Chapter 15

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"We reached Khun Arthit's café but.." Jay spoke up as the Namtarn is not in a position to speak. She's still shocked about what they just witnessed


"We couldn't reach him as someone is already protecting him. And that someone is much more powerful than Prince of Venus" This news got shivers of fear in Lucifer. He still remember the first glance of 'Innocent' Kongpob. He knew this stunt will only let him be in the bad books of Kongpob but he's ready to take a chance. He gave up all his evil plans after their first meeting but when he heard that there's a chance after Goddess of Moon's orders, he again started his plans.

"Don't give me stupid reasons if you are fearing about Prince. He's just a mere human so there's no way someone powerful is protecting him" Lucifer is trembling inside but his devils don't have to know about it. He still has show the façade of fearless Lucifer, The great King of Hell.

"I'm sorry to say but Khun Arthit is not just a mere human. There's much more than what we know" This time Lucifer didn't missed at how Jay is referring to Arthit with utmost respect.

"Tell me what exactly happened"


Jay and Namtarn reached to Friend's factory and sat at a vacant place, trying to observe everything. They came today as Kongpob will not be coming to meet Arthit as he's gone for a family day out.

Their plan is to befriend with Arthit or anyone of the gang and create differences between Arthit and Kongpob. With their powers, it will not be much difficult. They may not be able to touch Prince of Venus but they can still influence the surroundings and make it against Kongpob. Simple.

Arthit, being a Human won't be able to figure out anything because as per 'their' theory, their love is just new so there'll be trust issues and their bonding will not be strong enough that devils can't break.

They also have Plan B which is to befriend Bright who is an easy target.

Bright and Arthit are at cafe's parking lot as usual bickering about different species of water melon when Bright sensed something. He stopped on his tracks alerting Arthit "What happened?"

When the other didn't responded and still zoned out, Arthit approached the other and gently patted on his shoulder "Are you feeling any pain?" Bright seeing Arthit's worried look, smiles weakly and assures that he's fine.

Arthit still worried about his friend, wraps his hand over Bright's shoulder to support if something goes out of his hand. This is not something new. There're times when out of nowhere Bright feels immense pain in his heart which has no medicine. They all tried to take the other to hospital but Bright quotes that 'There're so many pains which need to be felt. That is the only cure'. Even though no one understood what exactly he meant, They never forced him and always stays with him till the other came back to normal.

Prem enquired with the top Cardiologist based on the symptoms Bright faces, but of no use. They asked to see the patient as it is difficult for them to understand the condition. And Bright won't like to do things which he didn't want to. So, Prem kept quiet. There're so many things Prem couldn't find or do anything for his friends even after being the heir of Chanagun group. He feels helpless at those times.

Bright on the other hand, who's being supported by his friend is not in pain but he's feeling a sudden urge to fight. Unconsciously, he's getting ready to fight. His defenses and guards are on point and his uneasiness is getting increased the more he's approaching their Café.

"Let's go from staff entrance" Bright speaks up to Arthit to which the other nodded. The moment they stepped inside the cafe, Namtarn and Jay were thrown out of the earth by a force which was too sudden for themselves. They took sometime to understand what actually happened and why they're in a place covered with darkness. Being the creatures of darkness, it didn't effected them but a cold voice did feared them as if they are seeing the death in the brink of eye. They were not being tortured or beaten up. But there's something which they're fearing. By the touch of the surface, its bit rocky.

"Don't come near Arthit if you want safety of your Kind and Lucifer himself. Consider this as warning and I don't give another chance. If your King is curious about my capability, then tell him 'I CAN DESTROY HIM WITHOUT EVEN SWEATING'"

After the warning, lights hit their eyes strongly and they're again thrown to the end of earth where all the evil creatures like Zombies, Vampires and Witches reside. Their body is aching like hell as if they were part of war. The fear of death without being able to fight started creeping to their minds. Being devils, the endurance to bear the pain is really high but this time, its getting unbearable.

With the help of stone Lucifer provided, for the safety of themselves if something goes wrong, they came back to the entrance of hell, their home.

Flashback ends

Lucifer who's listening to all this is not able to understand who's behind all this but one thing is for sure. That someone is not joking and definitely NOT exaggerating their powers. It is clear. He instructed Jay and Namtarn to stop all the plans and dismissed them.

I have to find more about this before I can proceed or else I am going to lose two more of my men. Lucifer thought and departed to the place where he can find answers.


Kongpob and Arthit are on their bed, cuddling each other when Arthit is telling few stories of their friends and their events of the whole day. Its one of their favorite things.

"You know what happened? One day Bright came with a order of 42 Coffee at a time."


"Yes.. Even I was shocked. I peeked out of the kitchen but didn't saw any crowd. Then he pointed out to the table who ordered. Just to confirm, I went back to their table and repeated the same order. They said correct. I don't know what happened to me but I asked about remaining 38 people."


"They were confused. I asked then who's going to drink 42 coffee"

"What happened then?"

"Then they understood our dilemma and clarified that they asked for 4 Tea, 2 Coffee" Arthit said it with a sigh

"Seriously? But You can't blame this to Bright. It was a genuine confusion" Kongpob replied. Arthit always tells the stories of their friendship tale every time he gets a chance and Kongpob actually enjoys it.

"You know what happened today? We're bickering when suddenly Bright felt uneasy again" Kongpob got curious about this specific event because as far as he knows Bright is bubbly in nature and him feeling uneasy is definitely something new

"It usually happens to him. He feels sudden pain in his heart as if someone is stabbing him continuously. This goes for around 3 days" Arthit cut shorts the story to which Kongpob nodded knowingly. He knows exactly why Bright is having this. He had doubt regarding Bright's before but never confirmed it because of respecting his privacy. He took a note of it mentally to speak about this with May.

"You should be with him then!! Why did you come back to me. I will be fine alone" Kongpob got to know how much Arthit loves his gang. Its like a family to him. Even though they fight, bicker and have disagreements in between but they were always together.

"He didn't felt pain today. He just felt uneasy is what he said. After we entered café, he took 15 minutes break and he was back to normal." Kongpob felt bit weird about this situation and thought of seeing it more clearly. He held Arthit's hand and asked him to close eyes. Like an obedient lover, Arthit did without further questioning. Kongpob looked through his lover's thoughts and got to know about actual reason behind Bright's behavior.

"What happened?" Arthit opened his eyes and asked Kongpob when he felt the other removed his hands. He saw Kongpob's eyes are red with anger, thinking about something.

"Kong?" If someone else is in Arthit's place, they would be scared with Kongpob's behavior but not Arthit. He held Kongpob's cheeks and forced him to look into his own eyes. Kongpob's anger dissolved and opened his fist which was closed few seconds before

A/N: I have read this 42 Coffee joke somewhere and thought of adding it here 😄

Please do let me know how the story is going on? I was actually planning to keep this story short but.. it's just not happening!!

Any idea about Bright?

Thanks for reading and Hope you are enjoying it😊

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