fist, "She's not just my friend to me!" He shouted then she stopped.

Silvanna POV

I was on my way to go to my brother's room then I saw two of my special visitors passed by. As soon as I reached his room, I heard Miya's voice, I take a peeked and saw what's going on...

"She's not just my friend to me!"


I pulled out my camera and put it in on live so everyone in the mansion saw what was going on.

"Miss Silvanna, what are you doing—" I covered Selena's mouth and hide behind me.

"Turn the TV live on, Selena," I whispered.

I looked surprised but I wonder what happened to these two... Speaking of two, I believe those two are Dyrroth's classmates.

"(y/n) seem special to me, she looks different than the others. She's kind, sweet and cheerful too. She always approaches me because I'm a nobody..."

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