Chapter 9

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Arthit and Bright came out, dressed in casual shirts. There's no rule about wearing specific sort of clothes, not even to employees. They can wear anything which they're comfortable with. But Arthit kept a rule of 'No vulgar and weird costumes' after Bright showed up with Elephant costume one day. Apparently, he did that to attract audience but after his attempt to trumpet, 5 year kid started wailing non stop. Arthit had to come from Kitchen leaving all his work to join his friends in calming a poor child. 

Only remembering about the day sends shivers in all five. It took 3 hours for all four friends(excluding Bright) and his parents to calm the kid and they took a day off because of exhaustion

 It took 3 hours for all four friends(excluding Bright) and his parents to calm the kid and they took a day off because of exhaustion

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Tutah appreciated Bright mentally for choosing White shirt instead of random Bright and funny colors. Arthit choose dark Navy Blue shirt which increased his handsomeness. But instead of greeting Rome and Kongpob, Arthit went inside Kitchen and started looking at orders.

Tutah confused with his behavior, went inside to talk to him, while Bright occupies the cash counter.

"Why are you here? you should greet Kongpob and Rome"

"Why do you think I should greet them first?" Arthit questioned back

"Because that's what you usually do. You always greets Kongpob no matter how busy you're!"

Arthit closed his eyes and sighs. Its true. No matter how busy the day is, Once Kongpob steps his foot in café, Arthit greets him with smile. His order always arrives on top priority. Even though he didn't liked the closeness of Kongpob with Tew, he never ignored Kongpob. But seeing Kongpob with someone else, Arthit somehow left all the hope. 

Maybe I am not the one for him

Sensing his friends internal debate, Tutah clarified

"N'Rome is Kongpob's younger Brother"

"WHAT?" Bright and Arthit shouted at a time. Tutah looked behind to see Bright eaves dropping at their conversation.

"Bright!! If you don't concentrate on billing, I am not providing you the latest information which I found about N'Rome" Tutah warning actually worked as Bright went back to the counter and started to work diligently. This trait of Bright always amazes his friends. No matter how playful and lazy Bright is, once he sets his mind on something, he never backs off and works sincerely. His innovative and tasty side dishes always perked up the earnings of Café and made it unique with hundreds of Cafes around.

"What Information?" Arthit enquired 

"Nothing important for you as of now. Now take your ass to Kongpob and PLEASE, make some progress. Now you've a reason to. Remember, you're N'Rome's favorite. It might help" Arthit felt stupid for feeling jealous over brother's closeness and beelined towards the table.

The moment Rome saw Arthit approaching their table, he jumped from chair and hugged Arthit

"P'Arthit!! How are you? I have been waiting for you for so long" Rome complained

"Sorry N'Rome. I was busy with work. How are you?"

"I'm fine!! Come here. Let me introduce you to my elder Brother" Rome dragged Arthit to their occupied table and took a chair from another table for Arthit to sit down. Arthit thanked him and sat between brothers. He faced Kongpob and as usual greeted him with a smile.

"Hi" Arthit face turned extra soft when he faced Kongpob

"Hi" Kongpob greeted back by waving his hand

"How's coffee?" Arthit asked Kongpob casually to extend the talk

"Bland. You didn't prepared it" Kongpob replied genuinely which bought a blush on Arthit's cheeks

"I was out for some work" Arthit managed to reply and Kongpob nodded. Rome is looking back and forth towards Arthit and Kongpob and facepalmed with the conversation both are having

Seriously? Is this how grown-ups flirt or is it exclusive for these two. Its very clear how both are interested to know more about each other and just saying HI

I can understand P'Kong but what happened to Once fierce Head hazer of SSU University? Can't he use his charm on my P. Even having fierce aura, he used to get thousands of proposals from both men and women.

He looks at counter to see Tutah also listening to their conversation and shaking his head with helplessness. Rome huffs and decides to do something before Kongpob passes his timeline with HI

He clears his throat when he find both Arthit and Kongpob looking at each other and smiling.

"P'Arthit! Can you help my P'Kong in sightseeing. This is the first time he's been to here, and I am busy with my studies."

"Sure. I would love to... I mean.. I can.. do that" Arthit confirmed the moment his mind registered the idea of roaming with Kongpob and soon realized how he sounded desperate and regretted it.

"What is sightseeing?" Kongpob questioned innocently to Rome just like how he does when they are at home. Arthit confused with why Kongpob is asking the meaning of such common word, faced the other for clarification. Kongpob facepalmed himself mentally for blurting out.

Kongpob!! Can't you save this question for later? Kongpob scolded himself

"P'Kong!! I'm asking P'Arthit to show you around beautiful places. He'll accompany you in roaming around instead of P'Tew as he's gone to finish his own work and he's also new to Bangkok.. so P'Arthit will help you" Rome answered which made Arthit sigh in relief that Tew will be away for sometime and also schemes the plan to get close to Kongpob completely forgetting about Kongpob's innocent question.

Kongpob nodded with a smile like he always does every time he learns about something new. He is aware of human nature, traditions and basic customs which he learned from Singto but after arriving to Earth, there're so many things that amuses him. 

Like how humans capture a moment in a thing called picture with just a click instead of a well drawn paintings which takes effort of quite a few hours. Like how humans can summon people with a small device which fits on palm called Smart phone instead of connecting through telepathy. How humans work hard to earn something called Money which is used to buy things in their daily life. There're so many things about Humans which Singto haven't taught him Maybe he also doesn't know 😂

** Singto pouting about Kongpob's statement and Krist giggling beside him😃

"N'Rome! You never mentioned about having an elder brother?" Arthit asks Rome because as far he remember, Prem told that Rome is the only child of Suthilucks.

"Hmm.. because there're so many things that shouldn't be disclosed about him" Rome hesitantly said praying that Arthit may understand and not question more

Arthit nodded in understanding because no one else knows more about threats in disclosing the information about heirs other than him.

A/N: Any hints about upcoming story?

Thanks for reading

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