Chapter 2

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"Orders?" Kongpob tried to remember if he heard anything about fulfilling orders before.

"Yes. You've to assure us that you're capable of taking up the responsibilities of King. Don't think that just because you're destined, it'll be easy for you. You have to go through the entire process."

"But P'Singto, I have been part of court's integral members from last 3 years. You've taught me everything. Then what are the orders, I need to fulfil. I even haven't heard anything about this before" Singto is very friendly with everyone in the land of Venus. Angels, Cupids call him 'My Lord' but closed ones, his friends and Kongpob usually address him as P'Sing when he's not on Throne. 

"You haven't heard because I never told you. I spent my 15 years of my life in Earth, so I don't have to go through this but you have been here, in land of Venus because of the fear of Evil creatures trying to harm you. No one can touch you now as your magical powers can turn the entire evil world to ashes. Here, take this and read it" Singto gave them the scroll paper to Kongpob.

After reading the scroll, he looked confusingly and asked "That's it?"

"Believe me Son, its not that easy" Singto replied calmly. Kongpob still not convinced decided to summon Goddess. He held his Sun pendant from the necklace in his hands and closed his eyes. This was a simple necklace which their parents gave before giving him to Goddess. But later on, Goddess added magical powers in it through which he can call anyone he wants just by holding it in his palms and calling the name.

 But later on, Goddess added magical powers in it through which he can call anyone he wants just by holding it in his palms and calling the name

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"How are you My Son?" Kongpob opened his eyes the moment he heard Goddess's voice. With a smile in his face, he bowed in front of her to give her the respects followed by Tew and Singto.

"I was fine till now" Kongpob replied to the question Luna, Goddess of Moon asked at her arrival

A/N: I will be referring Goddess of Mood as 'Luna'. I'm too lazy to type it and I feel its getting repetitive again and again

The Roman goddess of the moon is called Luna. So, I choose this name.

"I hope you received my orders" Luna asked while moving towards the vacant chair beside King's chair. Everyone followed and sat at their respective places except Kongpob. Kongpob sat down placing his head on Luna's lap which made her chuckle and caress his hair

"spoiled brat" Singto mumbled seeing Kongpob's actions. Everyone knows that Kongpob is the most loved son to not only Goddess but for everyone in the land. His brilliance in solving complicated cases, curiosity in learning new as well as Innocence made him everyone's favorite.

Singto surely raised Kongpob as a father figure but they treat each other like brothers. He made sure not to be more strict towards Kongpob so that his childhood and Innocence won't be lost.

"So, why did you summoned me?"

"Only one sentence is not enough Angel, Can you explain it more clearly?"

"She's not an Angel Kong!! She's a Goddess" Singto tiredly corrected Kongpob. No matter how many times he corrected, Kongpob always calls Luna as Angel.

"She's my Angel😛" Kongpob replied to Singto while sticking his tongue out which resulted in a smack on back of his head.

"You kids.. Enough!! now let me explain" Luna stopped two grown ups teasing each other who are apparently Kings of the Venus.

"My order was to find your soulmate and made him/her fall for you without revealing your true Identity and motive" Kongpob and Singto nodded while Tew is attentively followed the discussion going around as King has already told him that He'll be accompanying Kongpob to Earth.

"You have six months time to take the position of King. And you'll be spending this time in Earth finding your True love and also you have to spend ample time with your parents. I still feel guilty for what I have done. If not the threat from Lucifer, I would've allowed you to stay on Earth just like Singto's case." Seeing Luna upset remembering his childhood, Kongpob held her hand giving a squeeze and smiling at her. 

Luna smiled at him and continued to caress her hair while continuing to explain Kongpob's mission.

"After a period of One month of your confession, you have to reveal your true Identity and that person should be able to love you enough to accept you the way you are but make sure not to reveal anything else other than you being an angel and resident of Venus.

The last day of your six months is full moon day. He has to visit this land and ask permission to accept his love by shedding his blood on Lotus flower at Somsak lake. If he's your true love, then Lotus flower will turn into red, if not it will turn into black." Luna completes her explanation waiting for Kongpob to ask questions.

Kongpob: "What will happen if Flower turns to black?"

Singto: He'll forget all your memories and will go back to where he's. You'll be sent to exile for 200 years to the place we decide and you cannot be King anymore. Because the person who can't even find his true love won't be eligible to decide for other's lives.

Kongpob: How will I identify who is my soulmate? So many angels tried to woo me but I never felt connection with them

Luna smiles at Kongpob's question as she very well knows that he is not greedy about position and authority. He is not afraid of repercussions but is more excited for his new task 

Luna: Son, Few things are beyond explanations. But I can do one thing, I can give you hints if you want to know the person you choose is your soulmate or not. But only once.

Kongpob nodded and trying to understand the things when Tew Interrupted

Kongpob: My Lord, How much time it took for you to find your soulmate

Singto: Two centuries Cupid, Tew. I made a mistake in assigning a wrong cupid and to rectify that I had to take things in my hand. But before that, I had to visit heaven to ask for permission as it was a special case. That's when I found my Krist.

Kongpob: Then why should I find my soulmate in just six months of time? 

Luna: Because just like how Singto mentioned, even though he's born in Land of Venus, he spent his 15 years on Earth, understanding and feeling the emotions of Humans, which are very important to take decisions. But in your case, you stayed here. You are affectionate towards your closed ones but you don't have any connection with human's emotions.

Kongpob: Hmmm!!

A/N: Sorry for delay update. I became a reader and forgot about publishing 🤦🏻‍♀️

Anyway, Thanks for reading!! Hope you liked this chapter

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