Chapter 17

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"I apologize for my doings and ready to take punishment, Goddess but you have to agree that I have complete right to know about the soulmate of Prince of Venus" Lucifer with a sly smile replied.

He summoned Goddess of moon only after making sure that he's not offending anyone by asking for the details of Prince's partner.

"Lucifer, you've right to know about the soulmate of Prince of Venus..." Lucifer smirked and is paying more attention towards Luna curiously when she continued "But you'll get to know only when Prince of Venus himself introduces his soulmate to the world. And trying to dig into the information of Prince's private issues and also trying to harm people around Prince is a grave mistake. Wait for the invite from King of Venus" With that Luna disappeared.

No one can mess with my child Kongpob. I have to speak with King of Venus to delay the invite so that Lucifer will get punished by Kongpob himself. King of hell, get ready for new King

Luna thought and arrived at Somsak lake in Venus land. Its one of her favorite places. She also passed the orders to Singto regarding Lucifer.

On the other hand, Lucifer is terrified after listening to Luna. He always made sure not to cross Kongpob in anyway but he missed with the fact that Goddess of Moon, herself is keeping a watch on every action around Kongpob. He's favorite of everyone. If Kongpob is not a threat to Lucifer's powers, he also would have admired him. Kongpob never took the power as granted and worked hard to deserve the throne. He earned the powers and learned everything on his own.


Its a D-Day, Date chosen by Arthit himself. Day when he'll reveal all his secrets to Kongpob. When Arthit informed this to his friends, everyone accepted his decision and encouraged him. Prem also alerted his men to get ready to abduct Kongpob if everything doesn't go according to plan, of course other friends don't have to know about it.👿

Arthit prepared dinner for both of them and is waiting for Kongpob who went to meet his parents. 

He's practicing mentally how he's going to convey when he was interrupted by the knock on the door. He ran over to the door to open it and is welcomed by Kongpob's hug.

"How was your day?" Arthit asked still hugging the other after closing the door.

"Good. Mae send this for you" Kongpob showed the box full of desserts to Arthit. Arthit just placed it on kitchen counter and directed towards the bed.

"Kong, I have to say something to you.. very important" Arthit said with a serious face. Kongpob nodded asking him to continue

"My name is Arthit Rojnapath" Arthit said it out making sure to stress his name before closing his eyes.

"Nice name.. I like it😃" Kongpob replied with a smile. Arthit is puzzled as this is not the reaction he expected. 

"Kong, I guess you haven't noticed. My surname is ROJNAPATH" Arthit said it again. Kongpob thought for a while trying to understand what the other is repeating his name 🤔

"Ah.. Nice Surname" Kongpob replied just like before. Arthit understood Kongpob is not understanding the main point so he said it directly.

"Kong, haven't you heard of 'Rojnapaths'?" Kongpob shook his head, pouting. The same expression every time he gets to hear something which he doesn't know.

"Jake Rojnapath is the richest person in the entire world. The annual turn over of Rojnapath group is 200 million dollars."

"He's doing good for himself😊" Kongpob replied smilingly. Arthit usually loves Kongpob's innocent nature and cute smile but now... he's frustrated😫. He was nervous before about how Kongpob will react after knowing about him but now.. before expecting that he has to explain the main issue.😰

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