Chapter 4

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Kongpob is sure that he has found his soulmate and Tew can sense it. Being a cupid for 300 years, he can recognize two people who are made for each other. Still, trying to confuse his best friend, he asked

"How can you be so sure that your soulmate is a guy. Just because present King, Khun Singto's soulmate is guy doesn't mean yours also has to be guy."

"You don't remember what my Angel said?"

"What?" Both Wad and Tew asked, curious to know what they missed. Kongpob reminded the words Luna said

Its up to your man to decide, how he wants to continue. If his request is valid, we'll allow him and also give him powers to do so.

Tew and Wad both looked at each other with a same thought 'Our future king is sure a genius'

Clearing his throat, Tew continued "Ok.. I agree!! It'll be a guy but don't you think you're over-confident about it. I mean this is the first time you're attracted towards someone. It might be a mere attraction. "

Kongpob glared at Tew as reply and the other just hung his head low. 'damn.. he always uses his powers to shut me up'

On the other hand, Kongpob didn't want to listen any of Tew's blabbering's and continue to think about his soul mate. Long before, he asked his P'Krist about how it feels when he first saw Singto. And surprisingly the pain in his heart is very much similar to what Krist explained.

He also said that the experience of pain will only occur when your soulmate is from different world. Even after being born to human, he's an angel who belongs to Venus land.

'Even if cutie in park is not my true love, I will definitely try to know more about him. If his inner beauty is making my heart beat faster, I will take the risk. No matter what destiny chose for me, if my true love's inner beauty will not make him the most beautiful person, I will not accept him.'


Three reached to Suthiluck Mansion and was stopped by Security guard asking for appointment and other formalities. Kongpob was about to summon his Mother when a sweet voice stopped him

"P'Kongpob!!" A young, petite guy came running towards them with a cute smile on his face and hugged Kongpob without any warning.

"P'Kongpob!!" A young, petite guy came running towards them with a cute smile on his face and hugged Kongpob without any warning

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Kongpob is still not sure who this guy is but he hugged back the kid by wrapping his arms around protectively. Wad and Tew are still not clear about the situation but Wad kept looking at the boy suspiciously, ready to attack if anything happens. 

They broke the hug and bowed a little facing Kongpob and other men, greeted himself "My name is Rome Suthiluck, I am -"

"my Younger brother" Kongpob completed Rome's sentence and ruffled his hair lovingly. At age 3, his parents visited him with a small boy in their hands. Kongpob is more matured than age and also his mental age is three times more than any normal human kid. So, he advised his parents to stop visiting him and spend their entire time taking care of his younger brother. It sure hurt them but Kongpob told them it might be complicated for his brother to have a elder sibling like him and he just want his brother to have a normal life. 

Kongpob asked his parents to name him Rome which means Strength and power. 

Rome is elated to know that his brother remembers about him. His parents long before told him that he has an elder sibling and how he's in Venus land. After listening to entire story, he thought that because of his birth, his parents couldn't see their first son which was soon cleared when an Angel comes in his dreams to console him and asked to wait for his elder brother.

Rome first thought it was just a dream but the guilt in his heart lessened. But after few days, an angel started visiting them every six months with paintings of his elder brother and also the bravery stories when he fights with demons, it made him believe it. He never thought his dream will come true and indeed his brother will visit him.

He was about to take them inside house when he heard security guard speaking. Everyone turned towards the security guard when he hung his head low and apologized.

"Please accept my apologies young master and Sir. I was unaware of your identity"

"That's ok Uncle Park. You were doing your duty. And I am glad that you haven't disrespected him just because he doesn't have appointment"

Wad, Tew and Kongpob were surprised by the maturity 17 year old kid has. They followed Rome who is hopping excitedly through out the way to main house, holding his P'Kongpob's hand. Kongpob couldn't stop himself from smiling, looking at his adorable brother. 

"Mae" Rome started shouting loudly with excitement. Listening to her son shouting, Kannika Suthiluck rushed outside and froze the moment she saw the person his son is holding on to.

Tew and Wad immediately greeted her to which she nodded in acknowledgement and turned back her focus to her sons. Anyone who has known Kongpob can clearly say that he got his smile and eyes from his mother. She is at mid 40's but definitely she looks much younger than her real age. She's a beautiful lady with burgundy silky hair falling on her shoulders. Her height is perfect with the features and figure, neither too tall nor small.  

Her eyes glistened with tears threatening to fall seeing her first born whom she met after 17 years. With slow steps, she approached her two sons. Before she can touch Kongpob's shoulder, Kongpob bent down on his right Knee, keeping his right hand on his heart, he greeted his mother

"Khun Mae, I am Kongpob, your first Son. I couldn't visit you before time because of my responsibilities I am bound to. Please accept my apologies" Kannika couldn't stop herself from crying. She just prayed no mother should get this situation where her son has to introduce himself. supposedly, mother has to introduce her son to the world not the otherwise.

She bent on her knees and hugged her son, close to her heart and cried her heart out. She always suppressed her tears afraid to stress her younger son and husband. Now seeing her first born, asking forgiveness for what he never did, she forgot about everything and just hugged her son. 

Not known what to do, Kongpob just hugged his mother back. This is what Singto taught him, to hug back if someone family hugs him. He is the one who taught him that hugging means expressing emotion which can be happiness, sorrow or love.

Humans hug their loved ones when they're overwhelmed by emotions or just to greet the closed ones.

A/n: Thanks for reading 

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