Chapter 16

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"Kong?" If someone else is in Arthit's place, they would be scared with Kongpob's behavior but not Arthit. He held Kongpob's cheeks and forced him to look into his own eyes. Kongpob's anger dissolved gradually and opened his fist which was closed few seconds before

 Kongpob's anger dissolved gradually and opened his fist which was closed few seconds before

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"Gear?" Arthit is bit confused as to why Kongpob is showing this. Wordlessly, Kongpob pulled Arthit's hand and is about to wrap this around Arthit's wrist when everything froze.

A blue rays covered across the room and Kongpob understood who's the one behind it. 

"Angel!" Kongpob greeted her with respect and is about to ask the reason behind her sudden appearance when she beat him

"Son!! I guess you forgot my warning. If this reaches to wrong person, your powers will be reduced to none"

"But he's the one. I'm sure" Kongpob replied defending himself.

"This will also include the situation if he rejects you. If he won't accept you the way you're then the situation will only worsen the case. You have to tell you who you're before giving your 'heart'. Luna explained

"I don't care. I am giving this because I'm sure he'll love me no matter what. You said, This gear has magical powers. So, I am giving this to him so that no one will harm him"

"But Son-"

"Angel, I was never sure than this before" Kongpob interrupted and clarified his situation. She knew Kongpob is stubborn so there's no use of explaining more to him. She left the room without saying much. And everything started back to normal

Kongpob continued to tie the bracelet to Arthit's wrist. "This will protect you"

"Why do I need protection?" Arthit asking with a pout on his face

"For my sake.. Please wear this and don't remove it in any case" Kongpob showed his puppy eyes which he very well know is Arthit's weakness. He uses this every time, he can't answer his questions because of obligations and the latter just nods in reply.😃


Kongpob occupied the reserved seat in Café and made himself occupied with reading a book whereas Arthit took over counter duty. Being a Tuesday and office hours, Café is less crowded and getting ready for busy lunch hours. 

Bright coming out from Kitchen, fed Arthit new dessert 'Nutella strawberry chocolate' asking for the feedback which is about to enter into the Menu. Unfortunately Kongpob saw it at the exact time and is not pleased with the scene he witnessed.

Bright sensing someone is looking at him continuously, looked over and saw Kongpob giving a death glare to him

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Bright sensing someone is looking at him continuously, looked over and saw Kongpob giving a death glare to him. Not knowing the reason behind Kongpob's anger, he slide towards Tutah who's busy at Coffee machine.

"Tutah" Bright asked for his friend's attention in a low voice. Tutah hummed in response still busy in screwing grounded coffee powder at the espresso machine. 

"Why is Kongpob looking at me with murderous look?"

"What have you done?"

"I am sure, I haven't done anything which might offend him" Bright replied nonchalantly 

"Are you sure?" Tutah is sure his Idiot friend had done something.

"I don't know"

"Why your reply changed from 'I haven't done' to 'I don't know'?" Tutah is in a mood to tease his friend after seeing Bright's horror look. Bright is always cautious to support Kongpob and also do things in his favor because of Kongpob being a elder brother to Rome. And Tutah is not leaving a chance to tease his friend. 

"Tutah!! If you help me this time, I will set up a blind date with my friend, Stanley on whom you have crush on"

"Ok.. Let's solve your problem" Tutah finally looked up to his friend, determined to solve his problem. Bright shook his head and his friend's behavior and pointed towards Kongpob with his chin. Tutah observed latter's facial expressions but is not able to figure out anything. 

"When did you realized him being angry with you?" Tutah questioned Bright

"Just now when I asked Arthit to taste new dessert!!" 

Tutah sighed at his friend's stupidity as he very well knew Arthit is Bright's only judge when it comes to dishes. If Arthit likes it, then it will be a hit and its a proven fact. And he is also aware that Bright usually feed Arthit which is very common.

"Just prepare your signature dish for Kongpob and place it in front of him with a note saying 'It is very common between our brothers and I have no ulterior motive behind it. will not repeat if you don't like it.' with a cute smiley. He finds it cute" Tutah explained what he has to do

"But what is common between our brothers?"

"You still didn't understood that he's jealous because you fed Arthit" Realization hit Bright and stormed to kitchen to prepare for dessert

After about 20 minutes, Bright came from kitchen with a dish in his hand. As suggested by Tutah, he served the dish to Kongpob and left without saying anything. He also placed a note under dessert fork which will definitely catch the other's attention.

Kongpob who's busy admiring the dish, didn't said anything to Bright and continued to peek through it.

Tutah saw Kongpob enjoying his dessert with a smile on his face and got confirmed that Bright is forgiven

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Tutah saw Kongpob enjoying his dessert with a smile on his face and got confirmed that Bright is forgiven. Kongpob is basically a small child who don't understand lot of things and gets fascinated with cute little things. About time, everyone accepted it and explains even a minute details if required.

**Tutah dreaming about having a perfect date tonight


Lucifer is waiting for Goddess of moon to appear to know more details about Prince's soulmate. It is very important to know more about Arthit after what they just experienced.

He prepared himself for getting reprimanded for his doings. Before he can think further, Luna appeared in front of him with her relaxing smile. He greeted her with respect before querying.

"Thanks for paying visit, Goddess" Lucifer thanked her for accepting her request

"Its my honor to get summoned by King of hell" Luna replied sarcastically. She's aware of the fact that good and bad, Light and dark should be there to balance the nature but she never appreciated the fact that Lucifer always tried to involve himself in other's nature in order to keep up his authority and increase his power. God has created darkness which will increase and make people understand the value of light. But it shouldn't lose its balance which might create an uninvited destruction.

"I apologize for my doings and ready to take punishment for that Goddess but you have to agree that I have complete right to know about the soulmate of Prince of Venus" Lucifer with a sly smile replied.

A/N: Thanks for reading!!

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