Chapter 22

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Arthit and Kongpob both didn't sleep that night and stayed in complete silence. Next day morning, Kongpob started to act normal which was suspicious for Arthit. He stayed still and observed Kongpob' s every movement. This continued for 3 days but no one confronted.

Kongpob usually spends his day with his mother as there's very less time left so he wanted to spend his time with his family also.

Seeing Arthit' s grumpy nature, his friends are also getting worried and also asked him about the issue but Arthit just replied with 'Nothing'.

Knott, Tutah and Prem are worried for both their friends. After meeting with Kongpob, Bright took leave and its 3rd day, he's yet to show his presence. They are about to call Kongpob to know the exact reason when Bright greeted everyone followed by Rome.

"Where were you? We've been trying to reach you" Tutah asked in worried tone

"And how the hell do you always misleads guards? they failed to get hold of you in these six years" Prem also raised his voice

"Then why do you always ask them to follow me?" Bright asked with a smile

"I don't. They gets challenged and follow you. Their bad... they missed you this time also" Prem replied replicating the smile.

"How are you?" Arthit asked worried. Even though he knew everything, he didn't say anything to their remaining friends as this is not his secret to share.

"I'm fine" Bright replied calmly. Everyone else who's seeing their interaction got suspicious. Arthit and Bright are like Tom and Jerry. They fight almost all the time and Its also Arthit who's cares for Bright the most. So, every time Arthit talks to the other sweetly that means Bright is in trouble.

"WE ARE ALSO HERE" Tutah, Prem, Knott and Rome shouted at a time. Soon, Cafe's atmosphere is filled with laughter.

They closed the Café and started chit chatting as usual when Kongpob entered. Arthit' s face turned serious seeing Kongpob and vice versa. Kongpob sat beside Bright and spoke to him ignoring Arthit.

"You called me?"

"Yes... I took a decision and before going further, I wanted to inform you once" Bright said smilingly. Knowing they can't talk out, especially when surrounded with friends, Kongpob held Bright's hand so that he can read what is going on, on others mind. This action took surprise to others except Rome, Bright and Arthit.

Kongpob smiled when he understood that Bright is ready to stop the punishment and is going to spend his life as a Human, along with Rome by his side. Their parents are also fond of Bright because of his childish nature which will definitely compliment their younger's son, Rome.

"What's going on?" Prem asked suspiciously. Everyone looked at Prem asking to explain his question. Understanding, Prem elaborated his question

"Kongpob ignored Arthit and sat beside Bright. He also has the audacity to hold Bright's hand in front of everyone"

"I understand your query but don't doubt my love again. It's an insult to me. I ONLY LOVE ARTHIT" Kongpob replied in a stern voice and left the Café, leaving everyone puzzled. Knott is the first one to came out of trance and smacked Prem's head

"Ouch!!" Prem yelped in pain

"Why do you have to say that?"

"What should I do then? On that day, he came for Bright and both were talking something in PRIVATE. Today he completely ignored Arthit's existence and also held his hand. Not to miss, Arthit has been gloomy from that day" Prem defended himself

Arthit on the other hand is shell shocked with everything happening in front of him. He also didn't miss the disappointed look in Kongpob's eyes who wanted Arthit to take a stand for Kongpob.

Bright spoke up, referring more towards Arthit and Prem "If you're doubting Kongpob's love, that means that you're doubting the existence of Love."

Everyone were silent after listening to this.


Its night-time when Arthit reached home and the entire apartment is dark. He knew where exactly Kongpob will be. Balcony.

After Kongpob started living, Balcony design has changed completely

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After Kongpob started living, Balcony design has changed completely. Kongpob designed it according to his own taste and Arthit appreciated it. Every day its Kongpob' s routine at evening time. He lays down on bed in the balcony and gazes the sky, which Arthit later got to know that Kongpob is missing his 'home'.

He beelined towards balcony, determined to clear all misunderstandings but stopped on his tracks when he heard a foreign voice.

"Kong!! Listen to me. You can't take decisions in haste"

"P'Krist, are you worried about me being a king?"

"Definitely not. I am worried about your life. It's not as easy as you think. If you leave Arthit and come back, you will never be able to find a partner, you want to live alone all your life? Do you even have idea how many years you'll live?"

"I don't care"

"KONG!! Is this how I raised you? I always taught you to take decisions carefully because one wrong decision may ruin everything" Arthit can hear anger in the other's voice.

"What do you want me to do P'Krist? You want to me to beg in front of Arthit to love me? I don't want to continue this without Arthit' s parents' permission but he's ashamed to do that. And you know the cherry on top?" Kongpob chuckled sarcastically before continuing "Now... he's doubting my love? How can he and his friends think that I will cheat on Arthit?"

"Did he say that?"

"No... but he didn't defend when one of his friends accused me. Will that be not enough?"

"Kong!! There must be a reason behind it. Think from his perspective at least once before doing anything. you're in emotionally driven state now. This is not the right time to take any decision. Take your decision tomorrow evening"


"for my sake"

Arthit haven't seen who that other person is but Kongpob told him that Singto and Krist are like his parents and he respect them a lot. So, he's sure that Kongpob will rethink about his decision of leaving him. Arthit was so excited to inform Kongpob that they're going to meet his parent's tomorrow but now he's upset that Kongpob is planning to leave him.

A/N: I personally love Balconies. So, I just add that in most of my stories.😄 Thanks for reading!!

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