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A/N: I realized few people have doubts about the story so far. So, I thought of explaining it more clearly rather than in a story back drop. Before going to that, please accept my apologies for not being able to explain it in story.

If you're clear about the background, you can skip this chapter.

After every 500 years, destiny will decide who will be next King of Venus. Usually destined King will stay with their family till he comes to the age of 18, and then they come back to Venus to train themselves with all the education and qualification required to be King.

They have to undergo rigorous training and all the elders from Heaven, hell, Venus and other worlds approval is required to take up the throne.

Same thing happened to Kongpob, who was destined to be a King even before he's born. But when Lucifer found out that the next King will be more powerful and has a longer life than usual as King, he feared that it may effect his Evil world. So, he planned to eliminate him.

After knowing the plans of Lucifer, Goddess of Moon, Luna arrived to the parents of Kongpob and explained the situation. They agreed to give their son with a condition that they should be allowed to visit their son anytime they wish.

After the birth of Kongpob, Luna bought Kongpob to Venus Land as it will be safer than Earth and asked Singto and Krist to take care of Kongpob. They both treated Kongpob as their son and Singto taught all the skills he possess to Kongpob whereas Krist, being a King of Heaven, also taught him the ways and magic spells which only Krist knows.

Kongpob became the powerful person who have immense powers with the mixture of Venus and Heaven. 

Knowing about the capability of Kongpob's skills, he doesn't have to go through testing process like usual but he had to experience the feelings which will help him to understand who is more needful for help.

So, Once Kongpob reached 20, Goddess of Moon ordered Kongpob to find his true love in the span of six months. If failed to do so, he can never be a King anymore and have to spend his 200 years in exile before coming back to Venus and become a mere angel rather than a King.

On the last day of given timespan, which is also a full moon day, Their love will be tested by shedding his blood on Lotus Flower in Somsak Lake(which is a holy place for Venus World) and ask permission to approve their love.

They also have to get blessings from Goddess of Moon, Luna and Present King, Singto for their Love life.

A/N: Please do let me know if you have any doubts regarding the story

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