Chapter 24

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"Sorry for the delay. we were struck in the meeting" A male voice is heard by both Arthit and Kongpob. Arthit lips turned to smile whereas Kongpob is feeling the opposite. No Matter how much he tried, he's unable to control his body.

"Look who's here... Prince of Venus" A sweet and soothing voice echoed throughout the palace. Kongpob is shocked and looked up to confirm his assumptions. And it turned to be true.

Goddess... Yes, Goddess of Wind is in front of him and he is kneeling in front of her. He bowed and greeted her with all the respect he had for her. He heard lot of stories of Alizeh, Goddess of wind but never met. Now he clearly understood why he was failed to control his body and is feeling weak around her. No wonder, he failed to fetch any information regarding Arthit's mother. 

After receiving his blessing, Alizeh gracefully moved her right hand to the up and automatically Kongpob got control over his body and is able to feel normal.

Jake Rojnapath and Alizeh both sat on the opposite couches and signaled the other to relax and start the conversation. Arthit is about to start, even though he's still in confused state with everything going on but Kongpob beat him up by kneeling in front of the couple on his right knee, bowing his head in respect.

"It's an honour to meet you Goddess. Though it was an unexpected from my end, but I am overwhelmed by your presence. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Kongpob, Prince of Venus" Kongpob introduced himself politely. Jake is super impressed by his Son's boyfriend's manners. He is habituated with meeting the people from his wife's world, but he was never excited and happy. He guessed; it was because of him being his son's soulmate.

"And my dear son's boyfriend!" Alizeh replied in a cold tone. Arthit is bit taken back by it but chose to stay silent. Kongpob also was not expecting because he heard Alizeh, to be the most warmth and Kind to all.

"With all due respect, I wish to correct you. I am your dear Son's Soulmate" Kongpob replied confidently and proudly, looking straight to Alizeh' s eyes, making an eye contact. Alizeh is surprised with the move and raised her perfect eyebrow as if challenging the other but Kongpob is not intimidated by the other.

"Mae, May I know what is happening?" Arthit asked interrupting his mother and lover's silent attack on each other and also his curiosity is killing him. Alizeh, listening to her Son's voice, looked at him and hugged the other warmly. She was focused more on Kongpob and didn't acknowledge Arthit when arrived. Jake, on the other hand, placed his hand on Kongpob' s shoulder, and helped him get up from his position.

"It's nice to meet you... Prince of Venus!!" Jake mentally stopped himself from praising the other which may lead him to get a death glare from his wife. He heard a lot of tales about Kongpob from his Wife... Yes, it's true. His WIFE. She's a true fan of Kongpob' s nature. He's still puzzled why Alizeh is behaving like that but still respecting her, he didn't stop the other and decided to confront her later on.

"It's a pleasure meeting you as well, Sir" Kongpob bowed a little in front of Jake. The other just smiled and moved towards his son.


After emotional meet with Parents and Son, everyone settled on the dining table to have lunch. There's an awkward silence which can be sensed by the servants as well, but none said anything. Alizeh is the first one to finish her lunch and leave the table followed by others.

After lunch, Kongpob and Arthit are in balcony, looking at the beautiful garden when suddenly they teleported to a huge room. Its walls are painted with Off-white colour. Arthit is used to this teleporting but Kongpob was bit surprised by the sudden move and recovered soon. The huge room is exactly designed as the meeting rooms up there in heaven.

Kongpob closed his eyes and started finding out the details of the room. He can sense the powerful magic spell casted around the room, with which only those people can enter who has Alizeh' s permission.

Jake is sitting comfortably on couch and reading a newspaper but Alizeh is facing at the wall which had the painting of herself in the middle of sky. She is not in her human form, but he can easily figure out by looking carefully at the painting.

 She is not in her human form, but he can easily figure out by looking carefully at the painting

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"Mae, you know I don't like to be called like this" Arthit whined

"I had to Son. Should we discuss on the matter for which you're here?" Alizeh spoke and Kongpob saw how Jake folded the newspaper and placed it on coffee table, in front of him.

"But before that, I need few answers" Arthit asked in a stern voice

"Not happening Oon. If you forgot, let me remind you, only I can order in this house" Alizeh replied in a stern voice. Arthit has been controlling himself from getting angry from the moment he heard his mother's cold tone towards his Kongpob. But now, after this reply, he closed his eyes and soon everyone got suffocated by the dark aura surrounding them except Kongpob.

"OON, Stop. You're hurting your father also" Alizeh shouted by gathering all her energy. Even though she's powerful among others as she's key element of nature but not before Arthit. She's aware of her son's powers but this is the first time she's witnessing it. She can endure all the pain, but she can't see her loving husband in pain.

"You were hurting My Kong then!!" Arthit replied with the same tone taking her by shock. This is first time for Arthit also becoming this angry and he himself is not sure how to calm himself.

A/N: Thanks for reading!!

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