Chapter 18

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Kongpob saw Arthit zoned out and is holding his hand too tight as if he's afraid that Kongpob will run away. Kongpob kissed Arthit's cheek and hugged him, making Arthit coming out of the trance. 

"If you don't want to say it, That's fine!!" Arthit shook his head in disagreement and replied

"You have to know. The truth is... I.. I am son of an Angel" Arthit said hesitantly

"Wh.. What?" Kongpob is still not sure what he just heard

"You heard me first time.. My Mother is an Angel. I know its difficult to believe all these things but its the fact. There're so many things which are far away from Science and human mind. I-" Arthit stopped when he heard Kongpob's chuckles. 

"Kong!! I am serious." Arthit said in a stern voice. Kongpob stopped himself from smiling. Its not that he don't believe Arthit, its just that he didn't expected it coming. And when Arthit tried to convince about existence of Angels, he couldn't stop himself from laughing.

"I am listening"

"My mother is guardian Angel for my father after he lost his parents because of some office politics for position and power. She helped my father punish the people who are behind his parents death but always stayed hidden. He is aware that some one out there is helping but he don't know exactly who that person is. Once my father is able to protect himself from vultures around, she was assigned to another task. Gradually, staying away from my father, she realized that the feelings towards my father is not just pity but love. Soon, she turned herself into human, giving up her true self of being an angel and came to my father. She made him fall in love with her and happily ever after" Arthit completed his story.

After listening to the story, he feels something is missing and Arthit himself is not aware of that fact. Because as far as he knows, Its not easy to turn from Angel to human. They have to pay price. Sure, after Singto became king, he changed the existing rules. He didn't wanted to force Angels and whosoever wants to turn themselves in to human/Devil, They allowed him to without bearing any punishments. But they have to pay price so that, to be more clear on the decision they made.

"Your mother is an Angel?" Kongpob trying to pull everything together, started asking questions rather confirming few things. Arthit nodded in reply

"Does she still have any powers or anything special? You are getting what i am trying to imply?"

"Yes.. her natural power is speed. I mean her speed is incomparable with any human. So, she still has that speed with her but other than that, she said doesn't have anything like wings, or any wand which she had once when she was an Angel. She didn't have any magical powers. Phew!!" Arthit clarified. Kongpob can sense Arthit is fascinated by Magic

"You have any impact on being Angel's son?"

"No Kong!! I have no powers."

"Any siblings?"

"Nope" Kongpob is sure there's a missing piece. Usually Angel's powers irrespective of any situation, will be passed on to their kids. Then why Arthit is a mere human?

Kongpob held Arthit's hand to read his mind but found none. 

There's something which Arthit himself doesn't know.. what exactly is that? Who protected Arthit from Lucifer's devils? What is the sacrifice Arthit's mother did to turn herself from Angel? P'Singto must have some Idea

He immediately tried to call Singto but the latter just didn't responded. 

On the other end, Arthit observed Kongpob's every action and is skeptical of the other's reaction. He seems to be in deep thoughts.

"Kong!!" Kongpob came out of trance to see Arthit's awkward smile. Trying to cheer up his lover, Kongpob decided to tell his secrets as well. More than any day, he's sure Arthit will understand and believe his situation now. When he saw Arthit's marking specific day as special, he decided to reveal his true Identity on the same day.

"Oon, you want to see magic?" Kongpob asked hesitantly. Arthit is surprised by the sudden question but nonetheless nodded.

"You can do magic?" Arthit questioned

"I think I forgot how to do magic!! Let me think" Arthit relaxed and scolded himself internally that he thought Kongpob can do magic. 

He must be teasing me!!!

"Like this?" Kongpob just swayed his hand gracefully and Arthit's favorite Belgium Chocolate truffles started raining on Arthit's lap. He was taken back first but soon started smiling and laughing seeing chocolates falling. He looked up to see from where it is falling but there's none and raining is not stopping at all.

"Like this?" Kongpob snapped his fingers making a sharp sound and Chocolate rain stopped immediately. Arthit pouted as rain stopped. 

Kongpob chuckled at Arthit's behavior who's busy collecting the chocolates and filling the container which is placed on the bed table. He unwrapped a chocolate, feeding Kongpob and ate one.

"What all magic you can do?" Arthit asked curiously. 

"Before that, I have to say something important!" After seeing Arthit nodded in reply, Kongpob continued

"I'm Prince of Venus"

"Show your true self!!" Arthit said sternly

"You won't be able to see even if I try to. Only Angels can see me"

"Show your true self Kong!!" Arthit repeated with the same stern voice

Kongpob just nodded and closed his eyes to show what he hid from last few months.

Kongpob just nodded and closed his eyes to show what he hid from last few months

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Arthit eyes widened by what he just saw. Transformation started from a sliver glittered line swirled around Kongpob and slowly, his wings popped open. His wings are not like any other Angels, its of pure Gold in color which is spreading its shine on Kongpob's face. Kongpob's beauty increased 10 folds when a neon Orbit started rotating on Kongpob's head, as if symbolizing his power and Authority. 

A/N: What do you think Arthit's mother sacrificed for the sake of her love?

How can Arthit see the true self of Kongpob? Will he be able to accept Kong as he thought he'll be? 

Thanks for reading!! and stay tuned for further updates.. Only few chapters left

Hope it is meeting your expectations and you're enjoying it 😊

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