Chapter 8

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Kongpob continued to visit Café and Arthit continued to make him smile with all sort of Latte arts. Flowers, animals, smileys.. whatever Arthit felt at that moment.

But even after 10 days, there's no much progress in their relationship. They continue to exchange greetings and smiles but nothing more or less. On top of that, Arthit is becoming frustrated with Kongpob's closeness with Tew but not daring to question him. So, he just looks at them happily conversing.

On the other end, Kongpob also had no idea how to start conversation because of his fear of blurting out something wrong like last time. Tew is not able to help much because of the orders given by Singto.

Seeing Kongpob's sad face everyday, Rome ditched his plans with friends and decided to accompany his brother. Next day, both brothers arrived to Café but Arthit is missing. Kongpob occupies the place which is reserved for him, thanks to Knott.

Rome, on the other hand, goes to counter and greets Tutah

"Swadee Khrap P'Tutah" Rome wai'd his senior and Tutah greets back with a smile

"Long time no see... N'Rome!!"

"I was busy with studies and I also have to get ready for my university admission" Rome defended himself

"So? which university you applied?"

"If everything goes according to my plan, I will be able to get admission in SSU University" Rome proudly answered.

"Good.. All the best Nong." Rome nodded absentmindedly wandering his eyes everywhere searching for Arthit and Bright. Tutah observed and smirked at him. In his timespan with Arthit tutoring, he always tried to get attention of Bright, who is apparently his first love. But as usual dense Bright didn't understood and continued to roam with other girls. But what Tutah or other friends didn't understood is Rome never approached or even tried to befriend him.

"I guess you're here for some other reason"

"hmmm" Rome replied still searching

"Bright and Arthit went to shopping for Café. Bright is planning to add Waffles in menu which is someone's favorite it seems." None of their friends know why Bright is adamant of adding waffles in menu. He spent his two months salary in trial of perfecting Waffles.

On the other hand, Rome didn't know whether he should be happy or sad. Because Waffles are his own favorite but there's no chance Bright will be knowing about it. He prayed that whomever Bright likes, both should have happy ending unlike his own unrequited love. He can easily say that Bright actually loves the person for whom he's preparing waffles because Bright is never the one who puts effort on passing affair.

"When will they come back P'Tutah?"

"They'll be coming in around 15-20 minutes. You want to have something meanwhile?"

"yeah.. my usual tea and.. P'Kong?" Rome called for Kongpob's attention who is also busy searching for Arthit and didn't even looked at Rome

"He's with you?" Tutah asked curiously. Everyone knows about their friend's crush on Kongpob. Prem was bit skeptical about Kongpob because he didn't find anything in background check which he immediately did once he found out about Arthit's crush. Other than Prem, everyone is happy that his friend found someone even if both are not yet in serious track but they want to support Arthit. 

"Yes, P'Tutah. He's my elder brother"

"Is it?" Now its understandable why nothing came out in background check. Its obvious that Suthiluck Heir will have his own shield to protect his information.

"Then I know what he's going to order. You both talk, i will send orders to your table" Tutah took the order and Rome went back to Kongpob's table

"P'Kong!! P'Arthit and P'Bright went for shopping. They'll be here in 30 minutes" Rome said so that his brother can stop scanning the place eagerly. Kongpob visibly looked upset but nodded. Rome continued to talk about how excited he's to join university and everything which half of the things Kongpob didn't understood but he's happy to listen to everything his brother is telling about. According to Kongpob, his brother is the most intellectual and nice person on the face of earth.


Bright and Arthit entered inside the café to witness Rome animatedly talking whereas Kongpob is listening to him without any distraction. Both Arthit and Bright stopped on their tracks glaring at two men inside.

Tutah is mentally laughing from inside at how both of his oblivious friends are getting jealous over siblings. Bright dropped the keys, making a noise to distract both of them but they are very far from the real world.

Arthit shifted his gaze towards Bright and both started talking mentally

Arthit: are you serious? Even I didn't hear this sound😣

Bright: At least I got idea.. you were just shooting daggers at them

Arthit: Should we throw the mushroom box on their side?🍄

Bright: What if it will hit Rome? Let's target on Kongpob

Arthit: Then let's choose the broccoli in my hand and also changing the target to YOU. You're planning to make my future Boyfriend dumb?🥦

Bright: haha🤣.. he'll be future boyfriend if one of you make any move. you preparing Latte arts for him and he smiling in return will not make any progress by the way

Arthit: Look who's talking? you proposed to Knott assuming him as Rome... and let me remind you, you even got that guts while drunk🍾. Thanks to that scene, only me, you and Knott knows about your blooming love interest about N'Rome.

Bright: I still feel stupid that I assumed Knott as Rome. They are poles apart in both looks and nature

Arthit: You're STUPID Bright. You realized your feelings after fucking 4 years.. I mean REALLY? Please remind me why I am friends with you

Bright: Because I'm Handsome and charming

Arthit: That's a good joke

Bright: YOU

Arthit: WHAT?

Tutah who is observing from the counter realized that he needs to stop his friends before they kill each other mentally. Not that he mind Arthit killing his dumb friend but Arthit shouldn't spoil his image in front of his crush.

After all, Arthit found some color in his boring life after 22 years!!.

Tutah approached his friends and muttered in low tone

"Stop both of you and change your clothes before your crushes see you in clothes covered with mud and dirt. You people went for shopping or to wrestling?"

Arthit and Bright looked over their outfit and tip toed towards the changing room to look presentable. Tutah followed them and before they close the door, Tutah warned them

"And, don't start with your bickering's.. not at least when customers are here"

A/N: Here I'm with Saturday Update. Thank you all of you for reading and waiting for updates. Because of my work, i can only update on weekends/Holidays🥺

So, apologies for that!! I will try as much as I can to update in between... 

Thanks again all of you for your support and encouragement. It actually means a LOT😇

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