Chapter 7

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Tew and Kongpob rushed to Suthiluck Mansion and summoned Aim, their physician who can ease the pain of Venus Prince. Looking at her Son's pain, Kannika sat next to Kongpob and started rubbing his back, mumbling him to provide comfort. It does worked for some extent but its not completely gone. 

Aim soon arrived and bowed facing Kongpob to greet his prince. Once he's done with check-up, he asked few questions and Tew answered on Kongpob's behalf.

After he's done, he spoke addressing Kongpob

"Your Honor, Its a minor pain. This is the first time you're feeling, so you're finding it difficult. I have already done the treatment. You'll be fine in couple of minutes"

"But why did it happen?" Kannika enquired so that she can prevent it next time

"Khun Mae, Its because his soul mate was hurt and this is the first time they faced each other. So, this happened. Until they both confess to each other, this is continue to happen so that both of them know if the other is hurt. Later on, he'll be telepathically connect with him which will be helpful to provide protection. This is very common"

"What are the pills you used to ease the pain? show it to me so that next time I can nurse him"

"What are pills?" Aim questioned back to Kannika. He never heard about this word

"Aim, she's asking for the treatment you have done to ease Kongpob's pain" Tew clarified what Kannika was asking 

"Ah!! I just treated his soul mate which reduced his pain as well. Its a minor cut, so it will not be a problem" With that Aim left the place.


**At Friends Factory Café

Arthit is cleaning the utensils when accidentally the band-aid came off which he treated for his cut. He is surprised that the cut is completely healed, not even traces of any scar.


"Hmm?" Bright replied still continued to mix the crepe's batter.

"Remember this band-aid, it already healed my cut. Next time will buy this brand only. There's no scar left" Arthit said smilingly.

Has Arthit gone mad? no band-aid in earth can heal a cut so early. My Friend has gone mad Bright thought but choose not to say anything and continued to work on his batter.


**Back to Suthiluck Mansion

"So? How was it?" Rome came directly to Kongpob's room to check on his brother's love life status. Kongpob started explaining proudly how nicely Latte art was made and gasped at his realization

"I forgot about bringing back that Latte to home!!" Kongpob said, upset with himself 

"You cannot bring that Home P'Kongpob"


"You have to drink it there only"

"Is that for drinking? But it will be spoiled" Kongpob said with a pout. Rome couldn't stop himself from pinching his brother's cheek.

"It is made to drink P'Kongpob. Tomorrow you'll go, you have to drink it and don't hurry up and drink slowly so that you can see at P'Arthit for more time" Rome advised his elder brother. Kongpob nodded thinking about how intelligent his younger brother is

"You'll come with me tomorrow?"

"No P'Kongpob!! I have classes. I will be free only on weekends. But i can call P'Arthit and tell about you. Then he'll directly come to you and talk"

"No.. I want to introduce myself to him. If I fail to, then I will let you do it"

Rome raised his hand with a thumbs up. Kongpob thought he's showing something and started to inspect for any wounds in his younger's hand. Rome chuckled at his brother's behavior and said that it is a gesture to indicate satisfaction or approval.

They continued to talk, or most precisely Rome explaining all the things about human nature.


Next day morning, Kongpob again reached to Arthit's Café along with Tew. This time, Arthit is already at cash counter taking orders from Customers and preparing bills. Instead of waiting for waiter, he beelined to the counter and smiled at Arthit.

"Hello!! Welcome to Friend's factory. What would you like to have?" Arthit asked without tearing gaze from monitor.

"Same order from yesterday" Kongpob replied confidently which he rehearsed last night. Thanks to Rome, he taught common replies which can help him converse easily

Arthit looked up to see the same Handsome guy from yesterday and smiled back. 

"You came back?"

"Yes. Unfortunately I couldn't finish yesterday's drink, so I would like to taste it today" Kongpob replied.

"Copy Mr. ?" Arthit usually doesn't care about customer's name but he wants to know about his Handsome Man. Kongpob is trying to understand the question, the other asked, when Tew whispered

"He's asking your name" 

"I'm Kongpob. Prince of -" Tew nudged him from stopping what he's about to tell. Thanking the other for helping he again faced Arthit. Arthit on the other hand is not liking the way they're interacting. He so desperately wants to know their relationship but is stopping himself from doing anything crazy

"Prince of?" Arthit questioned back

"Prince of.. Love" Kongpob replied nervously

Arthit, who is confused with Answer asked help from Knott who is silently observing the conversation between them and also simultaneously working on audit reports of Café.

"Knott!! You know any kingdom called 'Love'?" 

"There's no kingdom in world which is named as 'Love'" Knott replied casually looking at Kongpob. He has to agree, the person who caught his friend's attention is charming and has a different type of aura. Innocent yet dangerous.

Kongpob is trying hard for the ways to cover up his slip of tongue when he remembered Singto's way of talking with Krist. He mentally thanked Singto for his cheesiness and looked directly in Arthit's eyes before replying

"It's not there yet!! But in few days, it will be created" 

"where?" Arthit and Knott asked at a time whereas Tew is also curios to know what his friend cum Prince of Venus is going to say

"Here" Kongpob pointed towards Arthit's heart. Tew facepalmed for his dumb answer whereas Knott and Arthit have no idea how to react. Seeing no response from Arthit, he side-eyed Tew, who is giving expressions that he's screwed. 

Rome told me to create a good impression... what he said?? ah!! first impression is best impression. Now I had to take help from Rome to befriend

Arthit chuckled followed by Knott and it became infectious when Kongpob and Tew also started laughing.

"Sorry for that" Kongpob said with his puppy eyes and soon Knott and Arthit melted seeing his expression

"No.. It was actually.. good" Arthit told him to comfort him

"Really?" Kongpob asked with proud look that he's becoming better at human language.

Arthit and Knott nodded at him smiling 

A/N: Thanks for reading!!

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