Chapter 26

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"Mae!! What happened again?" Arthit came running hearing his mother's voice

"How can you give your gear to Arthit so early. It can be dangerous for you. You know the importance of that right?" Alizeh asked Kongpob ignoring her Son's curious tone.

"Kongpob, I admire you for who you are and what you've became over years. I admit, I didn't accept your relationship with my son in the beginning because of the theory of 'Soulmate' and Me being his mother. But that doesn't mean, I don't care for you. This stunt of yours can be dangerous. He don't know how important that thing is for you. If he misplaces it somewhere, you'll be in great trouble" Alizeh spoke with Kongpob in a soft voice.

"Thank you for your concern, Goddess. But I trust my Arthit. Nothing wrong will happen when he's with me"

"And, I know how precious it is for Kongpob. It has his powers embedded in it. So, I securely placed it where no one can reach that place. P'Krist already sent the message to me" Arthit replied sulking that his own mother thought he can misplace the gift his lover gave for him.

"You met Krist?" Alizeh is surprised. Her son is meeting people from heaven and Venus without her knowledge

"No... He sent a scroll through a peacock" Both Alizeh and Kongpob sighed in relief.

"Are... you the one who protected Arthit from Lucifer's devils?" Kongpob asked hesitantly to Alizeh. He wants to confirm all the points for his lover's safety.

"Yes. If anyone dangerous to Arthit is near him, I will get to know and the pendant which is dangling on his neck will throw them out of his sight. That's what happened with them as well. But I met him personally and warned. So, rest assured. They won't approach Arthit again"

"When is the big day?" Alizeh asked Kongpob

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"When is the big day?" Alizeh asked Kongpob. She's aware of all the customs and traditions in Venus.

"twenty Five days from now on" Kongpob replied to which Alizeh nodded. Jake and Arthit looked at each other in confusion but said nothing.


Arthit and Kongpob are back to their apartment bed, Arthit laid on Kongpob's chest, thinking about today's event whereas Kongpob is thinking about the new Information Alizeh provided about Arthit

"Kongpob, Arthit is very special person. He's human by birth but also inherited my powers. In simple terms, he's human with many powers. He's not aware of it till now but slowly, he'll get to know. Luna, Goddess of Moon, told me that a special person in his life will be able to unleash those powers and will teach him to utilize it in a right way. Today, after seeing his anger, I realized you are his special person. Train him in the right way. Slowly, he may get frustrated with all these things but stay with him until he needs you." Alizeh explained to Kongpob

"I Promise Goddess, Until Arthit needs me, I will stay with him. Nothing in the world will separate both of us." Alizeh can see the honesty in his words and nodded in acknowledgement

"He can read minds; can control animals and you've already seen his anger. You also have to be careful around him"

"Me?" Kongpob is confused why he has to be careful and what increased the suspicious bar is Alizeh's mischievous smile.

"She is talking about your perverted mind" Arthit said chuckling


"My mom. She thinks that I will hear your perverted mind" Arthit explained looking up with his doe eyes.

"But the truth is nowhere near" Kongpob said sarcastically

"She don't have to know that" Arthit replied in a husky voice, his right-hand creeping inside Kongpob's shirt, making the other gasp in surprise.


Days are getting better in everyone's life and also D-day coming closer. Kongpob and Alizeh explained everything to Jake and Arthit clearly. Arthit took everyone's to the surprise when he declared

"Let the destiny disclose its cards. If things are not in our favour, I will not let go anything without a fight" Alizeh is smiling proudly whereas Jake and Kongpob, looking at each other with astonished face.

Bright and Rome got engaged in the presence of friends and family. Type's parents accepted the fate and never blamed Bright for what happened. They also adopted Bright, giving their surname to Bright, making them a happy family.

Tutah also got his family, his life partner, Sam who's the co-investor in their new franchise of Café. He's understanding, calm and emotionally driven person. Only he knows what he endured to get the acceptance from Tutah' s friends.😰


Kongpob left to his world bidding farewell to everyone and promised to visit once in every month. Arthit' s mother will accompany Arthit to Venus Land after three days for the ritual leaving Arthit sulking

"Oon, its only been 3 hours and you've become grumpy?" Jake exclaimed

"Why does he have to leave beforehand?" Arthit questioned

"Because he has to get ready for the day and there're so many rituals he has to follow before full moon day." Alizeh explained while entering to her room.

"What rituals? Kong haven't said anything about it" Alizeh bit her tongue as she spilled something which Kongpob haven't informed the other. She thought Kongpob prepared Arthit for consequences if something doesn't go according to plan. Seeing his mother's expressions, Arthit suspiciously asked "Why are you not replying?"

"Kongpob will explain to you once you both meet" Alizeh slowly stood to escape but was caught by a strong wrist. She cautiously looked at Jake, pleading him to leave but the latter shook his head in denial

"What are you both hiding from us?" Jake questioned while Arthit is praying that everything to be fine

A/N: Thanks for reading!!

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