Chapter 6

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"Soul mate!!" Rome, Suchirit and Kannika shouted at the same time resulting Kongpob who's near to them to close his ears.

Why are humans so loud? 🙉

"Have you found him? are you going to search using your magic?🧝‍♂️ Is he here?" Rome started questioning him with out giving chance to answer others. Tew and Wad are still confused whether their Soon to be King's brother is mature or childish. Sometimes, he behave matured in the places where it is not expected and sometimes, act like a 5 year old.

"I have seen him at park. I don't have any other details. It was just a glance" Kongpob replied being sad.😢

"You have any picture of him? may be we can help?" Suchirit offered to help his son, Kannika and Rome nodded in agreement. Kongpob using his magic, painted the exact image of how he saw his soul mate. Once done, he showed it to his family members who are still in awe at the magic in front of them.

 Once done, he showed it to his family members who are still in awe at the magic in front of them

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Rome recognized it instantly and screamed in excitement.🤗

"It's P'Arthit!!"

"You know him?" Kongpob asked equally excited😳

"Yes.. He was my tutor two years before. Now he owns a coffee shop 'Friends Factory'" Rome explained happily as his favorite tutor is going to his elder brother's soul mate. He still remembered how much he felt sad when Arthit informed that because of Assignments and Projects, he won't be able to continue tutoring. He also asked his Junior to tutor him.

"Tell us more.. as much as you can" Kannika enquired to more about the person who will be part of her son's life. Rome is very good at recognizing people's true nature. So, they didn't have to worry about wrong person in Rome's life. If any doubt arises, He directly contacts with detective agency which Suchirit uses for business purposes to dig into more.

"His name is Arthit, an Industrial Engineering Graduate from SSU, one of the top college in Thailand. After his graduation, he started his own café along with his friends" Rome explained looking at his parents

"Is he an average student? I mean why an engineer opens a café?" Suchirit questioned back. Its not that he is the person who minds about status and career. He's just curious🤔

"No Por, He's topper of their batch. I am not sure about his passion and all but I faintly remember him telling that he did Barista course when he was in first year of University" Rome replied. Everyone in the room nodded.

"What is Barista?" Kongpob questioned

"Its an education required to prepare coffee. Normally what we prepare at home is normal ones but to open a Café, we need more knowledge from coffee beans, temperature, percentage of milk.. There's so many factors. In Barista training, they teach all these things" Rome explained looking directly at Kongpob

"What is Coffee?☕" Rome simply smiled to Kongpob's question

"Hmmm.. coffee is a beverage which we drink. It is prepared from specific species of berry seeds. A lot of people drink coffee or Tea based on their taste. It helps us to stimulate the nervous system." Kongpob nodded trying to grasp everything

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