Chapter 20

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Kongpob chuckled at Arthit' s response and went towards kitchen to fetch some pink milk for his lover. This pink milk is hell of sweet and is favourite drink for Arthit. Only this specific drink can make him feel better when the other is exhausted or tired.

He handed over the chilled Pink milk to Arthit and sat beside him, in 'Listen mode'. Every time Arthit is exhausted, he blabbers a lot... No... Kongpob is not talking about being talkative. It's more than just talkative but Kongpob being a best boyfriend, never complains and listens to every rant Arthit throws towards him and comforts him in his own way.

"So... Let's start with the information you need. I already told you about Knott, right? He's son of my father's secretary and my close friend from childhood. Prem is heir of Chanagun group which is very influential in Thailand. No one knew about Prem being a heir except we four till the university ends. He also planned to enjoy sometime before he takes over the business, but his father had some serious illness, so he was forced to look after the business. But he was part of our ventures, our hang outs... everything. Tutah is an Orphan. We are his family and everything. Bright... we don't know where he came or whether he has anyone or not!! we know nothing"

"What do you mean you know nothing... He's your friend, right?" Kongpob questioned

"Yes... but he never shared anything about his life. For us, he appeared suddenly, he was a transfer student. Even Prem tried to investigate about Bright's life but he found nothing. Ah!! Prem once said, he sends money to certain family every month under hidden Identity"

"I sometimes feel guilty about them, Kong. What will happen if Myself and Knott go back to our previous lives. Tutah and Bright will be all alone" Arthit said with a sad look in his eyes. Kongpob hugged him, rubbing his back and assures that everything will be fine

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Tutah will soon find his soul mate, who will become his family. Coming to Bright..." Kongpob looked over the scroll which is on study table and continues "I will definitely try to do something. The least I can do is... reduce his pain"

Arthit broke the hug immediately and with a hopeful look, looked at Kongpob "You can do that?"

"I am not sure, but I will definitely try"

"But I don't want you to use or violate the rules because of me"

"I am not doing it because of you. He's my friend also... Isn't it? He's soon going to be part of my family I guess" Kongpob said with a smug smile, hinting which lit up Arthit' s face


"Yes... All your friends will have their own family before you go back to your Mansion."


Everyone are at Café including Prem who got himself free for their friend's hangout. Once in a while, their café will be closed and it will be their hangout place where they can enjoy as much as they like, through. out. the. day.

Bells on Café door rang when Kongpob entered. Arthit was surprised because when Arthit told about his plans to Kongpob and asked to join, the latter rejected saying he has other plans and also told to enjoy with his friends.

"Oh... Kongpob!! you're here to meet Arthit?" Knott asked

"No Knott!! I am here to meet Bright" Everyone looked at Bright suspiciously whereas the other raised his hands to surrender.

"I haven't done anything" Bright replied with his trademark dialogue. Everyone shook their heads at their hopeless friend. Kongpob asked in a stern voice

"Bright!! Can I talk to you for some time... in private?" Bright agreed and both went to staff room. Everyone else looked at each other and decided to follow. Before they can enter, Kongpob closed the door and cast a magic spell on the room so that none of their words can go outside.

Everyone are shell shocked except Arthit as he expected that his boyfriend will get to know that he's being followed.

"It must be something important... Let them be!!" Arthit asked everyone to come back

"That's fine but I am not understanding two things. 1. How Kongpob got to know that he's being followed and 2. how come that staff room became soundproof?" Tutah raised doubt

"Don't think much and let's prepare lunch." Everyone nodded and went back to kitchen to work on their respective tasks

** Inside the room

Bright understood what exactly Kongpob did and is looking at the other nervously

"Who... who are you?"

"I'm Prince of Venus, Kongpob" Kongpob introduced himself and the next second, Bright is on his right knee, hands on his chest, greeting the future King.

"I apologize, I couldn't recognize you before"

"That's ok. I am here not as a Prince but your Friend. So, let's sit and talk" Both sat on the chairs but Bright is still nervous and is fidgeting on seat

"I know the reason why you were unable to recognize me and why you're receiving punishments" Kongpob started the conversation which resulted in Bright hung his head low in embarrassment.

"With all due respect, May I Know what all you know?"

"Everything. And I am here to discuss on that" Kongpob said in a monotone voice.

After about 1 hour, Kongpob and Arthit came out of the room. They saw how everyone are preparing table for lunch. Bright is bit silent than his normal self, but none choose to speak. Kongpob excused himself when everyone asked to stay for lunch, saying he has important thing to do


Kongpob reached Venus to meet Singto. They hugged each other before starting anything.

"So, how's everything going on?"

"You know it... then why bother to ask?" Kongpob replied casually. Singto smiled while nodding and asked the reason behind his visit

"I am here for Angel Bright. I want -"

"Before talking about that, let me ask you a question. You're here as his friend or as Prince?"

"As his friend"


"Very much"

"Let's continue then. What do you want to ask?" Singto encouraged the other to proceed.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! 

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