Chapter 25

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Kongpob who's beside Arthit, froze. There're so many things happened in one day, which is making it difficult for him to digest.

Not in his wildest of dreams, he thought that Arthit' s mother to be goddess... that too Alizeh, the great. She's known for her wild adventures. As per what Kongpob heard, Alizeh has many characters. Loving, kind, helpful, teacher, Evil, Rebel and most specifically, her excitement to break rules. In her lifetime of 748 years, he never followed a single rule... not even once.

He's just thinking how to break the ice, which was already formed between Alizeh and Kongpob, he got another shock. Arthit, in his dark aura. He was 200% sure that Arthit is just a human but how the hell, he's emitting anger, even devils can't do that in front of him. Here, Arthit is doing it in the presence of goddess

He's looking around the room when his eyes fell on Arthit' s father. It's more difficult for him to bear all these, because of him being a human. He also saw how Arthit' s mother is also feeling suffocated but to another surprise, he's not effected at all. Nothing!

He immediately held Arthit' s hand to stop him which worked slowly

"Oon, you're not only hurting your parents but to yourself as well. Look at this" Kongpob showed Arthit's hand which also changed its colour to red while burning slowly "I don't care what happens to me-"

"I care. Oon, calm down... for me" Kongpob soothing voice worked its magic and black clouds started to disappear slowly. Kongpob directed Arthit to sit on the nearby chair and flew towards Arthit's father who's getting back his breath. He placed his own hand on Jake's heart to heal him, and he came back to normal.

"You don't have right to disrespect my Kong." Arthit shouted looking at his mother

Alizeh, who just recovered toned down her voice and replied in a low but stern voice "Arthit, you don't know who I am. I am more powerful than your Kong"

"I. Don't. Care. Even you're god, I don't care. For me, his respect is most important, just like how my father's respect is important for you" Arthit replied back resulting in Kongpob and Jake's surprise. Kongpob can see the honesty and sincerity in Arthit's words. Before this argument result in war of words, Kongpob approached Arthit and linked his mind.

K: Oon, she's your mother. You can't talk to her like that

A: She can talk to you in cold voice?

K: But she's elder and on top of it, she's not an angel just like you told. She's goddess of Wind, more powerful and authoritive than me

A: But that doesn't mean she can talk to you like that

K: Give her some time Oon, she's meeting her Only Son's lover for the first time. Think from her perspective. Please stay calm... for your Kong

A: Fine!! But if she don't change her tone, I am going to wreck this place.

K: Ok...

Kongpob held Arthit's hand to cure the burn which was caused because of his own anger.

"I'm apologizing for Arthit's behavior. He won't repeat it" Kongpob spoke, facing Arthit' s parents.

"Who are you to apologize for my Son's behalf"

"My lover" Before Kongpob can speak, Arthit spoke in stern voice.

"Why can't we talk normally, without using anger and powers. We're here as parents" Jake had enough of his Wife's nature. Even though he's not sure why she's behaving like that, but he can't let his only son, think anything wrong about his own parents.

"Fine. I won't accept this relationship" Alizeh declared

"Why?" Arthit questioned her

"Because there's risk involved." Alizeh said hesitantly

"I didn't get your point, Goddess"

"You have any idea what will happen if he's not your soulmate?"

"He'll forget all his memories regarding me, and I have to take punishment" Kongpob said instantly making Arthit shocked. Sensing Arthit's tensed posture, Kongpob held his hand in assurance without breaking any eye contact with Alizeh.

"He won't be able to accept anyone else in his life. Even though he may not remember you, but his heart will always remain yours. And you have to witness his sufferings. That is the reason why I never liked this soulmate concept and fought with everyone to eradicate this."

"But I am sure, he's my soulmate!!" Kongpob declared

"How can you so sure? Other than Mother Amanda, no one else knows who your true soulmate is"

"There is!! And its me. My heart chose him. I agree, I felt a connection towards him the minute I saw him at park. But I fell in love with his inner beauty. I already declared to King of Venus and Goddess of Moon that If he's not my soulmate, I won't accept anyone else and will be happily dethrone myself"

"Honey, we don't know what future holds for our son. On the basis of Assumptions, we can't snatch our son's happiness. You liked Kongpob when he was not your son's lover. Then why now? I can see their love for each other, and I am sure, you can also see that. Arthit never showed his anger before no matter what the situation is, but your cold attitude towards Kongpob, made him angry that he didn't saw anything before starting destruction. For him, Kongpob's respect is more than anything in the world. If this is not love, then what is it? Let the destiny decide what is their future... just like how it decided for us. Ah... One thing I am very sure, neither my son nor Kongpob, will accept anything which results in each other's grief." Jake convinced his wife to which Alizeh nodded.

"You always feared about Arthit' s powers but you can see how Kongpob handled the situation. I don't know much about soulmate thing Alizeh, but Kongpob is the one for my Son, just like how you're the one for me" Jake whispered in a low tone so that Only his wife can hear but Kongpob heard it clearly.


Kongpob and Alizeh are in garden discussing about Arthit' s safety.

"You are aware of the fact that Lucifer's devils are approaching Arthit?" Alizeh questioned Kongpob.

"I got to know later, Goddess. I am ashamed that I didn't expected this to happen. But don't worry, I have given him my gear. That will protect him with Lucifer himself" Kongpob replied

"WHAT? How can you give your gear to him?" Alizeh screamed her lungs out, grabbing attention of Arthit and Jake's attention.

A/N: Thanks for reading!!!

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