Chapter 27

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Arthit arrived Venus land followed by Jake and Alizeh. Jake is looking at everything like a kid roaming in fair for the first time. He's bit familiar with everything from what Alizeh explained but he never witnessed anything, not even when Alizeh is dealing her matters, as she always used her cabin for those things.

Alizeh held Jake's hand securely so that he won't be missed in the crowd😆. Angels, gods, Goddess, people from all the lands arrived at Venus land to witness the ritual and welcome Arthit.

They all were very much impressed with Arthit's beauty especially angels as they've been hearing lot of stories about him from Kongpob in last few days. Arthit's eyes are continuously searching for Kongpob who's missing. Suddenly he heard voice in his mind

"Searching for someone?"

"Yes... I am searching for my boyfriend who didn't contacted me after arriving his homeland"

"I was busy here and waiting for my home to come to me" Kongpob replied with a whiney voice. Arthit got bit flustered with the other's words but soon remembered what his mother told about rituals

"And Mae already told me what you were busy with." Arthit replied with a sad tone.

The moment Kongpob heard the reply, Arthit vanished from the crowd and appeared in front of Kongpob who's sitting on a chair with crossed legs. His attire is also different from what he used to wear on Earth including his aura which is making Arthit confused.

 His attire is also different from what he used to wear on Earth including his aura which is making Arthit confused

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A/N: Imagine Kongpob in this attire😃

"You don't look like my Kong" Arthit said in a low tone. Smiling, Kongpob flew and stood in front of Arthit.

"Now?" Arthit looked up and saw Kongpob changed his attire and is now in normal dress, smiling at him with hearty eyes😍.

"Now?" Arthit looked up and saw Kongpob changed his attire and is now in normal dress, smiling at him with hearty eyes😍

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"It's not the dress, Kong" Arthit replied playfully hitting on the other's chest.

"Then?" Kongpob asked tilting his head

"On Earth, you were innocent, curious and cute... Ah!! sometimes mysterious. And here... you are confident and...."


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