Chapter 13

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Arthit observed how an evil smile is decorated on Kongpob's face and also being zoned out. He didn't liked a bit as he's not getting enough attention from his lover. His ears turned red thinking about Kongpob being his lover. 

"Oon, Let's be lovers" Kongpob blurted out of the blue which took everyone by surprise. Not because he said it finally but because of the urgency his words hold.

The truth behind it is Krist told Kongpob that if he don't say his feelings loud, someone else may say it and Arthit will go away from him. This simple heads-up made Kongpob visualize the life without Arthit. And it made him realize how much important Arthit is for him.

"Yes..." Arthit replied instantly and smiled wide hearing the question

"Oon?" Rome never heard this name before, so he was bit confused

"Its Arthit's nick name. Only his closed ones know about this and Arthit told this to Kongpob indicates that Arthit thinks Kongpob as family." Knott explained. Rome nodded in reply and continued to watch the scene in front of him


Namtarn and Jay are at the opposite building watching everything. They actually planned to visit Arthit today and execute their plan but Kongpob's plan ruined everything.

They updated the same to Lucifer who is not quite happy about it.


Café soon filled with Joy and laughter. Knott declared holiday so that new Love birds can have their time together. 

Kongpob took Arthit to his parents and introduced him as Lover. Kannika and Suchirit are smitten by Arthit's beauty and hijacked him from Kongpob to spend time with him. Rome is busy with Bright as the latter wanted some help in shopping, so Kongpob is alone in his room pouting when Singto and Krist appeared.

Kongpob hugged Krist and is about to say the progress but the latter said he's been watching him all over. 

"I am also here to congratulate you but it seems no one is acknowledging my presence" Singto showed stink eyes to both of them to which they laughed.

"Now we finally meet, let's discuss about few things P'Singto" Kongpob said in a serious tone. Internally, he is thankful to Singto. He's aware of the fact that Singto tries his best in protecting him and sometimes takes decisions which may not be according to Kongpob's liking but he's 100% sure, they are in Kongpob's favor. All. The. Time.

After coming to Earth, he saw the actual difference in parenting. Krist and Singto never told him what to do and what not to do. They just taught what is Right and wrong, and left the decision to Kongpob which one to choose. And if by any chance, he took the wrong decision, they never stopped him and let him do. Krist and Singto believed in one thing, sometimes only experience teaches the things which others can't do. 

"See Kongpob, let me explain-" Kongpob hugged the other and thanked him for what he did for him. 

"Thank you P'Singto, P'Krist.. for everything." Listening to it, Krist and Singto smiled looking at each other

"Kong, you know who bought stability in our lives? It's you. After you came into our lives, I started to improve myself thinking one day I will be your Hero. I started looking at life from your perspective, to understand you better and let me tell you, it only made me a better person. 

WE CHOOSE to be your parents.. so don't thank us and please make some progress in your life so that we can meet Arthit soon" Singto expressed his feelings making everyone teary eyes. No one understood the relation between Singto, Krist and Kongpob. They sure are family but are unsure about their equation. Singto and Kongpob always bicker and fight like brothers and are extremely competitive but one thing is for sure, Its Krist who keeps both of them grounded. 


Its been a week and Kongpob is staying with Arthit in his apartment. Kongpob's parents suggested this idea so that they can spend maximum time with each other. Kongpob promised that he'll visit them every weekend to which they're more than happy. Kannika invited Arthit also to the family gathering to which the other agreed.

One thing Arthit expected to be questioned is about his background which none asked. Even while the interaction with Kongpob, he never asked who their parents are. But he always asked one thing 'Are you happy with what you have?' 

Suthilucks also didn't asked much about his parents, they were more curious to know about Arthit. He's still puzzled if he should be happy or sad about it. Because once the truth about his background comes out, it might take a wrong turn. He marked a date on the calendar

Kong, after 10 days, I will tell you about me.. everything. Let me just treasure you meanwhile.

"Anything special on that day?" Kongpob asked coming out of the bathroom, while drying his hair. 

"Hmm.. sort of!! surprise. I mean an unexpected event which will bring happiness" Arthit said smiling. By now, Arthit knows when Kongpob doesn't understand something just by his expressions, so he explains it in a more simpler way.

"Oon, can you lend me your laptop once? I need to learn something new"

"Here" Arthit handed over the laptop and sat beside him. Seeing Kongpob opening 'You Tube', he asked suspiciously

"What do you want to learn this time?"

"How to Kiss" Kongpob replied excitingly and Arthit choked by his own saliva resulting in a coughing fit.

A/N: Thanks for reading!!

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